Do you feel that your body has betrayed you in some way?
We must start with supporting our body's healing process, find ways to address the root causes, make peace with your bodies, and it will give you all the guidance that you need on your healing journey.
This transformation can only take place when they have put in the work. I have the framework and layout of my three pillars so you can commit to healing today.
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@aninditarungta | nourish heal connect | Embrace Your Healing Journey
Your body knows how to heal, are you ready to support it?
In today's episode, I'm going to share the exclusive framework my clients use to tap into their bodies in wisdom and take charge of their healing journey so that they can navigate the uncertainties that comes with living with a chronic illness. That's all coming up next right here on Embrace Your Healing Journey. 2s I remember when she first started working with me, she was dealing with multiple health conditions, including severe eczema. This meant that she was unable to take a bath, unable to go to work, and was under a lot of stress due to her current situation, and like many other women in her situation, she felt that no one really understood what was going on. Not even her own family. And even when she tried to make some changes in her diet, it was really difficult for her to explain to others why it was important to take of gluten or dairy, especially since the benefits were not immediately apparent. So she felt alone. She felt isolated while trying to make her health the way that she wanted to be. And it was this uncertainty of not knowing when she would be able to resume work, of not knowing when she could do the thing that she had been wanting to do. And even its simple things like taking a bath that was most unsettling for her, and she didn't know how her skin would react to a certain food, or when she would be able to resume work, even when she would be able to wear clothes that she wanted to without becoming self-conscious about her appearance. And she failed. Her future was uncertain, even though she also wanted to get married to someone who would really understand her and support her with what she was going through in life. Most of all, she wanted to be able to live life on her own terms and move towards her dreams without fear and isolation. So as we started working together, I took her through a step by step approach that is best suited when dealing with such complex chronic health issues. And as I explained to her that, you know, you can't find inner peace and sustainable health when you're fighting with your own body, when you're suppressing it or you're trying to ignore it. This is a recipe for being stuck in a very warrior mood, a battle against your own body that you can never hope to be. So this is what she had to actually accept the mood that she was in, and she had to make peace with her own body. She had to move towards being an inner healer because by making peace with your body, you can learn how to, you know, find ways to make friends with it, how to find ways to address the root causes of your disease by being guided by your own body, and take back your power to heal yourself from the inside out. And that's what an inner healer is all about. So she slowly moved from being a raging warrior, where she felt that her body was not really supportive of what she wanted to achieve, and she moved finally to being an inner in a healer. However, in order to do this, you need to change the way you actually look at life, irrespective of whether you have a diagnosis or not. But first, I want to address something that really pains me when it comes to our approach of dealing towards our health issues. 2s So let me ask you this. Do you feel that your body has betrayed you in some way? Do you find it difficult to rely on your body to support you from, you know, with moving towards your goals and dreams? Are you tired of being in pain all the time and feel frustrated with your body for not supporting? If you said yes to one or all of these questions, they know that you are not alone. You know, we are taught to take an adversarial approach when it comes to healing. That's how we are conditioned by a society, by an environment, by the medical fraternity. So we are told that we need to fight the infection. We need to kill the cancer. We need to attack the pathogen. Now, this might work when we're dealing with acute infections that could conditions like infections. ET cetera. Where we are dealing with a particular pathogen like a microbial virus. But this adversarial approach to healing blinds us to the fact that we cannot separate our bodies from all these conditions or diseases, which means that if we're constantly in battle, then we are actually at war with our own bodies, too. And that's not really conducive for healing. What if, instead, we used a different language and had a gentler approach to defending our bodies? So this would not mean that we stop using antibiotics, that we stop taking medications of stop following any treatments that are actually necessary. There are these are life saving, and they are really required for a short to medium term. And in the case of acute conditions because it gives us. A way to manage our symptoms. It gives us more time, you know, to actually handle and figure out what are the root causes and how we can address them. But it also means that we need to support our body's healing process and find ways to address the root causes. Because I want you to pause here and think about this for a minute. Think about how it would feel to stop fighting yourself, your body, all the time. How would it feel to start listening to your body instead? Would you then find the energy to focus on creating a healthy environment for your body, one that would restore balance and vitality? Because the reality is, you can't be at war with your body and create an environment for it to heal at the same time. And that's the mistake that most people make, and that's why they continue to deal with the uncertainty, live with unpredictability, in fear. They don't know how the symptoms are going to change from one day to another, because they've not really been able to tune in to what their body is trying to tell them through symptoms and in, you know, and they haven't yet learned how to create a healing environment and how they can actually support their bodies healing process. And that's exactly what I teach inside my coaching program. And I use a body wise healing framework that I have developed over years of working with women with chronic conditions. Just like you, this program helps you support your body's healing process by providing what is needed, removing what is harmful, and creating a healing environment. But I want you to keep in mind that what is covered in this episode is not a substitute for medical advice or any medical treatments. So coming back to this framework, the body wise healing framework inside of my coaching program, which is called healing from within, consists of three pillars. The first pillar is simplifying, the second reconnect and the third is sustain. In the first pillar, simplify. Simplify the process of health creation so that you can start taking