Helping content marketers more confidently navigate the world of brand storytelling.
Jan. 4, 2023

Mental Health & Body Odor - Harry's and Lume Storytelling Examples, episode 93

Mental Health & Body Odor - Harry's and Lume Storytelling Examples, episode 93

EP 93. Behind-the-scenes of how two companies connect with their audiences. Harry’s men’s razor and body care products are tackling men’s mental health. And, Lume, an all-over body deodorant, is successfully talking about a sensitive topic with women via iPhone content from its doctor founder.



One of the best ways to learn brand storytelling is to look at how successful brands have built a relationship with their customers, and what they’re doing to stay triumphant in their mission.


During episode 93 of the Marketing With Empathy episode, Sarah is joined by Michael Moore, Chief Retail Officer of Harry’s. You’ve likely heard of, or use, Harry’s men’s grooming products, or have seen their personal advertisements in stores or the digital space. Harry’s has thrived in the direct-to-consumer and retail space by being transparent and personal, so there’s a lot to learn from their marketing strategy.



Michael shares how Harry’s created stories that customers can’t help but relate to and invest in, as well as their dedication to issues like men’s mental health. You’ll also hear how their acquisition company, Lume, is using their creativity to open a dialogue around all-over body odor and speak to women in a humorous way that removes the stigma of embarrassing body odor -- all using iphone content footage.


For insights and examples of brand storytelling at its best, don’t wait to tune in!




  • Harry’s mission and why customers are loyal

  • How they’ve maintained its values through immense growth

  • Creating unique storytelling displays at Target

  • Advice to brands on staying true to themselves in a changing market

  • Storytelling initiatives at Harry’s and their Open Minds Initiative dedicated to helping improve men's mental health

  • Lume’s body odor products and innovation

  • How Lume is making body odor an easy topic to talk about -- using simple iPhone content.

  • The inspiration for starting Flamingo


Connect with Michael Moore:





Read Harry's mental health landing page: 


Lume’s YouTube:





Click here for 3 Ways to Improve Your Content Strategy This Year, packed with tips and actionable advice that I’ve learned and mastered over the last 20 years.




Looking to humanize your brand, connect with your audience, and attract top-funnel leads to drive bottom-funnel results? Sign up for my 3-month Brand Storytelling Academy program.




Sarah Panus is a brand storytelling marketing strategist, Minnesota mom, and owner of Kindred Speak, LLC, a remote consultancy that helps corporations attract upper-funnel leads that drive bottom-funnel results through storytelling. Her mission is to add value to the world by humanizing brand+consumer connections. Her online courses teach content professionals inside corporations how to think like Editorial Directors to drive stronger results while enjoying their jobs more. She’s spent the last 20 years helping brands including Sleep Number, Starbucks, Nestle Waters, Christos Bridal, Game Crazy, Cone Inc, and others, speak a kindred language with their audiences, driving brand advocacy and millions in revenue and brand engagements. Learn more at


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