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March 26, 2024

How to Support Substitute Teachers (Megan Conklin)

In this episode, Megan Conklin - founder of Conklin Educational Perspectives and Trainer at the Washington Education Association - discusses her work in designing and facilitating substitute teacher team training programs and how her model could and should be replicated across the country.

Data suggests that K12 students in the USA can spend up to a year in classes managed by substitutes who are often unsupported and unprepared to meet student needs. Yet, programs like Megan's are providing substitute teachers with the skills needed to excel and also a community of like individuals.

With over 30% of Megan's participants wanting to become certified full time teachers, substitute training is an investment in time that not only helps districts to have qualified substitutes on hand now but also is an investment in the future of education.


Megan Conklin LinkedIn

Washington Education Association

Good Morning America

Substantial Classrooms


Music - Aylex