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I have listened to several podcasts about exonerating someone in jail. Usually by episode three, I lose interest and think the Podcaster is stretching for a story. This one is awesome, and enraging - in the right way. Can't wait for each Wednesday!

Good stuff
Really enjoying this podcast, very well done. Is the theme song available for download?? Really dig it

Love this podcast! Wonderfully produced. Love your voice. My only concurs that there appears to be random skips and sometimes info duplicated. The last episode cuts out when he is talking about the tunnel at the very end. 😞

Great work
This podcast is done perfectly. Spot on journalism, fantastic quality, great music….idk about guys but I love Leo’s voice. His accent, his diction, you can hear the pain and truth in his words.

Binged in one sitting-can’t wait for rest!
Really good storytelling and listened to first 6 in one sitting; can’t wait for the rest to come out! I never leave reviews but really enjoyed listening to this one!

Love this podcast
This is a really great podcast that tells a story about an innocent man. The journalism is done really well and I appreciate being able to follow along a story episode after episode. Many times the true crime podcasts focus on a new story each episode but this podcast focuses on the same story episode after episode which allows you to follow the story and really get invested in it. Anxiously Awaiting the next episodes !!!

Exceptional Podcast
This podcast is well presented and brings much needed awareness of the flaws in our justice system! It is unfortunate that I cannot listen to the last episode because they want you to sign up for a free trial of Lava. That’s a bummer to do that to listeners! I’m not going to sign up for a free 7 day trial …..Google is free all day everyday! ✌🏻

Waiting for more!
This was a good listen. The system is still in need of a lot of work. It is truly broken! I can’t even think about how many more innocent men are paying for someone else crime. Why can’t we fix how the court views new evidence!? Why is it so hard for them to grasp, a mistake was made and it needs to be corrected! What can be done to change how new evidence is processed? I don’t even understand how any of those men were convicted in the first place. AND… why is the county destroying evidence after that many years…. because someone requested it!? why aren’t they charged with obstruction? It clearly didn’t just happen randomly. I believe evidence should NEVER be destroyed. And no good attorney will wait to meet with you until your day in court. If they are truly helping you, they will meet with you, they will call you and they will give you the best option available and let you decide. It’s your life that’s on the line.

So well done and infuriating!
Cannot stop listening to this story. One of my newest all time favorite podcasts.

The Zemans
Shaking my head at these two parents.

Awesome podcast!
I couldn’t stop listening! One of my new favorites!!

So Well Done!!
I thought I was over true crime but this one sucked me back in. It’s so well produced, narrates a twisty story but you can also tell the hosts are really concerned for those involved. They don’t seem biased but legitimalnly shocked the authorities acted as they did. Really hope things turn out for Schofield.

Must listen for true crime fans
Wow! One of the best podcasts I’ve listened to and I’ve listened to many. Great narration and enthralling subject matter. A must listen-Just wow.

Intriguing and Irritating
Amazing production - story telling, editing, soundtrack! Stories of the miscarriages of justice and judicial misconduct are hard to hear. It’s so important that cases like this are shared to spread awareness that those who are supposed to be the good guys sometimes turn out being the bad guys. Thank you for the great work!

One of the best....
Incredibly well-done and thoroughly investigated true crime podcast. Great work- and thanks for bringing light to this tragic wrongful conviction. The justice system sadly failed Leo Schofield.

Excellent production! Engaging storytelling!

Riveting. Masterfully told.
Bone Valley is a top notch true crime podcast in every way. Riveting story with incredible twists & turns. Masterfully told by intelligent & likable hosts. Compelling characters & true injustice that gets me deep & is hard to shake. Highly recommend!

Looking forward to each episode!
I literally can’t wait to listen to each new episode. Storyline is well organized and thoughtfully written. Highly recommend!!!

I just listened to episode 4 and I am truly amazed at the reporting, writing, and interviews. The production is so well done. Worth a listen!

I don’t normally write reviews and I never subscribe (I’m cheap), but I wanted to commend y’all. I love this! It is so well done.

Top notch!
Stellar investigatory podcast! Every episode is intriguing. Hoping for justice, for Michelle and Leo.

Excellent journalism. Outrageous injustice.

Investigations at their BEST!
I don’t usually write reviews but I love true crime investigations that do it right! Fantastic!

Gripping, Amazing narrative, and 1000% BingeWorthy!
This podcast is so good, I actually got a subscription to Lava so I could binge it all. Born and raised in FL with a husband who has gone through the criminal justice system in this awful state, this podcast hits close to home. I haven’t finished it, but I pray Leo is free in the end! Thank you for your research and investigations and bringing to light yet again, another innocent person in FL system.

More of this.
There are so many such stories to tell about Florida’s chronically broken criminal “justice” system. This crooked state prefers to lock of people it doesn’t like, rather than people it is afraid of. So if you poor, or black, or have long hair or whatever it is that day, you have a pretty good chance to go to prison for something you didn’t have anything to do with.

Professional and highly addictive!
It’s always such a relief to try a new pod and it turns out to be sooooooo good.

Absolutely stellar reporting!

Excellent investigation ❣️
Only three episodes in and I’m absolutely hooked! What a tearjerker. Amazing investigative work. thanks for bringing light to another criminal justice tragedy. keep up the great work!

Good job !!!

Love this podcast I listen to the 2020 episode and I am absolutely hooked on this case. I love this great country we live in but how our government whether it be state local or federal can standby and know that a man is in prison serving a life sentence for something that he did not do his disappointing to me. There has to be someway for all of us to pull together to try to write wrongs like this I just want to know how I can help write these wrongs so these people don’t waste their life staying in prison forever this man did not kill his wife there’s no way he killed his wife there’s so much conflicting evidence that I don’t know how they got a conviction.Great podcast great writer great researcher I just want to know what I can do to help