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20 out of 10
This is the BEST episodic podcast to come out since Serial. I cannot believe this has not gone viral.

The first to bring me to tears…
I’ve listened to a LOT of true crime podcasts… I’m a bit of a true crime junkie. And I’ve been moved by many stories of wrongful conviction, but NONE have moved me the way this story has. Gilbert and Kelsey weave a story like no other. To tell Leo’s story would have been enough, but the WAY it was told was so captivating. I’ve never been brought to tears listening to a podcast, until now. I’m so invested in this story that I can’t stop thinking about it and how I could possibly help. We ALL need to hear this story. At the heart of it is truth. And Leo put it beat when he said that his story transcends what anyone else thinks… because it’s the truth and nothing can change that. This is truly a case of storytelling changing the world. And I PRAY it changes the world of Leo and his family. Justice is deserved.

Amazing investigation and Sad Reality
This story is so well told! Captivating and unbelievable! It sickens me that there are no checks and balances on law enforcement when things are incredibly corrupt! In between the lines could not read clearer, and unfortunately all of that evidence isn’t enough for justice! Great professionalism, story telling and heart is in every episode. The best true crime podcast there’s been in years!

Bone Valley
Cannot miss this podcast. Praying for the right outcome. Five stars!

I’ve been listening to true crime podcasts for several years now. Y’all have become one of my favorites!!! I love approach you took, the way that you talked to the actual people involved and the overall presentation. I look forward to a second season!!!

Two words tell you all you need to know: Polk county
As a true crime aficionado, I was surprised to find that I was listening to a podcast about a guy I once supervised when I worked for the state of Florida. His reputation for being innocent of the crime he was found guilty of preceded him, especially among fellow inmates. Sure sounds like he got railroaded by the Polk county good-ole-boy system.

A must listen.
Mesmerizing from the first episode. A must listen.

Mesmerizing storytelling
Could not stop listening. I hope he gets out, and soon. I really struggled with one aspect of all of this. Chrissie violated every ethical boundary we social workers have and I am shocked she is still allowed to call herself a social worker, much less carry a license. She lacked professional boundaries by developing a personal relationship with an inmate in her role in the prison. And she seems unconcerned about it cause Leo was a nice guy. I mean lucky for Leo she violated her ethics but still….unpalatable for sure.

Top of my list pod cast- A MUST listen to!!
This podcast was so frustrating.. Due to the injustice of our state's legal system.For what? So they don't have to say they were wrong?? They destroyed a man's right to a future.. Leo has got to be one of the strongest men anyone could know, to have gone through all the loss that he did. And then to be unjustly accused of a crime that all of us hearing this podcast knew from the get-go.. He did not do! I am so sorry for all you have had to endure. To everyone who never gave up and kept the fight going.. You should be truly proud of the work you've done on this case!! This made me ANGERY.. Sad.. and at times in tears for ALL of you. You ever gave up.. You kept digging and because of that you made the world see the truth! My prayers to all of you!

This was the most amazing story in a totally gut wrenching way! I was left sobbing at the end and actually felt compassion for Jeremy! A lesson in life as well as a total travesty!!!!! Such a dichotomy of emotion!!!!!!!!

Just listen.
This story is just incredible. Thank you Gilbert, Kelsey, and everyone else who worked so hard to share Leo’s story — it has truly moved me beyond words. Everyone needs to hear this.

My only suggestion is to not listen to it while driving because you will scream and cry and be left in disbelief. Thank you for sharing this unbelievable story.

Ahhhh amazing.
I’m so on edge. Can’t we all just go picket at the courthouse? How can the state be so obvious they don’t want to change this and face lawsuits?! Just so sad. So glad I no longer live in FL. I hope he gets his justice. Great job!

Hi I need you know when I’m home I’ll let you know when
I don’t want to go back home later in a little bit if I get back to my house tonight I’ll be back home in the gym I’ll be home in the

I’ve never written a review for a podcast before despite being an avid listener for years. This is one of the most profound and spell-binding stories I’ve ever had the pleasure of hearing. Truly portrays the dynamism of humans. Thank you and bravo. Justice for Leo and Michelle, but also love to Jeremy.

a must listen to
JESUS H. CHRIST. What the f is wrong with people?!

Fun and addictive and I will be back to you
I have a few things to do with the girls but I’m not sure what to the girls are going on or if you need anything

Bone Valley
I couldn’t not listen to every episode! I am in constant prayer that Leo gets released, if he’s not already! God is in the details! Great job Gilbert and Kelsey

Stellar Story Telling…
So good! Drop everything and listen to this podcast. Heartbreaking and I’m awe! Gilbert and Kelsey, well done and thank you for all you invested.

All of Florida is literal trash
Impressive reporting about a whole lot of disgusting people. Most impressive might be the fact that the reporters didn’t set fire to the entire state when uncovering the truth of this absolute travesty. Hoping for justice, though it seems unlikely.

This man is innocent!!! Heart-wrenching story

By contrast to other major companies like
Mini golf in a car with no wheels on the steering wheels is the only way I could see the wheels in

I want to be like Leo
This story will tick you off. The injustice, the pain, the corruption, the pain, the heartbreak. But also, the hope, the inspiration, the people fighting for justice and truth. And then…Leo. What a beautiful and redeemed man who loves God and his family and his fellow inmates so well. In awe of him and his attitude through it all. Wow. Praying for true justice for Leo. He is a world changer behind bars and wait until he gets out - what a blessing he will be to so many more people.

Ghost in a house is the only way I could see the light in my
Cv the only thing I can think of is that the first time you have to go to the store to get a prescription for the

Thank you
Thank you for telling his story when so many have fallen short. It makes me angry that some people have been so blinded they cannot see an innocent man was sent to prison. Praying for the Schofield family and that his name will one day be cleared.

Bone valley
What an unbelievable story. Most stories you hear, end with a satisfying conclusion. Unfortunately at the moment, this story is completely incomprehensible. The fact that this man is still in prison is a complete injustice!!

Set Leo FREE!!!
Absolutely loved the production of this show. You all did an amazing job. It breaks my heart so much for Leo. Before I even knew what happened, through the confession, I was thinking she gave someone a ride from the store where she called Leo. My prayers, hopes and wishes for Leo.

This is a tragic story. It makes me sick to know Leo is still in prison for this crime. And Michelle, killed for being a good person, it’s unreal. It’s just all so tragic.

Once I started, I could not stop listening to this. I had to know more, and find out if justice had actually been served for this man who I believe is innocent. I am appalled by the Florida Supreme Court’s decision and the stubbornness and arrogance of some the people involved with keeping Leo behind bars. It is sickening and hard to believe that nothing more can be done for him at this time but try to get the case transferred. I signed the petition to do so, and can only hope something can be done for him.

By the time I go home I can
I’ll get my car fixed I’ll get it back tomorrow and tomorrow at my work I’ll get it back soon and let you know when I’m done with