Oct. 21, 2019

HIIT - how to do it, common misunderstandings, and why YOU can do it

HIIT - how to do it, common misunderstandings, and why YOU can do it

In today's episode we delve deeper into HIIT.

The biggest takeaway, however, is the importance of finding the right intensity level for YOU. Not for your friend. Not for what you think it should look like. Not for the girl next to you in bootcamp. High intensity may LOOK different for everyone, but it FEELS the same. Be confident in how you FEEL.

What is HIIT?

Dr. Len Kravitz defines HIIT as system of cardiovascular training that involves alternating between high- and light- intensity intervals of exercise of varying lengths of time. Intensity refers to the level of exercise exertion, or how hard you exercise.  And of course, as with all workouts, it includes a warm up and cool down period​.

We run through the benefits, a few misunderstandings, and a few cautions.

Need inspiration? Sign up here to receive THREE HIIT workouts to try on your own.

Just want to watch someone and not have to think about anything? Join me in this video where we knock out an entire workout in about 22 minutes. BAM!



Click here for the full episode show notes
Listen to Pete McCall's All About Fitness Podcast with Fabio Camona for a deeper dive into HIIT.

Here is a link to Dr. Kravitz's book, HIIT Your Limit, High-Intensity Interval Training for Fat Loss, Cardio, and Full Body Health. I highly recommend it!

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