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Women Road Warriors

Women Road Warriors is hosted by Shelley Johnson and Kathy Tuccaro. It's a lively women's empowerment talk show that inspires women in all professions and lifestyles. We power women on the road to success. Our show is designed to entertain and educate all women and it doesn't hold back. We feature celebrity and expert interviews on all topics important to women.


July 23, 2024

How Women Can Gain Olympic Level Focus

Wouldn’t it be great to know how to gain an edge in the business world to achieve your goals? How about thinking with a mental toughness of an Olympic athlete where you don’t get distracted like an Olympic athlete? Focus is …
July 16, 2024

Learn to Think Like an Olympian and Win

Ever wished you could possess the level of courage, focus, and winning attitude of Olympic athletes? They know how to harness resilience and focus and the mindset to defy the odds no matter what. Jamie Mittelman is the found…
July 9, 2024

How to Chronicle Your Family History

Our family history is more important than just looking up DNA and genealogy. That gives us a genetic blueprint but doesn’t tell the whole story. Too often these stories are told but never written down and they’re soon lost a…
July 2, 2024

How to Connect With Your Guardian Angel

Many religions talk about angels. What are angels? Who are guardian angels? They do exist and we all have one. Lorna Byrne is an international speaker and author who has been seeing angels since she was a baby. She sees them…
June 25, 2024

Thriving After Trauma with Demarra West

Too many women and children experience severe abuse and trauma. Many never recover. Demarra West helps people rekindle who they are. By the age of 13, Demarra experienced 8 out of 10 adverse childhood experiences that result…
June 18, 2024

Conquering Fear by Highlining Over Canyons

Imagine careening over an immense canyon or between two tall buildings while walking and doing tricks on a slack line no bigger than one inch thick! Now imagine doing this with an intense fear of heights! Taylor St. Germaine…