small, actionable steps, whether you're dealing with 20 symptoms or 200. So this first pillar helps you to figure out exactly what you need to prioritize and why, so that you can start laying a strong foundation for healing without feeling lost of confused. Because what happens is that when you're dealing with a complex health condition, especially something like arterial condition, there may be 20 things that needs to be addressed, but you simply can't address all of them at the same time. It is not really wise to do so. So you need to know how to prioritize what to do first, then second, then third. And this pillar helps you to do just that. And as a result you're able to see things more clearly. And as I said, you know what needs to be prioritized in order to get better, in order to see results. And you're able to do the things that you know that you need to do, the changes that you need to make. But you were too overwhelmed with all the information, you were confused, and you were, you know, there was an information overload. And you now know what you that you, you know, what you need to do in order to get better because you understand what your body needs in order to heal. So this is what the first pillar is all about. In the second pillar, reconnect. I teach you how to connect with your body's wisdom and be guided by it so that you always know whether you're on the right track or not. And this is the really important, at a very core part of this program. In fact, there are three things that run through this program self-compassion, body awareness and empowerment. And this is where body awareness comes in, because this pillar helps you to understand how all of your symptoms are interconnected, and why your body is choosing to respond in this manner, why your immune system is responding in this alarming and aggressive manner, and you finally are able to stop waiting for all the answers to come before you take any action to start supporting your body so you don't have to wait years for a diagnosis. You don't have to wait months for somebody for your doctor to come and see you. You can start taking baby steps through eating hygiene, sleeping hygiene, or small things that link a huge difference over a long period of time. And as a result, you're able to hear what your body is telling you so that you can create an environment for healing. As I said, these are very basic steps is just laying the foundation. And just like a building cannot really, you know, stand tall and strong with a weak foundation without laying this kind of foundation. Irrespective of the diagnosis, you cannot really hope to create sustainable health. And in because you are using this pillar, you are no longer solely dependent on external factors like lab reports, expert opinions and diagnosis. Of course those are important. They give you much needed data. They give you a plan of action in terms of medications and treatments, but they are not the long term solution, and you certainly do not need to rely on them only because you are now being guided by your own body, and you can stay on track and you can make changes faster, as it were required. Now in the final pillar, sustain, I help you to create an empowering and sustainable health care plan so that you can not only get well, but stay well long after you've stopped working with me. I tell my clients that the whole objective of this program is so that you develop such an unwavering faith in your own body, the kind of confidence in yourself, a kind of body awareness so that you know you're on the right path, that you don't really need me going forward. Of course, they don't check in with me. We have monthly check ins. There is a supportive community to just help people stay on track. All that is fine, but at the end of the day, your body is your best ally in this and you also then realize it is certainly possible to change your environment, your habits, your negative thought patterns, and cultivate a positive mindset that helps you deal with any uncertainties, any unpredictable unpredictability that comes from living with a chronic condition like this. It helps you to, you know, deal with all these kind of challenges, and you learn how to take baby steps to incorporate self-care into your daily routine, and you get the support that you need to do this right from this community, from this program, so that you can see sustainable health improvements no matter how busy, tired, or in pain you may be. Because this is really what will sustain your health and women's right. All the improvements that you see during this program can only be sustained when you are able to actually put this pillar in action. I had a client who came back to me after three years and she just wanted a check in. She had last working, worked with me three years ago, and she could pretty much sustain whatever we had discussed, and she just wanted to check. And that's how, you know, this program can work. And it's a beautiful transformation because you're able to also share your unique gifts with the world that fills your life with meaning and purpose. Because before this, you might have your disease, might have consumed your life in some way, shape or form, and you didn't know what your purpose in this world is because you are not able to move towards your goals, towards your dreams. And you thought that that was gone forever. But that's not true, you know, because all these pieces that I just spoke about fit beautifully together into one seamless whole without you even realizing it. And you know, it's not that you're following any particular module or model. And in fact, the three models that I have in this program that I will talk about in subsequent episodes. But it all fits together so beautifully that you know, you don't realize yourself getting transformed. In fact, all of my clients say that after going through this, this program, the transformation seems effortless. Of course, this transformation can only take place when they have put in the work. The effort has to go in, the commitment has to be there, and they have learned to make peace with their body as it is right now, because that's where they need to start, and that's where you need to start to. You need to start with making friends with your body, making peace with your body, and it will give you all the guidance that you need on your healing journey. Ah, if you have any questions, you can connect with me on Instagram or in Toronto. Thanks so much for joining me for this episode of Embrace Your Healing Journey. And if you would like a taste of what it feels like to be transformed, you know when you feel at peace in your body, then download the free guide The Autoimmune Symptom Relief Guide. It's a book for women who are fed up of being told there's something wrong with their bodies. They're tired of being told that their bodies have betrayed them or broken. And now they're ready to find another way to take charge of their own healing. Right? So you can click on the link and get the book. And in the next episode, I'll be sharing a step by step process that you can use to address poor gut health. That is one of the key contributors for more than 80% of chronic illnesses. Don't miss it! Your body knows how to heal. Are you ready to support it?