Dec. 24, 2023

Episode 7 - Danger In The Fog

Episode 7 - Danger In The Fog
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Yokai Detective Agency

Welcome back to Darkness Falls.

Red lures Black and Akashi to a secluded place, determined to sow seeds of doubt and despair in Black's mind. Although she is not allowed to kill him, Red resorts to darker tactics to break Black's spirit. Akashi watches in horror as his friend suffers at Red's hands as he battles her physically on the outside. Despite the odds being against them, Black and Akashi refuse to give up and are determined to overcome Red's manipulations and emerge victorious.

Stay towards the end for a holiday treat!

We have the full version of "Save Me" by Eye One Fifty at the end of this episode!

Give them a follow on YouTube as well!

RED “Oh my, their tenacity knows no bounds.” REN BLACK (Out of breath) “Why in the first five rings of hell did you have to run? Man, I’m out of shape. Who are you and why were you watching us?” HIRO AKASHI “Why did you run away?” RED “Me, running away? How do you know I was following you? I could be going anywhere.” REN BLACK “Well, that’s easy. Innocent people don’t run. Now tell me what you are doing here. Not to mention slinking about watching from the treeline.” RED “I don’t have to answer you, I never said I was innocent nor guilty~ I am just doing my job. Word has reached Gabriel that you were getting a bit too close for comfort.” HIRO AKASHI “That still doesn’t tell us who you are.” REN BLACK “Storm of swords lady, you're working for Gabriel! What else can go wrong today?” RED “Meeting with people should be a matter of quickly grasping their temperament and reacting appropriately. Perhaps you should ponder that instead of introductions. It might just let you live longer.” REN BLACK “As much as I like this tit-for-tat we have going on here, it’s fun, but I'm going to need you to come with me. I have a few more questions for you.” RED (Laughs) “Now that is rich! Can you hear yourself? I’m going, but not with you. My job is done here.” [The ferry horn bellows out.] HIRO AKASHI “Evil plot indeed. I think you forgot there will be another ferry before the end of the night.” REN BLACK “What have you done?” RED “The party isn’t over yet boys. I’m just getting started, and what’s a party without guests? I have a special guest that I know you have been dying to see.” (laughs) -------------------- REN BLACK “Storm of swords! You could have just left. No need to put on a freakin' show.” HIRO AKASHI “Is she still here? I can’t tell.” REN BLACK “Oh hell, not again. Now I know who was responsible for that fog a year ago.” MIMIC SHIRO MINAGAWA “It’s been a long time hasn't it Ren? You sure have changed since I died…” REN BLACK “Shiro, how are you… this isn’t possible.” MIMIC SHIRO MINAGAWA “Anything is possible if you want it badly enough. I know how much you miss me. I can feel it still.” HIRO AKASHI “Black, where are you? Now’s not the time to check out on me.” MIMIC SHIRO MINAGAWA “Ren? I can’t see you. Where are you?” REN BLACK “Not again, Shiro, I can’t take any more pain. Letting you go is the hardest thing I have ever done.” MIMIC SHIRO MINAGAWA “There you are. Silly Ren, you don’t have to let go of me.” REN BLACK “Shiro, I miss you; I miss you like crazy. I’ve been stuck in this void since you left.” HIRO AKASHI “Ren, Shiro is not here. Remember me, Akashi! If you think you're seeing Shiro, stay away from it! Do you hear me, Black?” RED “Already forgotten little kit? How about you play with me for a bit as Ren falls deeper into despair.” HIRO AKASHI “You underestimate me. Let me tell you something. I might not look like much, but I got it where it counts.” RED “Do delusions of grandeur run in your blood over at the agency? Don’t make me laugh.” MIMIC SHIRO MINAGAWA “Ren, can I embrace you? Let me say goodbye properly this time.” REN BLACK “Goodbye? But you just got here.” HIRO AKASHI “Damn it. I’m warning you, Black! You gotta snap out of it before…” RED “Jealous? Didn’t I tell you not to interfere?” --- MIMIC SHIRO MINAGAWA “I don’t know how long I have. I want to spend eternity with you. I know you want that, too.” HIRO AKASHI “Gaslighting isn’t the strongest move, you know? This fight’s going to be pretty quick unless you prove me wrong.” RED “It’s called strategy, my adorable kit; Try it sometime, it’ll do you wonders.” HIRO AKASHI “Maybe you should try being more spontaneous, got me through some hefty situations.” RED “You have some power for such a young Kumiho. Tell me… how many humans did it take to bring forth a kit like you? Must have been some kind of feast.” HIRO AKASHI “You talk too much. Time to put your money where your mouth is.” RED “(Laughing) Sweet child, such bravado! You have no idea what you're getting into.” --- MIMICS SHIRO MINAGAWA “Ren, I don’t want to leave you. You could join me. That way we can be together forever.” HIRO AKASHI “Don’t, Black! That’s not Shiro! I’m coming to get you!” REN BLACK “Alone together, I would like that. It’s painful to live without you.” MIMIC SHIRO MINAGAWA “So don’t live without me. Join me, I have been waiting long enough.” HIRO AKASHI “I swear to the gods Ren if you go with that thing…” REN BLACK “My, my head feels