March 2, 2021

Sometimes the Truth Hurts | PA20

Sometimes the Truth Hurts | PA20

Have you ever felt you were finally ready to share something profound with another person only to get shut down and belittled? This situation happened to me recently when I felt compelled to share "my story" with the world in episode 19 about how I overcame anxiety, depression, addiction, and ADHD. I talked about how my childhood made me super anxious and depressed and how I overcame everything. In this episode, I go into details about what it's like to feel strong enough to share your deepest shadow -self and how a loved one might not like it, but it's crucial to stand in your truth and let your light shine.

In Today’s Episode we’ll be Learning About:

·       BE YOU: Don't Be Afraid To Step Into Your Power And Speak Your Truth.

·       BOUNDARIES: Having Clear And Precise Boundaries Is An Ever-going Process. It Can Feel Tricker With Family, But Doing What Makes You Happiest Is Most Important.

·       YOU MATTER: Don't Let Other People's Feelings Bring You Down, This Is Your Life Not Theirs.

·       PEOPLE PLEASING: How We Can Easily Try To Please Other People And End Up Hurting Ourselves.

·       HONOR YOURSELF: Taking The Time To Honor Yourself And Your Feelings Is So Crucial To Living Your Best Life.

·       EMOTIONALLY IMMATURE: Being An Adult Navigating Life Can Feel Hard With You Have Emotionally Immature Parents.

·       YOU'RE DOING GREAT: Just A Friendly Reminder That You're Doing A Fantastic Job At This Thing We Call "Life."

About the Host:

Melanie is uberly passionate about all things mindset, nutrition, and wellness. She's been deep diving into the wellness industry for over six years. She's learned to master her craft while working with others to get to the root cause of what's holding them back from their goals and bigger vision.

Melanie currently lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Oliver, and her son, Elliott. She enjoys being in nature, taking care of her house plants, reading, and snuggles with her boys.

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