
Aug. 18, 2020

Strategies to reset in unusual times

Today I am back in your ears for our regular episodes. The summer has been a great time to give you short answers to the "Ask the Trainer" series, but I'm ready to start sharing more substantial episodes again. In today's ep…
Aug. 13, 2020

How can I nutrition/food prep for online school?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Find the recipes discussed at https://www.gracedhe…
Aug. 11, 2020

Do I really need to warm up?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
Aug. 6, 2020

Will caffeine help my workout?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
Aug. 4, 2020

It's hot and humid...help!

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
July 30, 2020

Is it worth it to workout if I only have 10 minutes?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Listen to the full episode on HIIT at https://www.…
July 28, 2020

Is it possible to build muscle and lose fat at the same time?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
July 23, 2020

How can I increase my metabolism without working out?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
July 21, 2020

Help! I'm so sore! What can I do?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
July 16, 2020

Is there a vitamin to enhance my performance?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
July 14, 2020

How long should my workout session be?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
July 9, 2020

Should I eat right after working out?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
July 7, 2020

What can I do to make my upper back and neck feel better?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Receive 5 of my favorite moves over 40: Visit http…
July 2, 2020

Do I need to eat or drink something while working out?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Have an Ask the Trainer question? email me: Amy.co…
June 30, 2020

How often should I work out?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Have an Ask the Trainer question? email me: Amy.co…
June 29, 2020

Can I get bigger muscles by eating protein?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Have an Ask the Trainer question? email me: Amy.co…
June 23, 2020

What's the correct way to hold a plank?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Have an Ask the Trainer question? email me: Amy.co…
June 18, 2020

Why do I have a headache if my urine is clear?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Have an Ask the Trainer question? email me: Amy.co…
June 16, 2020

Why do trainers have me sometimes hold a stretch and sometimes move through it?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Have an Ask the Trainer question? email me: Amy.co…
June 11, 2020

Can I drink seltzer water instead of regular water to hydrate?

Welcome to another episode of Ask the Trainer, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Have an Ask the Trainer question? email me: Amy.co…
June 9, 2020

What is mobility training?

Welcome to the first episode of our Ask the Trainer series, where I answer questions you may have about either your movement or your eating, or how they work together in about 5 minutes. Have an Ask the Trainer question? ema…
June 2, 2020

Unlocking the STRONG in everyone. A conversation with Donna Lankford of Special Strong

Every now and then I come across a business and am just blown away. Special Strong is one of those. ​If you haven’t heard of Special Strong, I cannot wait to introduce you to them today. I first learned of Special Strong on …
May 26, 2020

How to take care of yourself when you're the caregiver. A conversation with Elizabeth-Leigh Bradley

There is a good possibility that we will all become caregivers at some point in our lives. It may be for an aging parent, a spouse with a serious illness, or a child with special needs. If you’re not in this situation, chanc…
May 19, 2020

The mind-body connection: what your body is telling you about your emotions. A conversation with Briana Leach, LPC

Today's guest, Briana Leach, LPC, discusses the importance of preventative mental health (just like when we take our children for their well child checkups), normalizing the experience, and the importance of asking “but why?…