Feb. 22, 2022

Meals to give your picky eaters control

Meals to give your picky eaters control

I’ve had a lot of conversations with other moms who struggle with providing quality meals to picky eaters. Plus, let’s face it: as our kids get older, they want more control of everything. This is normal as they grow; my challenge is giving them the chance to have control while still offering foods that will make my teen athletes fuel and perform well.

After all, the precooked chicken flatbread sandwiches and taquitos in my freezer are well within their scope of making, but due to the salt content and high processed foods, it’s not something I want them grabbing on the daily. Plus, they are athletes and it's important to me they are well fueled so they can feel and perform their best.

Today offer you some of the meals I provide my family that fit this bill.

Listen in to hear my five meal suggestions to give your people control.​

Click here for a list of suggestions for Stuffed Sweet Potatoes. Thanks to One Lovely Life for such creative options!


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