Aug. 25, 2022

What Abundance Really Means - Donna Fairhurst

What Abundance Really Means - Donna Fairhurst

Donna Fairhurst has turned tragedy into transformation. Her unique approach to life and abundance helps you recognize the blessings that are present and keep going, no matter what.

Donna knows that words are one of our most powerful tools. In this episode, Donna shares how she defines ABUNDANCE and all it means for you. You’ll also learn a simple, practical exercise that clears and opens your chakras.

About Donna Fairhurst :

Donna Fairhurst is an inspirational Life/Soul Coach, Reiki Master, Psychic Medium, Empath, Auric/Chakra & Angel Intuitive, & Holistic Practitioner, guiding clients to create balance, clarity, calm, and coherence to instantly empowering powerful pivots through any challenge.

Born near blind, surviving childhood, polio, cancer, 3 NDE’s, bankruptcy, and relationship Armageddon, and finally realizing true love - taught Donna to embrace her gifts, and her true purpose for BEING. She empowers her clients to pivot powerfully through any challenge and “Live on Purpose” with creativity, and passion. Combining psychic abilities, aura imaging, healing energy modalities, and practical tools for daily living (tough love in a velvet glove) she empowers her clients to their highest level of awareness, here and now.

Free Gift Link: Life Purpose Magnifying Prayer:

Please support Donna by getting her books and leaving a review.

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TWITTER Name: donna_full



Women Like Me COMMUNITY: Sharing Words of Gratitude

Women Like Me COMMUNITY: Messages To My Younger Self


About the Host, Elaine Starling:

An international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach and mentor, Elaine Starling is recognized for her video show and podcast, The Abundance Journey. After a comprehensive conversation with our higher power during a stroke, Elaine created The Abundance Journey 6 week course to share what she learned. As the Abundance Ambassador, Elaine mentors spiritual, growth-oriented women to align with Divine guidance to achieve their dreams. Elaine’s clients experience more clarity, confidence, and commit to action that achieves their goals. 

Elaine Starling Social Media Links:




TEDx Talk, “Abundance Is a Choice”


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TAJ Intro/Outro:

The Abundance Journey explores all the ways abundance shows up to help you expand the abundance you embody Express and experience as your journey unfolds

TAJ Intro/Outro:

Welcome this is Elaine Starling the abundance ambassador, I'm so glad you could join me for another episode of the abundance journey. You know me nothing but the best I bring in such wonderful high vibe people. You are going to love meeting Donna Fairhurst, let me tell you a little bit about her. Donna is an inspirational Soul Life Coach. She's a Reiki Master a psychic medium, an empath auric chakra, an angel intuitive, and a holistic practitioner guiding her clients to create balance, clarity, calm, coherence, instant empowering and powerful pivots that take them through any Challenge Challenge truly refines you or defines you surviving and thriving a journey through blindness, polio, divorce, bankruptcy and multiple yo yo to God near death experiences, has empowered Donna to live and teach zero to clarity principles. You can pivot powerfully when you know what you're doing. And that's why I was so excited to chat with Donna today. Donna, welcome.

Donna Fairhurst:

Oh, thank you so much, Elaine, I'm so excited to meet you again, particles. It was so much fun. You're an amazing host. And I'm thrilled to death and feel so abundant to be here. Thank you for the gift of the stay with you.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

Oh, well. I always love chatting with you. Don, give us a little bit of background about why you are so passionate about doing what you're doing. I was a fellow of your death experience person that really really resonated with me. And obviously, you're doing this out of a deep love and respect and appreciation for the challenges that people are facing. What's your why story? How did you end up here?

Donna Fairhurst:

Oh, my goodness. Well, I love the title of your podcast, the theme, the abundance journey, just about says it all. You know, we come in with nothing but the skin that care and you know, the bus that carries our soul. And we leave that bus behind. And the journey with the bus through our life is what empowers us to know ourselves, to grow with ourselves to flow from ourself. And then to glow to shine a light for everyone else. That doesn't mean that there are bumps in the road, you know, mine were near blindness. I was born technically legally blind, my parents didn't even find it out until I was nearly 12 years old. Because I had what was a four body experience, I was able to see everything if you were within three feet of me, I could see you as an outline. And when you got within a foot of me, I could see who you were and what but everything was always this glorious haze of color. I saw auras and chakras and people's colors rather than their body. It was such a shock to me when I had surgery and then got these Coke bottle thick glasses at the age of 12. To actually see the real world it took me about four to 15 years to recover from just seeing the way things really were not the way I saw them with my my heart, sigh vision, I call it my mind's eye. And then I had polio. So that taught me to be silent and to be still and to let things come to me. And in that respect, I was able to connect with spirit and the angelic realm. And I was able to kind of synthesize what my child's mind did not know, with my sole heart, which was of course very ancient. So that and then I was given all of the experience of you know, multiple surgeries, I've had 58 moves in 71 years, a lot of them internationally and none of them were particularly fun in the beginning I had to create abundance in them to experience it as abundance in my life and I was given oh my god, Dear God, so many so many teachers. I was suicidal. I was near alcoholic at one time in my life from depression. My divorces weren't easy on me. However, you know goodbye wanes and you know, suck it up, buttercup, got to get up and go or die. And I was choosing dine that I chose to live. And since then it still took me another 15 years to come out of the closet, I didn't come out of the closet as this, except to my two very, very small group of friends until I was 64 years old,

