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Gary never fails to inspire me with his words. I love how he is so passionate about everything he talks about which gets the listeners motivated and inspired. After this podcast, I was absolutely hooked to learn more about Gary and what makes him so passionate about wanting to come out and share his stories. I really enjoyed this program and listening through audio!

Gary nails it again
Love how people want to ask you what they think they need to know and you turn them inside out and get to the heart of the issue. Mark Larm Fxbellz

Meat and potatoes
There’s always a message worth hearing in every episode and I appreciate his candor. If you struggle with the language and extreme style - listen between the language or around the style you’re hung up with so you can benefit from the meat and potatoes that he generously, consistently shares.

I really enjoy your show, after listening to a few episodes I was totally hooked, it has great direction, it deals with very instructive and interesting topics. I really love this program!

Emotional intelligence and knowing yourself
I love Gary. His understanding of the brain and why we do things is ridiculous. I get a lot of perspective listening to Gary. I take something away from almost every podcast. He teaches how to look inside because that’s where we should be looking in the first place. Patience. Perspective. Happiness. That’s where it starts. Also the info coming from Gary on what’s happening NOW in our world culturally is amazing. Big supporter. Love you Gary.

Unlimited learning opportunities
Been listening for years and Gary has been a huge influence for me and helped me progress in my pursuits. Always love hearing his takes on a multitude of areas!

He makes me want to get better with my videos on YouTube and toys to tell people to put their mindset to a grind.

The Value You Bring is Immeasurable
Long time listener so I apologize for being a first time reviewer. I was compelled to leave a review after listening to February 16th's episode. What you did for that young man, and countless of others that were listening and will listen for many years to come, was just one more example of your selflessness and your genuine, giving heart. You changed his life in 30 minutes Gary and want nothing more than to see him win. You are a blessing and we are all better for having crossed your path. Thanks Gary, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Keep on spreading your message because your reach extends beyond your wildest dreams.

So much value in each episode!
This is hands down one of the best podcasts available. There is no time waisted and full of value in each episode. Thank you Gary for all that you do.

Daily Listener! Ep. w/ James Andrew Miller
Thank you @garyvee#1565 for your discussion w/ James Andrew Millers! 1. A lack of expectation. 2. Trusting my intuition. ⬆️REALLY REALLY hit home for me! This podcast feeds your mind daily insights on a plethora of topics w/ SO MANY amazing guest! To put it simple…expect this podcast to almost ruin all of your other favorite podcast because of how excited you’ll become to listen each day! 👈🏼👀 to I am SO ENTHUSIASTIC about this podcast & each morning I use this bit of information to recharge 🔋👈🏼 GARY DELIEVERS 👌🏽 Thank you. 💙

Always Crushes It
Gary’s book Crush It changed the trajectory of my career and I’m forever grateful! Thank you for continually crushing it and putting it all out there. I appreciate you Gary!

An original LURKER
Just realized I had starting wrote the paragraph below a ling time ago but never sent it. Today’s episode of the airplane project hit my eardrums today, my birthday, and was just so good in helping me as I reflect on another year around the sun. We get hit with so much everyday as we fight, claw, keep pushing with work-life balance. Thank you for being such a blessing to me. I’m ever more focused on giving, being a blessing to others, be more helpful, and just a good human being. Thank you so much brotha, so much gratitude! Gary Vee is part of my morning routine. Consuming his content feeds my hustle, work ethic, and motivational mindset just how the Bible feeds my spiritual needs. Been listening to Gary since the early Wine Library days. I used to work at a job that I hated and found boring so part of my morning routine was to download the podcast on my computer then upload it to my iPod so I can watch during work because it helped me get through the day. First episode I saw was the vintage Louis martini tasting. Been following through all the changes and growth and is truly inspiring to me because we like a lot of the same things like wrestling, basketball, and of course wine! And now even more so, the hard work it takes to achieve what I desire. I’m not where I want to be but I’m so grateful for the guidance that so often times is a godsend and exactly what I need to hear.. often times like when I would read the Bible! Love you Gary!

