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Excellent work
I just got done listening to this podcast and can not wait to hear what happens tomorrow, 05/03/2023. My prayers go out to Leo. An injustice has been done here and his attitude is absolutely amazing! He’s a strong man and with God willing, he will get justice for Michelle. This podcast has done the due diligence that should’ve been done 30 years ago. Great work!

Amazing detective work & reporting.
After listening to this podcast of how Gilbert, Kelsey and Judge Cupp (as well as many others) have come together to bring this case to light….I don’t know how anyone could possibly think that Leo Schofield could have anything to do with the murder of his wife, Michelle. I am praying for his exoneration of this abomination of the State of Florida.

Amazing and shameful at the same time
First, Gilbert and Kelsie did an incredible job of laying out the case. So incredibly sad. Each turn in the story, I kept thinking was the moment of redemption and resolution. I was brought to tears in the end. At the same time, I was filled with so much rage. Secondly, THE POLK COUNTY PROSECUTORS AND JUSTICE SYSTEM SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. How shameful that they have taken a man’s life! They are guilty of the same crime as Jeremy. They have stolen and ended a life. PUT THEM BEHIND BARS. Thank u for putting this together. I hope that the Justice system will do the right thing here, but like Leo, I’m no longer hopeful.

Leo is innocent!
I stumbled upon your podcast by accident and can truly say this podcast rates #1 with me! Although Leo’s story is so terribly sad, you have placed a shining star on him and his innocence. Leo sounds like a wonderful human and I have no doubt he will take that shining star with him wherever he goes ❤️ I look forward to hearing about his release later in June❤️❤️ keep up the great work your doing because no doubt Leo’s story is one of thousands of people who have been wrongly convicted . I wish you, the team, and especially Leo and his loving family the best and Godspeed ❤️❤️❤️

Incredible story
Leo’s story has stuck with me since I first listened nearly a year ago. Since then I’ve listened a second time and always checking for any updates on the case. Gilbert and Kelsey present everything so well. I admire their dedication to Leo and Michelle.

I had a little trouble getting into this one at first, but once I was in - BAM! I mean, this thing sped along with all the accompanying horror and shock of what appears to be a wrongful conviction and the desire by the state of FL to, I don't know, not listen to facts? The editing is excellent. I generally prefer narrative podcasts so when I first realized this was going to include interviews and retrospection I was a little concerned, but I was quickly won over. This is an excellent, excellent podcast and I can't recommend it enough.

One of the Best
Great storytelling and production. Sad case, but by Gilbert, Kelsey and Judge Cupp bringing this case front and center through hard work, sacrifice and a overcoming major obstacles/red tape , I’m hoping for a positive outcome for Leo. Excellent.

Sending true light and love
I am in awe of the steadfastness of this entire family and the integrity they have maintained on all levels. I learnt about this podcast while listening to Sheryl Crow being interviewed by Mandy Matney on MMP. May mercy and truth shine above all contrary forces going forward. Complete exoneration and a public apology will be only the first baby step to end this insanity and disease in order to restore our justice system to be its best.

So well investigated
It’s 1 AM, I planned to be asleep in bed by 10 PM. Can’t stop binge listening. The story is so compelling and the team who wrote produced and hosted are stellar

I highly recommend this podcast. It is outrageous and extremely frustrating, but very important to listen to. Beautifully produced and written. Leo and Michelle, you are in my thoughts

Exceptional Storytelling, Well Done
Gilbert King chose a story worth investigating and did it well. One of the best podcasts in a long time. I’ve listened to other investigative journalists tell sad stories of botched police investigations and miscarriages of Justice, but this story truly leaves you with true admiration and respect for the journalists in their pursuit of the truth. I’ve listened to plenty of true crime podcasts that often fall short in one way or another - sometimes every single episode is milked to keep you listening to the end when no concrete conclusion is reached. Not the case here. They solve the case and more than one case. The story is told selflessly, accurately and completely. King and his assistant Kelsey took great care to not interfere or taint a potential new trial and allow the truth to come out on its own. What we are left with is a scathing and sad indictment of the Justice system. I hope that this story being told can bring hope for Leo and his case. I hope that maybe in his next parole hearing, that the man from the state who so blatantly misled the board could listen to this reporting and repent and advocate for his release. If not him, than I hope an appeal could be made to Governor DeSantis to pardon Leo. I really hope that another chapter will be out there.

A fascinating, heartbreaking, and infuriating look at our justice system. I like to think that in this day and age it works, but clearly it doesn’t. I’m so glad Bone Valley told Leo’s story. My whole family is rooting for him.

Justice in America
Cops and prosecutors occasionally frame people. Devastating truth. Excellent reporting.

The finest podcast ever?
Not sure even sure where to begine here. From Gilbert King'd raw, gritty storytelling to Leo Scoffield's heartbreaking story, Bone Valley in my opinion is the greatest podcast of our generation. Bwautifully produced, excellent journalism without all the fluffy extras. It engaged listeners by telling a compelling story at the highest level. Now if only justice for Leo...

