Are you interested in higher quality leads and less nightmare clients? Then this episode is for you. You’ve definitely heard all about how you need to niche down and the “riches are in the niches” - which is true. Not …
Have you ever wanted to start a business but, honestly, had no idea what to start? You don’t need big ideas and I wouldn’t recommend affiliate marketing or an Amazon Store (if you’ve heard of those get rich quick schemes.) …
Have you heard that sales is a numbers game? It is - if you treat people like numbers. That’s the ineffective way most people do cold outreach and the reason why everyone dreads it. However, if you do cold outreach …
The age old question - how do I get high quality leads coming in predictably? In this episode, Jennie Wright, creator of the list injection method shares her method for bringing in enough high quality leads for an entire YEAR …
Is there a lack of excitement from prospects - or moving forward - in your sales conversations? A lot of time this is due to sneaky subconscious communication patterns we fall into that were programmed into us growing up. There …
Are you struggling to stand out in a saturated market? It’s more crucial than EVER to make it clear how you’re different and why someone would want to work with you. This is a source of anxiety for many who …
Do you feel like your sales pitch is falling flat with your buyers? It’s highly likely it needs to be customized. There are lots of elements to a service offer and it’s crucial not to overwhelm the buyer with all …
More people than ever are finding themselves numb and detached instead of lit up with life purpose. It’s an epidemic and leadership development expert, Candy Barone, has the antidote that will wake you up from your mind numbing slumber. If …
What’s an example of a red flag client and how do you deal with them? This episode is for anyone who is: Working with a nightmare client and isn’t sure what to do Considering working with a prospect who has …
Most of us have been through SOME kind of trauma - even if it’s only emotional. A lot of the time, this experience can limit our success whether we want it to or not. OR in some cases, it can …
Have you never really “fit in” with the crowd - whether that’s in your industry, company, family, etc.? This episode is for you, my friend. Because I never fit in either and the moment I started leaning into that is …
What if you could replace your social media activities with something that didn’t have a constantly changing algorithm or a lifespan shorter than a fly? That’s what we cover in this most recent episode with our guest, Kelly Mosser, the …
Do people easily forget or confuse what it is you actually DO? It’s often because you’re “pitching” instead of having an actual conversation where BOTH people talk. It’s crucial to ask strategic questions when explaining your service because if you...
Money has a diverse set of emotions tied to it and for most people a lot of them are negative whether they’re conscious of it or not. A clear sign that you’re suffering from this is if you’re constantly hustling, …
How do you know if your pricing is too high or low? Are you feeling frustrated and underpaid? Are you feeling frustrated because people are saying they can’t afford you and it makes you feel pressured to discount yourself? These …
Do you have a problem in your life/business you’ve looked at from every angle and still can’t solve it? I would bet good money that you’ve got a dormant creativity issue. An issue that Patrick Williams, innovation expert, knows exactly …
Few things turn off a buyer more than feeling like they’re talking to an evasive or pushy salesperson. Even if the salesperson is someone with the best intentions, it’s the whole format of the traditional sales call that oozes sales …
Do you wish you could find a form of lead generation that didn’t feel either time consuming, soul sucking or expensive as hell? It’s time you knew about podcast guesting used as a form of lead gen! Kimberly Spencer, an …
The holiday season brings Mariah Carey music, presents and…objections from your prospects. Unless you’re in retail you’ll usually start hearing prospects explain why they’re going to wait until the new year to move forward because of expenses, timin...
Generating leads is a primary challenge for businesses, second only to the task of making sales. This hurdle stems from the amount of marketing paths available so it’s difficult to know which to prioritize based on your current stage in …
Do traditional, mainstream approaches to sales feel aggressive, overly masculine and unaligned for you? You’re not crazy - the majority of people feel like that. And unfortunately there hasn’t really been an alternative beyond winging it. So, i...
The #1 element that impacts any and every company’s bottom line is leadership and most people have no idea what they’re doing. That’s where Angie Colee comes in. As a leadership and communication coach with decades of experience, she has …
Buyers are more skeptical than ever before and, as a result, new methods of approaching a sales conversation are more necessary than ever. This is where mainstream sales often fails us by offering the same, tired timeshare-feeling strategies dressed...
ADHD comes with a diverse bag of strengths and weaknesses that can be a blessing in disguise - once you know how to leverage them correctly. That’s what Diann Wingert - a former no-nonsense psychotherapist who has turned her skills …