Jan. 22, 2022

Ron Sarchian - Stuntman, Actor, & Guinness World Record Breaker

Ron Sarchian - Stuntman, Actor, & Guinness World Record Breaker
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All The Way Authentic

Who broke the record for karate-chopping watermelons on national TV? Who punched a punching bag for nearly 2 days without stopping? Well, Ron Sarchian, of course!

Ron Sarchian is a certified personal trainer and a group fitness instructor with a background in football, boxing, kickboxing, road cycling and mountain biking.

Breaking Guinness World Records is Ron’s way of honoring his parents. His father, Archie Sarchian, was stricken by testicular cancer as a young man and died at the age of 33.

Ron broke his very first Guinness World Record the “Punchbag Marathon” and punched a 100 lb. heavybag for 36 hrs. & 3 min. from June 15th-17th, 2004, and dedicated it to his dad.

On September 5th, 2017, Ron was invited to appear on The “Today Show” where he proceeded to break the “Most Watermelons Smashed with a Karate Chop in One Minute” Live at Rockefeller Center in front of over 5 million tv viewers and dedicated this one to his mother, Mary Jane Sarchian. Mary Jane is the one who taught Ron that he could do anything that he put his mind to and he has.

Ron has held 26 Guinness World Records and plans on continuing to break more World Records, as long as he is physically capable of doing so.

#ronsarchian #Guinness World Records #personaltraining #stuntwork