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April 2, 2024

How to Know When to Retreat as an Educator (Casey Jakubowski)

Educators can't do well by their students if they are not whole themselves.


Sometimes, the best course of action is to know when enough is enough and change course to new jobs in the education field or outside of it.


In this episode, Casey Jakubowski - co-author of Crush It From the Start: 50 Tips for New Teachers and school principal - and I discuss the signs to look for to determine if moving on is the right decision. In his book, see Tip #50 - Knowing When to Retreat.


We also discuss ways to limit burnout in one's current position by saying no to asks from those above in a professional manner.


It's not about refusing but by asking what else from one's plate can be removed to accomodate this new request.


Casey Jakubowski LinkedIn

Crush It From the Start: 50 Tips for New Teachers


Music - Aylex