Pulitzer Prize Deserving
Riveting, engaging and suspenseful. it’s more like watching a movie then listening to a podcast because Leo Schofield is three dimensional. so infuriating to see justice being deprived to this wrongfully convicted man who somehow remains optimistic and inspiring. Gilbert King is an accomplished author and journalist as well as engrossing narrator. I would give this series 10 stars if I could. i’m on my third listen and it’s just as good as outstanding!

Thank you Bone Valley
This was so hard to listen to, I found myself so angry at this injustice. We ARE watching. We WILL want to know why if the parole board doesn’t educate themselves on this and reach the same conclusion as the rest of us. It’s time.

Essential and Riveting
Even if you've had your fair share of "wrongly accused" stories and/or a supporter of The Innocence Project... this podcast is absolutely devastating, engrossing, incredible, emotional. Essential listening.

Governor pardon?
Surely Florida Governor DeSantis can pardon Leo??

With Purpose and Heart
I am so over true crime podcasts in which the podcaster/s use the story behind a tragic murder for entertainment and amusement but do nothing to further our understanding of ghd case. This podcast is not only great storytelling, journalism, and sound editing, but contains an obsessive ethical purpose behind the research. Well done. Thank you for this powerful work. I am eager to hear about what happens with this case.

Incredible must listen
This is an incredible podcast, I’ve been engrossed the entire time. The look at our justice system and Leo’s case are incredibly well done and enthralling. Gilbert and Kelsey’s balance is key here. The talent is takes to invoke some empathy for Jeremy is incredible skill. Justice for Leo.

Not surprised in the systematic failure, but still so disappointing.
This podcast is an incredible, comprehensive look into our Justice system and how easy it is for a couple people for whatever reason, to ruin innocent lives. There are systematic failures all over the country that deserve their stories told exactly like this. Every single bit of this story is devastating, but desperately needs to be heard. People in this country need to understand the failures at all levels that not just lead to the conviction of Leo, but also the failures that lead to the murder of Michelle. The failures that create humans like Jeremy, which is just as devastating and so important. Also how important it is for the education of the regular citizen of their rights, of how the system works in case they are ever sitting in jail waiting on a court date. I would say a vast majority would think paying such a hefty price for a layer would ensure competent council, but this story shows that’s also not true. Listen, listen to every episode, really pay attention. You will come to the same conclusion as all of us, and please sign the petition in the episode notes. Leo deserves any years left, free with his family. The people of polk county deserve JA cases heavily looked into as well, because if this was standard practice for him, Leo is not even remotely close to being the only innocent man imprisoned.

Heartbreaking and full of hope
I am forever changed

There needs to be a warning about how crushing this story is. I’ve never had such little faith in the “justice” system in this country. Thinking about it makes my blood boil. But other than that, this is a really amazing podcast and so well done! I’ve been glued to it for days on end. Not a single episode disappoints, good to the very last drop. Now who needs a hug?

Compelling and heartbreaking
Where is the justice for this man? The Florida justice system failed over and over.

I’m giving this podcast 5 stars because of the reporting and research that went into it. I liked it so much I am hoping the host reads the comments and will consider this: - There is some unnecessary insertion of selves into the story at places, which exposes a physical discomfort with rural areas and with some of the people interviewed. Edit that out. It isn’t a fact. It is otherizing commentary that says more about the class/world the host usually lives in than about the story. Great example is the visit to the home of a man tried twice for a murder he did not commit. Hosts record the drive, where they make clear that oh. my. gosh. this is really scary and rural. Another example is the meeting with Jeremy, where the male host is nervous and worries at some length about the safety of the female host, the type of chair that will be the hardest to leap out of, etc. Edit it out.

This is in my top 3 favorite podcasts of all time. It’s told so perfectly and it gets me in the feels every single episode! I choke up just listening to each one. The story is infuriating and beautiful, horrible and redeeming, all at once.

Best true crime podcast since Serial
Wow… I couldn’t stop listening to this once I started. Beautifully told story. Best true crime podcast since Serial season 1.

WOW! Loved the way Gilbert narrated this incredible story! By far one of the BEST podcasts I’ve listened to! Unbelievable how an innocent man could spend 35 years in jail because the prosecutor was a prideful idiot and to hear the other prosecutor, Victoria WhatsHerSnatch is just incomprehensible. I cannot wait for Judge Cupp to open up a can of KickAss and get Leo out of jail and home with his family!

One of the best
This story is well told, produced, and researched with incredible depth of humanity. It is a great mystery, it covers the flaws of the criminal justice system, and it makes you really care about those affected - even the actual murderer. As a finer detail, I appreciate the editing - many podcasts overplay rambling interviews and this one used recorded interviews with perfect balance.