Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson

Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson Profile Photo

Author / Co-Founder

Jeffrey A Robinson is the co-creator, editor, and principal writer of the Untold Tales podcast, a collection of short stories of the highest caliber based on the first in a set of three published science fiction anthologies. Jeff is a retired technologist, who grew up loving to read science fiction. After serving as a Naval Flight Officer, who flew F-4 Phantom jets, and an Air Traffic Controller, in the Marine Corps, he became a device physicist in a semiconductor-manufacturing facility and an expert in Manufacturing Execution Systems, computer automation, integration & cybersecurity. He has a B.A. in Physics, a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, an MBA, and a Ph.D. in Information Systems. He also has postgraduate certificates in Computer Forensics, and a PMP, and is a certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt, as well.

July 22, 2024

Episode 126 : Dreamtime - ENCORE!

Dreamtime - A doctor visits his dying brother in Australia only to hear an unbelievable story about ancients civilizations, lost secrets and time travel. This story was ORIGINALLY two separate episodes! We wanted to keep thin...

Episode page
July 15, 2024

Episode 125 : Dimorph

The strange biology on a distant world offers great opportunities, and great challenges --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/untold-tales/support

Episode page
July 8, 2024

Episode 124 : A Turn In The Road - ENCORE!

A TURN IN THE ROAD - A story of a man in the 1880’s who falls and strikes his head and gains the ability to see what the consequences of alternative actions might have been. A tale of alternate realities …

Episode page
June 21, 2024

Episode 122 : The Timepiece - ENCORE!

THE TIMEPIECE: A woman finds a mysterious stopwatch in the belongings of her husband who recently died, and she discovers that the watch allows her to step backwards in time so that she can relive recent moments and change th...

Episode page
June 15, 2024

Episode 121: Silent Scream

Silent Scream - What would you do when you knew that death was near? We love our listeners, fans, patrons, and supporters ! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology updates on our …

Episode page
June 8, 2024

Episode 120: Ripples in Time - ENCORE!

RIPPLES IN TIME : A man visits his father in Kansas and finds that the old man may be losing his mind after never recovering from his wife’s death, as he talks about mirages being ripples in time that allow …

Episode page
May 15, 2024

Episode 118 : The Traveling Salesman Part 14

The Traveling Salesman Part 14 - Bob and Glactyl have their last hurrah (or is it)? Enjoy this collaborative story in the Traveling Salesman Series by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson and Don Muchow!! We love our listeners, fans, patr...

Episode page
May 1, 2024

Episode 117 : Sanctuary

Sanctuary - In a dying world, a save haven is not as safe as it seems. This is our VERY FIRST episode narrated by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson himself! We hope you enjoy this story by our own Dr. Jeffrey …

Episode page
April 15, 2024

Episode 116 : The Traveling Salesman Part 13

The Traveling Salesman Part 13 - Bob and Glactyl have their best made plans go awry. Enjoy this collaborative story in the Traveling Salesman Series by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson and Don Muchow!! We love our listeners, fans, pat...

Episode page
March 15, 2024

Episode 114: The Collector

The Collector: A brilliant man desperately seeks to gather strange alien artifacts. We love our listeners, fans, patrons, and supporters ! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology updates ...

Episode page
Feb. 15, 2024

Episode 112: Eradication

Eradication: Sometimes a cure can be worse than the disease. We hope you enjoy this story by our own Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please consider leaving us …

Episode page
Feb. 2, 2024

Episode 111 : The Traveling Salesman Part 12

The Traveling Salesman Part 12 - Bob and Glactyl face the wrath of a galactic moss boss! Enjoy this collaborative story in the Traveling Salesman Series by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson and Don Muchow!! We love our listeners, fans,...

Episode page
Dec. 31, 2023

Episode 108 : Fast Thinking

Fast Thinking - Technology enhanced abilities always comes with a price. We hope you enjoy this story by our own Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please consider l...

Episode page
Dec. 1, 2023

Episode 106 : It Just Doesn't Work Like That

It Just Doesn't Work Like That: Sometimes it's not clear just how things really work. We hope you enjoy this story by our own Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you …

Episode page
Nov. 17, 2023

ANNOUNCEMENT! We won the 2023 Ampie Creator Award!

WE WON!!! Thank you to everyone in our big-little city (and on our email list!!!) who nominated and voted for The Untold Tales Podcast to win the Ampie Award in the Creator category! 🎧 🎤 We love our listeners, fans …

Episode page
Nov. 1, 2023

Episode 104 : The Traveling Salesman Part 11

The Traveling Salesman Part 11 - Captured by the Bentusi syndicate, Bob and Glactyl escape... sort of. Enjoy this collaborative story in the Traveling Salesman Series by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson and Don Muchow!! We love our li...

