Jan. 11, 2022

5 questions to ask yourself as you plan your fitness for the new year

5 questions to ask yourself as you plan your fitness for the new year

It's that time of year again. Last week while en route from my home in Houston to visit a friend in Phoenix, I reset my calendar. Truthfully, I do this 3 times a year:  at the beginning of the school year, at the beginning of Summer, and of course at the beginning of the calendar year. There's always a bit of excitement for me during this time. What do I want my days to look like? What do I want my workouts to look like? And of course, when can I pick up my groceries (bless you curbside pickup)?

Even as I plan my days, weeks, and months, I know not everything is going to play out like I hope it will. Before jumping headfirst into a new program or plan, consider some of these questions I ask myself. Consider doing the same for yourself. It will help keep you focused and allow for plenty of grace depending on how you're feeling.

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