TAJ Intro/Outro:

good for you, yes for you for stepping up and owning who you truly are. Because you are such a powerful energetic being. And I felt your power. As soon as we connected, I was really impressed with your high vibration, and you lift everybody else up as soon as you connect with them. And thank heaven. I'm not only connected with you now, but all of the listeners and viewers are connected with your energy. So that's, that's really huge. So obviously, you're passionate about it because of your incredibly challenging experiences that you had. But tell me, a lot of people don't quite understand the connection between the abundance journey and the energy journey that we're on. So how would you define abundance based on what you do with your clients?

Donna Fairhurst:

Oh, gosh. Abundance is an energy that we cultivate, and we manifest regardless of our circumstances or the place or the position in our life, spiritually, it's the realization of inner plenty rather than outer lack. In in the spiritual context, I would say the notion of abundance or plenty, is less about material conditions, and revolving instead, around an appreciation for life in its fullness, and for joy and strength of mind, body soul, we're, you know, and just like the four quadrants of the compass, we are a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual being encompassed in one, you know, body of skin and bone and like the ocean, we have waves and tides going through us with our circulation, that happens in our energy too. And every single word, every single thing that we say, actually has an energy, our words are the most powerful, energetic tool that we have.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

I totally agree with that. I totally agree with that. I actually mentioned that in one of my first four podcasts, I'm blanking on which one it was. But yeah, the power of your words and which words you use, make all the difference in how you experience your life and what you create in your life. So I totally agree with that. But you know, one of the challenges, I want to understand what are the common challenges that you notice people have, that they really struggle with?

Donna Fairhurst:

You know, I like to, I like to break it down by the word. So abundance, it starts with A and A is the I Am, and I am is the intention to manifest. So anything that you say is going to be a manifestation of I am what you're declaring to be. So the A in abundance stands for awareness and attitude. And the B stands for being versus believing, you know, we can be a lot of things, but we have to be in ourselves, to believe in ourselves. So that's understanding. So the you in abundance stands for understanding your basic biases. We have inherited biases, their lineage from our ancestors, we have actually energetic biases from past life experiences that we didn't resolve and we carry over. So understanding our abundance biases is the first step and then the N and it stands for now. It's not about yesterday, abundance is about isn't about what you had yesterday and you lost or what you'll have tomorrow that you don't yet have. It's about living here now. And then I think the D would represent digging deep and defining abundance on every level of your being in that manner that's in your highest good and then the highest good of all concern because you know you can you can be rolling in abundance and yet not know how rich you are. Can I give you a personal story that just leaves I would love it. I would love it. Oh, my husband is a major high level executive for a company here in Penticton BC, and he has a lot of really brilliant young man under him. And of course, they're all striving and reaching and one young man was supposed to be receiving a truck and because of the pandemic and all of the you know, auto industry border stuff going on everywhere in the world, his truck was delayed and delayed and delayed. And he'd already had to, he had to turn over his vehicle. And so my husband has this dream car that he waited and waited and waited until he was 64. To buy it, he bought it. And it's just pride and joy. And he just came home one day and said, What do you think if I lent the Genesis to Josh, and I went, what? For how long? You're gonna lend, you're gonna actually, nobody ever drives it, like, you're gonna lend that car to somebody? And he said, absolutely. So he had it for four months. And he got his car yesterday, my husband just came in the door a minute ago, and he said, all look at Josh made us cookies. And they sent us a gift certificate for dinner, I told him, You didn't have to do any of this. And he's got me a bottle of rum. And he said, I just, I just feel so full of gratitude for what he gave me. And they said, but the best gift is, because I lent him the car with no strings attached and said, Just take care of my baby and bring it back in the condition you found it. You know, he, his wife had a friend who was having some really difficulties with housing that this morning, they went and gathered her up and invited her into their home and put her into their basement suite for as long as she needs until she gets on her feet. And he said, Frank, I did that because you were the example of unconditional love. To me, that's abundance. Yes, it's digging deep and not defining what your life is based on what's in your pocket. It's sharing what you've got with who's in your life, or who shows up in your life in that manner. That that is in that highest good. That's digging deep. So that's the D digging deep and defining abundance on every level, rather taking notes. And keep going. So that the second a, I think would be to allow to allow it to flow. Abundance is a river, and we flow through the river. There's all kinds of energetic rivers in our life. Just like the blood in us is a river in our body. And it ebbs and flows with the BAM and the boom, or the almond. Ah, so allowing it to flow. And to go with the abs. Sometimes it's going to be ebbing, and it feels like it's pulling away from you, the tide is out, the tide always comes back. You just have to be open to receive and not judge how and what you're receiving. And that's hard on your own heart.