foggy. It's **banging around me, hammering like a migraine... Was there someone else here?" MIMIC SHIRO MINAGAWA “There’s no one here but us. I am all you need, want, crave.” RED "Naughty little kit! Cease this incessant behavior and get the hell out of my way!" HIRO AKASHI “I am willing to do whatever it takes to keep him free of your torment.” RED “Stop trying to play the knight in shining armor. The weight might just crush you.” HIRO AKASHI “Is quick wit how you hide your poor fighting skills?” RED “You insolent, arrogant, child. I’ll make you eat those words!” HIRO AKASHI “Black, I swear I will never give you coffee ever again!” REN BLACK “Wait, whose voice is that? Akashi... Akashi!” REN BLACK **** “Shiro, I can’t go with you. Please don’t hate me. I have a new partner. He needs me… and I think I need him too.” RED “Coffee? You're overselling yourself, child! My spell will not be broken!" HIRO AKASHI “This espresso has whiskey for that extra kick!” HIRO AKASHI “Payback's a bitch.” RED “Insolent little prick!” RED “Sewing the seed of despair needs nourishment to sprout and you are getting in our way!” HIRO AKASHI “Well lady, blended together we are the breakfast of champions!” REN BLACK “Ahh, he knows me so well. *** Our bond is something eternal; the aspect might change, but never the essence. I'll always love you, but I have grieved enough. Our fates will always be intertwined.. and I'll cherish the memories you gave me. It's time to say goodbye... until I see you again on the other side.” MIMICS SHIRO MINAGAWA “No! You only have room in your heart for me! I am the only one who truly loves you. Without me, you have no one!” REN BLACK “Shiro would never say something like that. My Shiro was kind and his love for me was not this *** perverted warped version of it.” MIMICS SHIRO MINAGAWA “It has been a long time since we have spoken. Am I not capable of jealousy? Is it so easy to replace me?!” HIRO AKASHI “I got you, Ren. I thought I would lose you.” MIMIC SHIRO “How dare you! Swine! You are not fit to breathe the same air as him! Get your filthy hands off him! He’s mine!” HIRO AKASHI “Looks like this is the end of your little performance.” HIRO AKASHI “Black, I was afraid you would go with that demon and I would never see you again.” REN BLACK “Akashi mate, you're not getting rid of me that easily. I realized almost too late that Shiro would never talk or act like that. He was one of the good ones.” HIRO AKASHI “He sounds like an amazing guy. Maybe one day I can…” REN BLACK “Don’t sell yourself short Hiro. I can tell you're one of the good ones. I mean you had my back just like you said you would. I respect that.” HIRO AKASHI “I think that’s the first time you called me by my first name. I must have done something right.” REN BLACK “Storm of swords, do you have to look at me with that expecting smile? What is that? How about you let me go? As warm as it might be in your arms we need to get going.” HIRO AKASHI “It’s nothing like that. Just a smile. I can smile at you or anyone.” REN BLACK “I wasn’t born yesterday, but we don’t have to talk about that now. Right now, we need to find our way back.” HIRO AKASHI “Right, we can talk about it later or never.” REN BLACK “What was that? Make sure you don't let go of my hand and stay close.” HIRO AKASHI “You can use your foxfire like that? That’s amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it.” REN BLACK “This thing is one of Drezz’s inventions. It comes in handy. He makes some adjustments to our items so we can use our powers without freaking people out. Even now that we are in the open there are still those who choose to look away and pretend they saw nothing.” HIRO AKASHI “That’s great! I hope I get cool things like that.” REN BLACK “Ok, calm down and put your tails away. Drezz will hook you up with some cool stuff of your own.” HIRO AKASHI “My tails!” REN BLACK “I was just teasing. Don’t worry, no one saw them except me.” HIRO AKASHI “Now I can’t tell if you are serious or still picking on me.” REN BLACK “Who knows? I guess you’ll have just to stick around and find out.” HIRO AKASHI “Then until I do, you are stuck with me, Ren Black.” REN BLACK “Storm of swords, what am I going to do now that you're stuck here? I might just have to make Asmo share.” HIRO AKASHI “Really? No more sleeping on the couch? Because as I am sure you know that is a back-breaking nightmare to sleep on.” REN BLACK “I know, why do you think I made you sleep there?” --------------------------------------------- HIRO AKASHI “How long were we in there? It was still light when we chased her.” REN BLACK “Not that many Yokai have the ability to distort time. It might narrow our search in identifying her later.” PHILIP DECKARD “Well look who it is. Black, the king of fools himself. What happened to you two? You look like you saw a ghost.” REN BLACK “Storm of swords Philip, you hold a grudge longer than an old lady.” PHILIP DECKARD “How about this, next time I blow your face off?” HIRO AKASHI “You must be Agent Deckard, I’m Hiro Akashi, Black's partner.” PHILIP DECKARD “Pleased to meet you. I wish it could have been on better terms.” REN BLACK “Where’s your new partner? I don’t see little Lexi with you.” PHILIP DECKARD “I sent her off to speak to her father