Shifting my insomnia into self educating myself and taking all the knowledge your releasing into aiming for greatness in self. Thank you!

Life changing
Gary, I don’t know how to thank you! You have taught me how to men a true giver of time and authenticity, kindness and gratitude and how it all matters in business. Most importantly, thank you for being soo real and relatable 🙏 I am soo excited about 2022 because of all your inspiration

Best Podcast Ever!!
I love Gary and his podcasts!! I’ve been listening to him for years. He’s taught me so much about life, business and making money! He’s always one step ahead and a total hustler. He’s brought me so much value and I plan on holding my Veefriend for life. Sorry it took me so long to write a review. It deserved 5 stars years ago!!

Top Dog !!
This is the true definition of being real with who you are and winning

I disagree with you on so many things when it comes to social and political topics, but I will always have so much love for you no matter what. Keep being you You have changed so many lives including mine and continue to do so daily.

Told my mom I was right
My mon didn’t believe me that you can make money by selling stuff on eBay and on Facebook marketplace. I did it and I still do it, she doesn’t believe me still but I am doing it and I haven’t given up, I’ve had losses and have had challenges but I kept going and this podcast has helped me through it.

Thank you from! 💙
Posting this on #SmallBusinessSaturday, and I’m so thankful for Gary Vee, who lays out so much of his wisdom for free. Teachers like me in this entrepreneurial space with no business training really benefit from resources like him. Whether you're working on a side hustle or a full fledged business, his guidance is a pre-req to making your own impact. Tune in! ❤️

Can’t stop listening.
I am so inspired. He has awaken the drive in me. A mom of three that has spent the last 9 years giving to family, I am ready to now to lead my kids in a new way.

Keep it Vee
I just heard about Gary Vee last night and gave him a listen today. I wanted to scroll to the bottom and start from Ep. 1 but stopped at his August 4th episode, Quickest way to WIN in life. After listening it really got me thinking to say the least! Definitely worth the daily listen. B

Gary and Value
I find value when this guy just talks. Im feeling the vibes and this guy i know has touched many lives if he was able to touch mine.💪❤️ If you are not listening you are missing out and if you are, you already know why you should keep listening. Keep Crushing It🙌 Love You Gary💪❤️

Love the Variety
I recently tuned into this podcast because of NFTs. Gary is so genuine and down to earth. Love listening every day. Great podcast. Thank you Gary and your team!

Gary Bae
Love u daddy gare- bear😘😘😘😘😘😘u r a shining star

An instgram Qand A

I am so grateful for Gary , his ideas are so amazing and has helped a lot

Aiding the “Different” Side of GaryVee
Episode “Where you’re Going Wrong with Your content”. If you wanted to see a Tough Love side of GaryVee, check out this episode. We often get ahead of ourselves, thinking we’re doing what we need to do and hesitating when uncomfortable ideas are suggested to us, but with someone who understands the market of consumers and wants us to take advantage of the sources that are making people “get there” regarding more exposure, Gary delivers bluntly and brutally direct that our “excuses” and “selfishness” will not open up new pathways, only prevent us from utilizing resources and content that consumers are using / looking for. For a desire for people to listen to his wisdom and get out of their “domes” of thinking, thank you GaryVee for the authentic approach and tackling us directly for our success!

Thank you so much for your contents. Listening to your advice allows me to grow and be motivated. Love it!!!

Gary, I am just SO grateful that everyday I get to wake up and listen to a piece of audio content that daily sharpens my soft skills like patience, empathy, choking excuses, humility, and most importantly self awareness. That type of consistency has, over time, allowed me to become a more conscious and better person, shape my perspective, and to truly stomach real entrepreneurship. I LOVE coffee, but if I had to choose between coffee and this podcast, I’d give up coffee without batting an eye. Thank you to the moon and I love you bro!

I’ve listened here and there but started listening regularly. Appreciate the wealth of info and your drive is contagious!