
Oct. 6, 2020

Efficient Chaos | CNC04

Do you find yourself waiting in the school pickup line for an obscene amount of time? How do you pass the time? Perhaps a phone call to your mom or surfing the internet and scrolling through social media. What if you could b…
Oct. 5, 2020

How to Achieve Change Ep 3

How to do you achieve change? You cannot change what you cannot control. The only thing you can control is yourself and that is the 1st step. Being open, honest and put a stop to the excuses. We talk about how important it i…
Oct. 3, 2020

Scheduled Chaos Ep 2

Heather introduces herself and gives you a glimpse of how Chaos n’ Cookies became a reality. She explains that her mission to equip and empower moms with tools to help free them up both mentally and physically so she can ste…
Oct. 2, 2020

Hi, Have We Met? Ep1

Heather introduces herself and gives you a glimpse of how Chaos n’ Cookies became a reality. She explains that her mission to equip and empower moms with tools to help free them up both mentally and physically so she can ste…