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Feb. 9, 2023

58. Dangers of Diet Culture with Hayley Perkins

I'm so happy to introduce you to another of my friends from across the pond, Hayley Perkins - The Food Therapist. We talk about diet culture, our own experiences growing up surrounded by shame regarding weight and food, and some alternatives to dieting that can actually help heal our relationship…

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Feb. 7, 2023

57. Pilates for Lower Back Pain Class

Today's episode is a full body, audio Pilates class that focuses on easing lower back pain. So, get out your mat and take half an hour for yourself. Note that this is not modified for low bone density! And now for the legal disclaimer - You agree that you are…

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Feb. 2, 2023

56. Building Success from Trauma with Linda Steele

In today's episode I sit down for a deep, gritty, inspiring talk with fitness professional, model, and author Linda Steele. In her new book, Nerves of Steele (https://amzn.to/3l25Vb9) , Linda outlines her traumatic childhood, which morphed into a traumatic adulthood until she decided to take control of her own body,…

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Jan. 31, 2023

55. Dangerous "Pilates" Trends

On the heels of last week's episode, let's discuss some truly dangerous "Pilates" trends - hot Pilates, large group reformer classes in the dark with loud music, and megaformers. Why do I have issues with these? Because they aren't Pilates, and they have hurt people in ways that Pilates doesn't.…

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Jan. 26, 2023

54. Are You Really Doing Pilates?

Lately my social feeds have been inundated with ads for "Pilates equipment". Band & tubing systems, bars with wheels, and souped up "reformers". Conversely, I'm also seeing a lot of exercises done on mat & Pilates apparatus that are not Pilates exercises - exercises that Joseph Pilates didn't teach. In…

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Jan. 24, 2023

53. Legal Concerns for Pilates Teachers with Nicole Cheri Oden

***Head's up - my audio (not Nicole's) has a lot of echo. But don't let that stop you from listening! Nicole's is crystal clear, and the advice she gives is super important.*** I did this live interview with powerhouse attorney Nicole Cheri Oden in 2021, and if you teach Pilates,…

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Jan. 19, 2023

52. So, You Want to Teach Pilates?

I'm amazed at the number of people who want to teach Pilates, and horrified at the plethora of questionable cheap & easy certification programs. Today I take a deep dive into Pilates teacher training - what to look for, what to consider, and why cheap and easy is not necessarily…

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Jan. 17, 2023

51. Can Pilates Heal Diastasis Recti?

If you have a diastasis recti, or teach women with diastasis recti, this episode is full of information. I talk about what DR is, what the effects of DR are on rest of the body, and what to consider when exercising during pregnancy, and before starting to exercise after giving…

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Jan. 12, 2023

50. Powerful, Purposeful, & Profitable Pilates Business with Bessi Graham

If you've ever wondered whether your Pilates business is powerful enough, purposeful enough, and profitable enough, today's episode is for you! If you struggle with profiting when there is so much that needs to be done in our world, this episode will help you! My friend Bessi Graham is a…

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Jan. 10, 2023

49. Why External Cues Work Best

If you do or teach any kind of movement (Pilates, yoga, weights, TRX....), you probably have questions about the best cues for your clients. You may wonder why some cues don't work for some people, and why some cues that work well for you confuse other people. In the last…

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Jan. 5, 2023

48. Merging Movement Science & Pilates with Greg Youdan

Today's guest is my friend, client, and colleague - movement scientist, Pilates teacher, and dancer Greg Youdan, MA, MS. I've been lucky enough to both work alongside and teach Greg at Real Pilates, take live workshops with Greg, and I've had Greg as an expert guest in my Pilates Teacher…

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Jan. 3, 2023

47. When Self-Love Just Doesn't Work

Heads Up - This is a deeply personal episode, where I share a lot of my own struggles with loving myself. I discuss child abuse, self-loathing, and body dysmorphia. If I hear the phrase "self-love" one more time, I think I will scream. First, what was taught to me as…

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Dec. 29, 2022

46. How Pilates Helps Pain with Allan Menezes

Allan Menezes is back, and we talk about all things Pilates for pain, and especially back pain. Allan shares his morning bed stretches, and ways to deepen your clients' Pilates experience. Hear about Allan's apprenticeship and how his early success with back pain clients led to a job offer from…

