Helping content marketers more confidently navigate the world of brand storytelling.
Nov. 15, 2022

Jia Loungewear: It's Not Bad to Think Small - Katie Charrier, episode 88

Jia Loungewear: It's Not Bad to Think Small - Katie Charrier, episode 88

Usually we say it's bad to think small, right? But today we're kind of flipping this to find a moment when thinking small isn't bad. Are you racing past some key foundational storytelling elements that small businesses do really well to connect with their audiences? Read on as guest and small business owner, Katie Charrier, of Jia Loungewear, shares what storytelling is like for her new small business. Reminder to be more thoughtful about the small ways you can connect with your audience through storytelling. 

So often, we’re told to “think big” or to “think outside the box” if we want to be successful. In doing so, what if we’re overlooking some of the foundational brand storytelling elements that small businesses do so well? 

Today, we flip the script and take a look at why it isn’t necessarily a bad thing to “think small,” especially when it comes to connecting with your customers on a personal level. 

Katie Charrier is a business owner who is very familiar with this topic. Her entire company, Jia Loungewear, is founded on a small but deeply satisfying act: taking your bra off when you get home! Her comfortable, functional, and beautiful loungewear pieces allow women to go braless around other people while still feeling comfortable and supported. 

In this episode, Katie shares some of the simple marketing tactics that have helped her humanize her brand and connect with the women she serves. From making herself the face of the brand to selling a problem rather than a product, plus so much more. 

For further insight into the small ways that you can connect with your audience through storytelling, regardless of the size of your company, don’t miss today’s episode of Marketing With Empathy! 


  • How large companies can benefit from thinking like small businesses 
  • Trends that Katie has noticed among consumers 
  • 5 small company marketing tactics to humanize your brand 
  • Tips for aligning your brand with consumer values 
  • The value of sharing behind-the-scenes content 
  • What type of content works best on social media


To learn more about the Jia Loungewear difference, visit their website here, or follow along on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok

You can also reach out to Katie directly by sending her an email


Click here for 3 Ways to Improve Your Content Strategy This Year, packed with tips and actionable advice that I’ve learned and mastered over the last 20 years. 


Looking to humanize your brand, connect with your audience, and attract top-funnel leads to drive bottom-funnel results? Sign up for my 3-month Brand Storytelling Academy program.


Sarah Panus is a brand storytelling marketing strategist, Minnesota mom, and owner of Kindred Speak, LLC, a remote consultancy that helps corporations attract upper-funnel leads that drive bottom-funnel results through storytelling.  Her mission is to add value to the world by humanizing brand+consumer connections. Her online courses teach content professionals inside corporations how to think like Editorial Directors to drive stronger results while enjoying their jobs more.  She’s spent the last 20 years helping brands including Sleep Number, Starbucks, Nestle Waters, Christos Bridal, Game Crazy, Cone Inc, and others, speak a kindred language with their audiences, driving brand advocacy and millions in revenue and brand engagements. Learn more at

*Top photo source: Jia Loungewear, Shoutout HTX