Donna Fairhurst:

So you know that in the second end is allowing it to flow. You know, abundance, the highs and lows of our abundance journey. Are you know what you said earlier, they don't define us, they refine us. We choose it. So to see an abundance would be choice. We choose how we feel in every moment. And we need to own the highs and the lows and the ebbs and the flows and not blame it on other people. Keep on moving forward. Sometimes you leap. Sometimes you step in, sometimes you crawl and sometimes you're dragged kicking and screaming by somebody else. It's okay, as long as you keep moving, because we end with the E in abundance, and it's choice exploration, it's evolution. It's a part of our plant. And at the soul level, we chose it

TAJ Intro/Outro:

that is so beautiful. Wow. I never expected you to actually spell out the word abundance. And I love that you did that. Because absolutely words have incredible power. And we we delve down into what that true meaning is for us and how it means we show up. That makes all the difference in the world. So thank you so much for doing that. So, you know sometimes it's great to intellectualize something, and you explained it really clearly. But there has to be an internal shift. At the same time. I shouldn't say but and at the same time, there has to be an internal shift. What do we need to change inside? What can we do that will shift us into living that type of abundance that you just described?

Donna Fairhurst:

Witness your blocks, feel what you feel and choose again, witness your blocks because we always have a block to abundance. I had a really rough day yesterday where we had been waiting for the outcome of something for five years and it was really a long, brutal energy day. And we were totally wiped at the end of it. And I had my cry and I cuddled with my husband and then we said okay, you up on, we move forward. We have more today than we had yesterday. And we'll have more tomorrow than we have today. It's just moving forward. And what we received was such a gift and what wasn't what we had or expected. And yet, somewhere in our head, we had a blockage about more. So we had to work through that last night. And I told Frank, you know, synchronicity and God and all of this journey that we're on, and this abundance, and I brought you up, and I said, I'm doing a podcast on abundance, with Elaine Starling tomorrow, and how in God's name is all of this showing up exactly 24 hours before, you know, and I envisioned when I booked this day, that the day before was going to be like a super happy, exciting, wonderful moment. And it was the exact opposite of that. And I thought, huh, how's that for like, pre quilling, something through your visioning that doesn't show up as what you want. And yet, you have to say, Whoa, that was a kick in the Goonies, and I need to pick myself up, put my big girl panties on and go forward.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

Hey, you know, I experienced it just a little bit differently. Because I experienced every time we have something that the stuff hits the fan, and it's not what we wanted. And it's really upsetting. I feel like that is God leaning on the doorbell going, hello, right here ready to partner up with you. Stop trying to make it so hard. Stop trying to control everything, partner up with us. We're ready to take over and make things happen. As soon as you're ready to stop playing Twister. You're having fun tying yourself in knots Knock yourself out, sweetheart. But you know, we're here. And we can help whenever you're ready. So to me, it's about commit, again, recommit to what's truly important to you and hold that course, hold that emotional course of being the abundance that you're looking for. And it all starts to line up.

Donna Fairhurst:

You know, commitment is that that is so beautiful that you said that, you know, I wish abundance had another sea in it. Or maybe we'll put slash commitment because that's the way it is. You know, it's not about making life a prosperity game. It's about making life a choice in Bountiful living with what shows up as bounty and seeing it as bountiful rather than lacking.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

Yes, very true. And very true.

