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49. Why External Cues Work Best

If you do or teach any kind of movement (Pilates, yoga, weights, TRX....), you probably have questions about the best cues for your clients. You may wonder why some cues don't work for some people, and why some cues that work well for you confuse other people. In the last episode, I discussed many things neuroscience with neuroscientist Greg Youdan, including this issue.

Today I'm focusing on external vs. internal cues, and why external cues tend to work much better. Asking ourselves or our clients where they feel an exercise, or telling ourselves or our clients where they should feel an exercise, is a recipe for confusion, misunderstanding, and potential disappointment.

Pilates Teacher Mastermind® Free Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/pilatesteachermastermind

Strong Bones Online Pilates Studio - https://lyndalippin.com/strong-bones-online-pilates-studio

Music by Nerd Salad (https://www.instagram.com/nerdsaladmusic/)
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