and start the paperwork. Besides she has nothing to do with what I have to say to you.” HIRO AKASHI “It must be something out of her league if you had to send her away.” PHILIP DECKARD “He’s quick, this one might be a keeper.” REN BLACK “I think I’ll keep him for now. I was wondering when our paths would cross after that call from Drezz. This must be big news if you are making amends.” PHILIP DECKARD “Some things are bigger than grudges between friends.” REN BLACK “I knew you missed me.” HIRO AKASHI “I hate to break up this touching moment, but could we get on with this? We still have the ferry to catch. If we miss this last one we won’t get there till the morning.” PHILIP DECKARD “Trust me everything will work out fine Agent Akashi.” REN BLACK “He has a point. How about you hop the ferry and go over with us.” PHILIP DECKARD “I must humbly decline. Family business to tend to, and as much as I would love to skip out on it, time will catch up to me eventually and then they’ll give me an unsolicited dramatic performance that I would go great lengths to avoid.” REN BLACK “Drezz had mentioned something about his brothers. Seems time’s not on your side.” PHILIP DECKARD “Time has been kind to me in its own particular way. Things just get knotted up sometimes and put a snag in your plans.” REN BLACK “The fates work in mysterious ways, my friend. Not long ago I thought I was running out of time and then for levity, fate tossed this one at me.” HIRO AKASHI “If time's not working against you, then who is?” PHILIP DECKARD “That’s a good question.” HIRO AKASHI “Thank you.” PHILIP DECKARD “Alright. It’s hard to tell right now, but I’ll be checking into things. There is suspicion that it might involve you, Black.” REN BLACK “I know that I am not a family favorite, but I fail to see how your family dispute would involve me.” PHILIP DECKARD “How much do you know about your father?” REN BLACK “Only what my mother told me. That my father was a warrior and died trying to protect my mother and I from demon hunters, I think.” PHILIP DECKARD “Anything else, like how they met or where he died?” REN BLACK “She didn’t like to talk about it, always said it was too painful. After a while, I stopped asking. Why?” HIRO AKASHI “I bet it’s because you suspect that something in the Black's past is connected to something happening now. Something your family is trying to hide?” PHILIP DECKARD “It’s a theory among many. If you could ask your mother maybe we could eliminate one of those possibilities.” REN BLACK “Sorry to burst your bubble, but my mother skipped town the night Shiro died. No letter, call, or information about where she could have gone. I tried to find her right after, but it’s like she vanished in a puff of smoke.” HIRO AKASHI “Perhaps there is another we can ask. Maybe a friend of hers who might have known the both of them?” REN BLACK “I can’t think of any at this moment, but when I do I’ll give you a heads up, Phillip.” PHILIP DECKARD “I’d appreciate it. Once I know what my other siblings are up to I can let you know if any of it pertains to you.” REN BLACK “Much appreciated, well if you have nothing else to add we best be on our way before.” [The ferry horn blows as it pulls away.] REN BLACK “We miss it again. Storm of Swords, Philip! Couldn’t you have just appeared on the ferry and talked to us there?” HIRO AKASHI “You’ve got to be kidding me. Time's definitely not on our side at the moment.” PHILIP DECKARD “Things are as they should be. Here Black, catch.” REN BLACK “What’s this?” PHILIP DECKARD “I rented you a room for the night. Everything happens in due time. One more night will be fine and you can head there in the morning. Besides, it looks like the both of you could use a shower.” REN BLACK “Not that I like it, but it seems our hands are tied. Thanks for the free room. Come on Akashi, we have some work to do.” HIRO AKASHI “If that will be all Agent Deckard, we will be on our way. It’s been a pleasure.” PHILIP DECKARD “I guess that’s my cue to go. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” HIRO AKASHI “Don’t go giving him any ideas.” REN BLACK “We're not that kinky yet, mate? Till next time.” PHILIP DECKARD “Oh, could you not give Lexi a hard time when I send her down with what we find? It’ll be her first time around that many supernaturals and she’ll be nervous enough already.” REN BLACK “I promise to be the poster boy of hospitality.” HIRO AKASHI (Laughs) PHILIP DECKARD “Cute, Black. Be careful with this one Akashi. You never know what tricks he has scheming in that twisted brain of his.” REN BLACK “Tricks? Who needs tricks when you have charisma like mine.” HIRO AKASHI “What?” PHILIP DECKARD “Sure, Good luck Akashi.” HIRO AKASHI “Thanks, I think.” REN BLACK “That was a cryptic conversation.” HIRO AKASHI “There is a lot to unpack.” REN BLACK “The mysteries keep piling up, along with the body count. Let’s get to the hotel and start piecing things together. I’m not sure what destiny has in store for us, but I bet the journey to discovery will be a painful one.” HIRO AKASHI “You know what they say be home when the street lights come on.” REN BLACK “Playtime’s over and *** it's time for us to get our butts into gear..”

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