
July 10, 2021

Be a Boss, Not Bossy [VIDEO]

Nowadays people are quick to call themselves a Boss Bitch, but a Boss Babe knows her authority without sacrificing style and grace.  Listen to Episode 42 of the Beauty Boss Millionaire Podcast here, Apple Podcasts or Spotify…
July 10, 2021

Business Loans vs Business Credit

Episode 84  Does your company need cash now? There is money available in the form of business lines of credit from vendors in addition to business loans. In this Patron only episode, the Beauty Boss Millionaire explains how …
July 10, 2021

Business Loans vs Credit Preview

Episode 84 Preview Does your company need cash now? There is money available in the form of business lines of credit from vendors in addition to business loans. The Beauty Boss Millionaire explains how to qualify for both, …
July 9, 2021

This Ain't For You [VIDEO]

The Beauty Boss Millionaire shares a transparent moment of what it's really like to run a multi-location business. If you are not willing to make sacrifices and work until the job is done, entrepreneurship may not be for you…
July 8, 2021

Establishing Business Credit Preview

Episode 83 PREVIEW In this episode you'll learn the key things you need to do to establish business credit and become eligible for business loans. Topics include FEIN, D-U-N-S, Net 30 and other Vendor Accounts. Season 8 is a…
July 7, 2021

Add On Products

Episode 82 Extra is always more. Even if you sell a $1 water at the front of your store, you will increase sales by offering impulse buys. The Beauty Boss Millionaire will show you how add-ons and branded products are easy s…
July 6, 2021

Limited Time Offer

Episode 81 offers simple strategies to help your customer easily find and buy your goods and services in the store and online. Create FOMO with clear images, reviews and limited time offers.  1. Presentation 2. Testimony 3. …
July 5, 2021

Sell Smarter, Not Harder

Episode 80 What if there was a way to make less sales, but actually bring in more money? The Beauty Boss Millionaire shares 4 strategies that your company can use to sell smarter, not harder. 1. Specials vs Sales 2. Corporat…
July 4, 2021

Weekends on the Water [VIDEO]

When you work hard, you should also play hard! And that's exactly what we are doing this Independence Day! What's the point of making all that money in your business, if you don't take time to spend it with family and friend…
July 3, 2021

Enjoy Your Financial Independence [VIDEO]

When you work, work, work all the time, it can become a strain on you and your kids. So take time out this 4th of July Weekend to reset, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor! For more videos, subscribe to the Beauty Boss…
July 1, 2021

Actively Listen to Increase Sales

Episode 79 One of the tricks to being a great sales woman is to be a great listener. Ask your customer probing, open-ended questions and listen to her needs and wants so that you can sell her the best solution. This really h…
June 30, 2021

Tracking & Analyzing Sales Data

Episode 78 Have you ever noticed how ads on your social media feed seem to offer exactly what you've been looking to buy? That's the result of cleaver sales tracking software. In this episode, the Beauty Boss Millionaire exp…
June 29, 2021

Make Millions By Offering Team Incentives

Episode 77 Motivate your sales team by offering incentives such as public recognition, PTO and contest prizes. You'll be surprised how igniting a little competition between your employees can increase your bottom line and ma…
June 28, 2021

5 Steps to Effective Team Selling

Season 7 Episode 76 The Beauty Boss Millionaire Team is trained on 5 Steps to effective selling. Felicia Fracassi shows you how to turn a beauty shop conversation into a sale. Determine your client's #BeautyBudget and offer…
June 27, 2021

Don't Be Afraid to Move [VIDEO]

If you have outgrown your current market, it may be time to move! Don't let fear stop you from expanding and becoming a multi-location operation. For more videos subscribe to the Beauty Boss Millionaire Podcast on YouTube. L…
June 26, 2021

Blessings of a Boss Life [VIDEO]

Being a Boss allows you to empower others, create jobs and life live to the fullest.  School is out for the summer and we are so blessed to be able to spend this time out on the water. If you are ready to create a better lif…
June 25, 2021

Be Flexible & Follow-Up

Episode 75 Now that you got your friendly saleswoman face on, be confident enough to adapt your sales strategy and follow-up with the customer to make that sale.    LISTENER SUPPORT  1. Review, rate & share this episode to h…
June 24, 2021

Smile & Nod

Episode 74 Great salespeople start by being great listeners. Find out what's important to your customer, then smile and suggest a service that fits her needs.    LISTENER SUPPORT  1. Review, rate & share this episode to help…
June 23, 2021

The Art of Selling

Season 7 SALES Episode 73 Introduces the art of the sale, which is the lifeline for your business.  The Beauty Boss Millionaire will sharpen your selling skills with easy and effective methods.      LISTENER SUPPORT  2. Rev…
June 22, 2021

The Best Team Wins

Episode 72 Season 6 has been all about Collaboration, Teamwork and Trust.  The Bottom Line is: The Beauty Boss with the best team Wins!  So get out there, get together with other small businesses and let's create more jobs f…
June 21, 2021

Small Business Hook Ups

Episode 71 Create a win-win situation with other small businesses through collaboration and cross promotions. Stay tuned for Season 7 IG: @Beautybossmillionaire @faliciafracassi @Jazzytonair www.Beautybossmillionaire.com  ww…
June 20, 2021

Building With Your Boo [VIDEO]

Happy Father's Day! I just wanted to take time out to acknowledge all of the men who stand behind us Beauty Boss Babes and help us build our business. Meet my husband and business partner Keith! For more videos, subscribe to…
June 19, 2021

Procrastination is Poison [VIDEO]

Why put off till today what you can do today? As a business owner, we cannot procrastinate. If you wait, someone else will swoop in and take what's yours.  For more videos, subscribe to my YouTube Page:  https://bit.ly/3cPIV…
June 18, 2021

Staying on Top of Your Business [VIDEO]

In business you want to position yourself to be on top so that you can manage everything and everyone in your company from a bird's eye view.  To learn more about the CEO Mindset, listen to Season 2 of the Beauty Boss Millio…