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Women Road Warriors Podcast Episodes

July 23, 2024

How Women Can Gain Olympic Level Focus

Wouldn’t it be great to know how to gain an edge in the business world to achieve your goals? How about thinking with a mental toughness of an Olympic athlete where you don’t get distracted like an Olympic athlete? Focus …

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July 16, 2024

Learn to Think Like an Olympian and Win

Ever wished you could possess the level of courage, focus, and winning attitude of Olympic athletes? They know how to harness resilience and focus and the mindset to defy the odds no matter what. Jamie Mittelman is the founde...

Episode page
July 9, 2024

How to Chronicle Your Family History

Our family history is more important than just looking up DNA and genealogy. That gives us a genetic blueprint but doesn’t tell the whole story. Too often these stories are told but never written down and they’re soon lost af...

Episode page
July 2, 2024

How to Connect With Your Guardian Angel

Many religions talk about angels. What are angels? Who are guardian angels? They do exist and we all have one. Lorna Byrne is an international speaker and author who has been seeing angels since she was a baby. She sees …

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June 25, 2024

Thriving After Trauma with Demarra West

Too many women and children experience severe abuse and trauma. Many never recover. Demarra West helps people rekindle who they are. By the age of 13, Demarra experienced 8 out of 10 adverse childhood experiences that resulte...

Episode page
June 18, 2024

Conquering Fear by Highlining Over Canyons

Imagine careening over an immense canyon or between two tall buildings while walking and doing tricks on a slack line no bigger than one inch thick! Now imagine doing this with an intense fear of heights! Taylor St. Germaine ...

Episode page
June 11, 2024

Fight Back Against Unfair Medical Bills

100 million Americans are in serious medical debt. One of every five dollars we earn goes to the cost of healthcare. Healthcare costs are so overwhelming people can’t save, buy a house or plan for the future. Medical bills ar...

Episode page
June 4, 2024

Banish Stress and Thrive After Burnout

Women experience burnout more than men because we set poor boundaries and give way too much. This is especially true in the medical field. Dr. Sharon McLaughlin experienced this firsthand and decided to pivot in a direction t...

Episode page
May 28, 2024

When Glamour Kills You: The Life of a Hollywood Icon

Joi Lansing was a 1950s Hollywood star and blonde bombshell who had three decades of TV and movie appearances and Vegas singing stardom. Like so many starlets, she sacrificed herself in her quest to be perfect. In the end, th...

Episode page
May 21, 2024

Great Recipes Inspired by Favorite TV Shows & Movies

Did you know you can get recipes inspired by your favorite TV show or movie character? How about recipes inspired by Young Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory, Big Brother, The Bachelor or The Golden Girls? Sammi Turano, TV Journali...

Episode page
May 14, 2024

Stopping the Confusion About Autism in Children

Autism in children is on the rise. There is much speculation as to why. Too many times children go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Lisa Jacovsky is an expert in applied behavioral analysis who dispels the myths and confusion abo...

Episode page
May 7, 2024

Yasmine Tanres - Fostering Unity in News & TV

Television is night and day from what it used to be. More people are represented but there are still stereotypes to overcome. Yasmine Tanres is amplifying voices from marginalized communities as the lead host and co-producer ...

Episode page
April 30, 2024

The Power of Collective Prayer with Pray Live

Prayer is common to all religions. Humans have done it since the beginning of time and say it is powerful. What are the benefits and what happens when you harness the power of collective prayer with people participating aroun...

Episode page
April 23, 2024

A Drug-Free Alternative to Treating ADHD in Children

Too many parents are told the only way to treat their children’s ADHD is through drug therapy. It doesn’t have to be that way. Dr. Connie McReynolds has a revolutionary neurofeedback therapy that has been highly effective in ...

Episode page
April 16, 2024

ACE Your Best Life with Dr. Michelle Maidenberg

Do you feel stuck, unfulfilled, or out of control? There are ways to overcome life’s roadblocks. Dr. Michelle Maidenberg has a toolkit for life for everyone. She is the author of A.C.E. Your Best Life: Unleash Your Best Self ...

Episode page
April 9, 2024

Inspirational Comedy with Monique Marvez

Comedian Monique Marvez is a worldwide Internet sensation. Her stand-up comedy routine packs houses and appeals to all ages, especially GenZennials. Monique is loved for her sharp wit and hilarious observations on life, relat...

Episode page
April 2, 2024

The Healing Power of a Smile with Princess Wow

Do you get the feeling everyone is angry today? Part of the problem is we are not smiling enough. Smiles have healing power not only for the person who receives them but the person who gives them away. Plus, we …

Episode page
March 26, 2024

Women’s Advocates - Champions for Domestic Assault Survivors

According to Domestic Shelters.org one in four women in the U.S. will be targeted by an abusive partner in their lifetime. Nearly one in five murder victims in the U.S. was killed by an intimate partner. Shocking stats, aren’...

Episode page
March 19, 2024

Stopping Gender-Based Violence with Sharmin Prince

One in three women around the globe experience violence according to the World Health Organization. Women and girls around the world are victims of gender-based violence every day because it is considered acceptable in many c...

Episode page
March 12, 2024

Bringing Hope & Healing to Women’s Shelters

Imagine you are a woman fleeing domestic violence or homelessness only to find refuge in a long-term women's shelter that is cold, institutional, and filled with prison beds, duct-taped walls, and urine-stained mattresses wit...

Episode page
March 5, 2024

Ensuring the Future of Women’s Rights

Did you know it will take 257 years for women to close the global gender pay gap? That’s well over 12 generations! For women to change that trajectory, the time is now to make changes - no matter how small. …

Episode page
Feb. 27, 2024

Find Your Path to Wholeness & Healing

Have you found your true purpose? Do you have a toxic career? Is stress overtaking you? Too often, women take a different route than the one that is truly theirs. They get distracted by demands in their personal lives with …

Episode page
Feb. 20, 2024

The Truth About Bipolar Disorder in Women

Did you know women often go undiagnosed for bipolar disorder? Symptoms manifest differently for women than for men. Hormone fluctuations also make it worse for women. Estrogen can bring it on sooner. If there is a genetic ten...

Episode page
Feb. 13, 2024

Power Up Your Career & Life with Good Manners

Did you know that proper etiquette and manners will get you further in life and your career? The way we treat others and conduct ourselves leaves lasting impressions. Are you being polite or impolite? Are you unknowingly comm...

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