Donna Fairhurst:

The other thing is always say a prayer for abundance. I know, I know, you have an abundance format that you do exercise energy exercise that you do, and I can't wait to experience. You know, early on in my journey. For myself, I created an energetic toolkit. I call it the zero to clarity toolkit. And the second most important thing in that toolkit is, well, I have a manifesting prayer clearing and manifesting prayer. And the second thing is an angel invocation that is about how we express abundance.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

Very cool, very cool. I was going to ask you, what's your favorite way to help people experience abundance given all that you do, you have so many different tools and so many different things, what's a great thing that people can get started with,

Donna Fairhurst:

the first thing I do is give them my energy toolkit and they say if all you do is the Clarion prayer, which by the way is a gift that your listeners are going to receive if they choose to avail themselves of it later. But I always like to give attention to all of the energy centers in my body. And I start of course with God's Spirit Source Creator, whatever that is for you. And I bring that in with a clearing prayer. I anchor that with an abundance and activation invocation with the angelic realm. And then for my own health and energy with source and the angels God and the angels working with me. I work on each chakra starting at the crown chakra with an im manifestation, chakra affirmation, and then I ground it to the earth. And then if I really need to do some power healing, then I have a different set of Reiki affirmations that we bring back the energy. So it's like a rolling, flowing ball of energy. And one of the littlest tips, the best tips I've ever had is if you're ever having a really bad moment, just take your left hand with your right hand, gently hold it with your four fingers and gently do the infinity symbol on the palm of your hand. And then do that about seven eight times. And then press on the middle. You'll instantly feel a little heart thing when you trust that

TAJ Intro/Outro:


Donna Fairhurst:

do the affinity thing, a figure eight press. It's it's all of your chakras, you have many shoppers in the palms of your hand and the soles of your feet. That's why in ancient era, Vedic times, they would do the painting on the hands, the symbols on the hands. And, you know, kind of all palm reading, everything came from that energetic principle. Wow. sexology is a new science, it's based on the old science of clearing energy through the feet, right, and the fastest way to remove toxins from your body of through your hands and your feet.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

So Donna, obviously, sadly, we just don't come with a magic wand, do we? You know, and always, we always all of us would really love to have the outcome, like, now how about instance, and yesterday would be even better. But if I can't have it yesterday, right now would be perfect. And that's just not how this stuff works. What are the baby steps that we should be paying attention to that show us we're making some progress. I want you to tap

Donna Fairhurst:

into your heart, your heart is always going to tell you where you are, even if it feels like it's breaking, it will never let you down. We have a habit as a society as humanity, of doing and doing and doing. And I always say you're either a human being, being with yourself being with others being with purpose, or you're a human doing. And you do and do and do and then you end up with a bunch of doodoo. And you have to swing back. Because the dude isn't working anymore, right? You're in it, and you need to get out of it. And the only way you can do is to choose again and to step into it. You know, life isn't about what you do. It isn't about what you have. It isn't about who you are. It's about being in purpose, on purpose, with purpose. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whoever you're with what ever is happening. You have the ability to choose.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

I love that and

Donna Fairhurst:

let you down. Ah,

TAJ Intro/Outro:

that was really brilliant on a really, really, really brilliant. I am so excited that you have offered this toolkit to us. I really appreciate it. Could you tell us a little bit about what's inside your toolkit?

Donna Fairhurst:

The toolkit, you're not going to receive the whole toolkit, you're going to receive the manifesting prayer, perfect that manifesting prayer I can so the toolkit when you work with me comes in a beautiful silk bag, and it has all of the affirmations. Wow, each one of this is this is an energy principle and an affirmation that works on the energy for each chakra. And then you have the clearing prayer, we could do the clearing prayer together right now. It's not very long.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

I so appreciate that. And I want to leave a little bit of mystery, and encourage everyone to go and sign up. And of course, the link is going to be in the show notes. So it's easy for you to find. Now we always turn the tables on our guests, because our guests are incredibly generous. And we so appreciate all that you do. We want to find a way to support you also. So what's something that we could do to support you, Donna? What would really be helpful for you?

Donna Fairhurst:

Oh, well, I belong to a beautiful tribe of women called women like me. And one of the women who I'm going to invite you to invite to be a guest on your is Julie fair, Hearst. We are no relation whatsoever. Julie found me through Facebook, and saw the name and thought well, we must be related in some way because there's so few fair her surround. And she reached out to me through Facebook. And it turns out that she's also a coach. And we have so many life journeys in common. And she's started she's empowering women in so many ways. And she's created this writing group called women like me, and we're working through different principles, and different women contribute to different books. And here are two of them. Women like me, the community. This one is about messages to my younger self. And these ones are this one is about sharing words of gratitude. And I just wrote my first chapter for a compilation called pieces of my heart to Angel interventions and seven miracles. So that's one thing we can do. And by the way, all of the proceeds of any woman like me book that you buy on Amazon, all of the proceeds go to breast cancer research. Oh, well, that's wonderful as a cancer survivor, not breast cancer. Thank you. But breast cancer survivor and having lost my very dearest friend in the whole world in September to breast cancer and two of my grandmother's I really am invested in this. So Please reach out via book support a woman that's going through the journey with it.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

I'll make sure that I have those links as well to those books. And I'll make sure that those are in the show notes so that everyone can support you that way. Thank you, Donna. Thank you for doing that. Because yeah, it takes us coming together as a community to help each other. And when we do magic happens, it does every single time. So thank you for igniting that and inspiring all of us to participate as a community.