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Dec. 27, 2022

45. Don't Make New Year Resolutions

Every year in the US, we sit around and make New Year resolutions, especially around health and fitness. In fact, gyms oversell memberships in January, counting on the fact that most new members will stop coming within 8 weeks, but will continue to pay. In this episode I talk about…

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Dec. 23, 2022

15 Days of Pilates Celebration

I'm nearing the end of the 15 Days of Pilates Celebration, where I'm offering 15 prerecorded Pilates classes and continuing workshops for $15 each. To see the master list of what's available, check here daily - https://lyndalippin.com/blog/b/15-days-of-pilates-celebration The 15th replay will drop on Christmas Day, you'll have a special offer…

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Dec. 22, 2022

Benefits of A Ko-Fi Subscription

What you get when you subscribe to support Strong Bones Pilates or Pilates Teacher Mastermind with a monthly subscription on Ko-Fi (pronounced coffee). https://ko-fi.com/lyndalippinpilates

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Dec. 22, 2022

44. Compassionate Fitness

The other day after I taught a Strong Bones class online, we started discussing how disconnected many fitness and pilates instructors are from their clients. Basically, how they lose compassion. If you've ever experienced being yelled at by a trainer, shamed for not doing something correctly, or moved from the…

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Dec. 20, 2022

43. Creating Your Own Success with Klarity (Greg Davis Jr.)

I'm SO EXCITED about today's episode! Let's welcome Greg Davis, Jr. - better known as Klarity. Greg is a friend and neighbor, and also happens to be a brilliant actor, filmmaker, and stand up comedian. His new short film, Day of Joy, premiers on Amazon Prime Video tomorrow 12/21/22! Greg…

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Dec. 15, 2022

42. Pilates Education & Teaching with Mara Sievers

Today we have Mara Sievers, creator of The Pilates Encyclopedia. This is a deep dive into Pilates education and teaching. We chat about how (new) Pilates teachers can learn to communicate what Pilates is and what it does and doesn't do, why it's important to continue your education beyond your…

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Dec. 13, 2022

41. When Your Client Comes In With Neck Pain

Neck Pain is the number one issue I hear about in Pilates teacher groups, and from clients. In this episode I break down the differences between documented cervical spine issues and shoulder injuries as opposed to simple weakness. I also talk about proper spine positioning, what I leave out of…

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Dec. 12, 2022

15 Days of Pilates - Day 1 & 2

15 Days - 15 Pilates Workshops or Classes - $15 each! For a few more hours, you can have my Pilates Mat Modifications for Neck & Shoulder Pain workshop, and my Pre-Pilates Fundamentals workshop for just $15 each. https://lyndalippin.com/blog/b/15-days-of-pilates-celebration #pilatesinstructors #pilateseducator #pilates #onlinepilates #pilatesworkshop #pilatesteachers #pilatesteachermastermind #neckpain #prepilates

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Dec. 8, 2022

40. Finding Yourself in Menopause with Angie Garton

I'm super excited about this episode, my friends! My friend Angie Garton is one of the UK's most sought-after menopause coaches, and I love her compassionate, science-based approach to helping women through the transition. I've been in menopause since a total hysterectomy about 25 years ago, and stopped taking any…

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Dec. 6, 2022

Strong Bones Program FAQs

Better Balance = Less Risk of Fracture Online Strong Bones Pilates 4-week program starts 1/8/23! Use code EARLYBIRD to save $100 thru tomorrow 12/7. If you're at risk of osteoporosis-related fractures, balance is key. Luckily, balance work also strengthens muscles and bones! In my 4-week program, you'll learn how to…

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Dec. 6, 2022

39. How To Maintain Your Bone Health

Bone health is an important consideration for women over 50. Osteoporosis is on the rise, and there are so many ways we can keep our bodies strong, healthy, and mobile. Resources mentioned: Study linking Obesity & Osteoporosis - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/249966851_Ectopic_and_Serum_Lipid_Levels_Are_Positively_Associated_with_Bone_Marrow_Fat_in_Obesity Osteoporosis-friendly classes on Revel - https://fitlynda.com/revel Strong Bones Program (save $100…

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