Jan. 31, 2022

Magic Recognizes Magic: The Story of an Incredible Run Across America

This week I am joined by Don Muchow, who has a truly remarkable story to tell. Last year Don made history by running an astounding 2,761 miles in just 88 days, in order to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those with type 1 diabetes.

Join us as we talk about Don’s health journey, his experience running across the country, and what motivated him to accomplish this amazing feat.

Thank you to our guest Don Muchow!

To connect with Don further:

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/t1determined/?hl=en

Facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/don.muchow.9

Website - https://t1determined.org/

Join Ralph’s private community for transformative weekly content: https://www.ralphgravejr.com/community.


* Join Ralph’s private community for transformative weekly content: https://www.ralphgravejr.com/community.

* Join the Gulfstream Way, a 90-day coaching program that will help you grow as a person and a leader through personal coaching and transformative training: http://bit.ly/The-Gulfstream-Way-program.


Be sure to click that “Subscribe” button so you don’t miss out on future episodes. Here are links to the “Unstoppable with Ralph Graves Jr. Show”:

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* Buy Ralph’s book, Unstoppable: Seven Universal Laws That Will Transform How You Pursue and Achieve Success: http://bit.ly/Unstoppable-Amazon-Paperback.


* Instagram: https://bit.ly/Ralph-Graves-Jr-Instagram.

* LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/Ralph-Graves-Jr-LinkedIn.

* Facebook: https://bit.ly/Ralph-Graves-Jr-Facebook.

* YouTube: http://bit.ly/Ralph-Graves-Jr-YouTube.

This episode was produced by Story On Media & Marketing: https://www.successwithstories.com.

Don Muchow Profile Photo

Don Muchow


Don made history by running an astounding 2,761 miles in just 88 days, in order to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those with type 1 diabetes.