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March 5, 2024

How to Improve Student Presentations and Public Speaking (Robyn Brinks Lockwood)

When we teach students how to write, we often do so by teaching certain writing "moves" - introducing a topic, expanding on it, and summation, etc.

We also should be teaching the communication moves that go along with public speaking and presentation. So says my guest Robyn Brinks Lockwood, speech professor at Stanford University, on this episode.

So that students can meet the rigor of college teaching and learning, Professor Brinks-Lockwood and I discuss what K12 educators, particularly high school teachers, can do to better prepare students to not only give presentations but also to serve as facilitators and moderators of student led discussion.

We also discuss how students can better capture important learnings from the traditional lecture model of teaching and to become active as opposed to passive listeners.


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Books by Robyn Brinks-Lockwood

Q&A With Robyn Brinks-Lockwood


Music - Aylex