Donna Fairhurst:

Well, you know, every woman, every man has a story. And I know so many people that that they tell me something I said, You need to tell that you need to share that with people. There's somebody out there waiting to be inspired by that story. And we undervalue our journey. This is why what you do is so incredibly important. Because the abundance journey for me is about inspiring other people to share their journey so that they can inspire people so that we can create this ring of inspirational energy around the world, where whenever we need it, we can dip our toe in that pool, and pull out something that's going to serve us. You know,

TAJ Intro/Outro:

it's really interesting, because while we are each on our own unique journey, at the same time, we're in the same Jeep, we're going over the same speed bumps and potholes, and we're going to same scenic overlooks, but we all experience something different every time. And so when we can support each other and compare notes on what our experiences are, it uplifts, everyone involved, it empowers everyone involved, we just sync up our energy, and we lift the energy of the planet. So I really appreciate what you're doing. Donna, I cannot thank you enough for taking the time to join me today for the abundance journey. Thank you so much.

Donna Fairhurst:

Oh, it's so my so my pleasure. I'm so grateful to be here and I'm so inspired by what you do.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

Excellent. Well stick around because we're going to activate abundance in just a minute Wasn't she amazing? I mean, honestly, Donna fair, hers. She had so much to share. I I took so many notes. I was trying hard not to look at my notebook while she was talking. But I was writing all times she was talking. There's so much to activate here today. So okay, so you activate what you want to activate, I'm just gonna pick one thing, because otherwise there's just way too much to cover. So you always start by celebrating step one, celebrate, you're connected with Donna and her energy is through the roof. Wow, I'm still tingling. If you don't feel the energy, you're just not paying attention. That's all there is to it. So celebrate step one, step two, acknowledge something you learned. That really was like a shift for you. It was like an on off switch for you. For me. It was when Donna was describing what abundance really means. And she talked about spiritual plenty, and a fullness in life. I felt like I've been hit by a lightning bolt. They're like, Yeah, that's exactly what it is. I just hadn't articulated it that way before but hearing that from Donna just totally lit me up. I love that it was so powerful. And I loved the way she defined abundance with every single letter. I mean, yeah, I'm not gonna go through it again her we'd be here all day. Okay, so celebrate. Acknowledge appreciate. I really appreciate the difference that definition definition makes for me because she is so right. Words have power. Words have incredible power. And if you've done any research in this area, I've done a lot of research here. I just read the book. From Neale Donald Walsch, the God's solution. And he was just talking about how God is pure love that that's truly what it is. And I love the definitions that he used, because he was saying, Look, we have the choice to show up as that. And that's what I talk about, too. That's what Donna talks about. And so the words you use illustrate whether the God God essence in you is present in the moment. And so knowing that abundance is spiritual, plenty. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, like connected all the dots. I'm starting to see this picture come together. So brilliant. Okay, so we celebrate, we acknowledge we appreciate and then we activate, we activate by picking an action or a trigger that's going to remind me to take a different action or just stay in this action. So I'm really going to pay attention to the recognition that An Abundance is spiritual plenty. So when I'm coming up from a space of spirit when I'm present as spirit, meaning I'm there as pure love, it's not about me, it's through me. It's through me being love that is needed in the moment. And then recognizing the love that is present in the moment, and amplifying the love that is present in the moment. That is so key. So it was absolutely brilliant having that recognition that abundance is spiritual, plenty makes all the difference in the world. And then step five, we celebrate again, because look at all the progress we just made. In one simple interview, you have been transformed. And what I love about the five step activating abundance process, it delivers your three transformations. Because when you acknowledge something that you learned, that's a transformation, when you appreciate the difference that can make in your life. That's a transformation when you pick an action that you're going to implement that will transform your life. It's a transformation, honey, but only you can pick your transformation. So you have to own it, you have to activate it, you can activate abundance all the time. That's what it's all about. I'm just modeling this for you. But this is something you get to do. Because when you start activating abundance, you can feel my energy and my energy is really high right now. I'm trying to stay anchored to the ground, but your energy shifts to how cool is that? This is Elaine Starling. Thank you so much for joining me for today's abundance journey.

TAJ Intro/Outro:

I'll see you next time.