Episode page
Sept. 15, 2023

Episode 101 : [TRIGGER WARNING - Read Show Notes] Neverwas

TRIGGER WARNING - CAR ACCIDENT . This is an amazing and redemptive story, but it does involve a car accident. We want to make sure our listeners enjoy our stories. If you are sensitive to this topic, please feel free …

Episode page
Sept. 1, 2023

Episode 100 : Collaboration

Collaboration : Two very different beings meet, but are they ancient foes or allies? H.P. Lovecraft lovers, we hope you enjoy this fictional story of a beloved science fiction legend! This is our 100th Episode of The Untold T...

Episode page
Aug. 1, 2023

Episode 98: The Traveling Salesman Part 10

The Traveling Salesman Part 10 - Bob and Glactyl steal back their ship but have to confront new enemies, a giant criminal syndicate Enjoy this collaborative story in the Traveling Salesman Series by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson an...

Episode page
July 1, 2023

Episode 96: The Traveling Salesman Part 9

The Traveling Salesman Part 9 - Bob and Glactyl regain their footing in 33rd century Earth. Enjoy this collaborative story in the Traveling Salesman Series by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson and Don Muchow!! We love our listeners, fa...

Episode page
June 1, 2023

Episode 94 : The Traveling Salesman Part 8

The Traveling Salesman Part 8 - Bob and Glactyl are lost in the multiverse but manage to escape to someplace quite unexpected. Enjoy this collaborative story in the Traveling Salesman Series by Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson and Don...

Episode page
May 1, 2023

Episode 92: The Traveling Salesman Part 7

The Traveling Salesman Part 7 - Bob and Glactyl sell fake Xill artifacts and make a fortune but they then accidentally enter a vast multidimensional nexus. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard,...

Episode page
April 15, 2023

Episode 91 : Renewal

Renewal: All men as doomed to die eventually, but there are many different ways that people seek to face that end. We hope you loved listening to our SECOND GUEST NARRATOR, here at The Untold Tales Podcast, Shamaan Casey ! …

Episode page
April 1, 2023

Episode 90 : The Traveling Salesman Part 6

The Traveling Salesman Part 6 : Bob and Glactyl outsmart Paraxian privateers. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and consider leaving us a 5-...

Episode page
March 1, 2023

Episode 88 : The Traveling Salesman Part 5

The Traveling Salesman Part 5 : The Traveling Salesman Part 5 Bob becomes a trader and they harvest magnetic monopoles out on an alien world at the rim of the galaxy. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you …

Episode page
Feb. 1, 2023

Episode 86 : The Traveling Salesman Part 4

The Traveling Salesman Part 4 : Bob and Glactyl accidentally cause and then resolve the Zombie Apocalypse. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology...

Episode page
Jan. 15, 2023

Episode 85 : Moving On

Moving On: Alien archeologists discover and Earth in the distant future where civilizaiton has collapsed and mankind has long since become extinct. however, they also find clues to unexpected discoveries regarding Man's desti...

Episode page
Dec. 20, 2022

Episode 83 : Alternities

Alternities : The past is fixed but largely unknown, while the future is filled with endless possibilities. However, given the right technology almost anything is possible. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you love...

Episode page
Nov. 15, 2022

Episode 80: The Traveling Salesman Part 3

The Traveling Salesman Part 3: Bob and Glactyl spend their $10 billion to achieve Glactyl’s real purpose. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology ...

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Oct. 15, 2022

Episode 78: An Unfortunate Perspective

An Unfortunate Perspective: A man with enhanced vision becomes estranged from reality. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please consider leaving us a 5-star review and and subscribe to our ...

Episode page
Sept. 1, 2022

Episode 75: The Traveling Salesman Part 2

The Traveling Salesman Series - Part 2: Bob and Glactyl continue their adventures amassing great wealth through unusual business transactions. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like ...

Episode page
Aug. 1, 2022

Episode 73: The Traveling Salesman Part 1

The Traveling Salesman Part 1: An ordinary man meets an unexpected traveler who offers him interesting business opportunities. This is the first episode of a longer "The Traveling Salesman" series. Let us know what you think?...

Episode page
July 2, 2022

Episode 72: Life is but a Dream

Life is but a Dream: It is often difficult to figure out what dreams mean; sometimes it's even hard to figure out if they are real. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please …

Episode page
July 1, 2022

Episode 71: Creating the Timepiece

Creating the Timepiece: This story is a PREQUEL to Season 1 - Episode 2: The Timepiece. In this story, we learn about Paul’s discovery, it’s unusual properties and the motivation behind the secret he hid from his dear wife, M...

Episode page
June 1, 2022

Episode 69: Flash Fiction

FLASH FICTION (by Jeff Robinson, Don Muchow, and Gil Schmidt) Time for something DIFFERENT! Please enjoy this episode of FLASH FICTION sci-fi stories. These stories have been proven even more difficult to write, and write wel...

Episode page
May 1, 2022

Episode 67: Perfect Memories

Perfect Memories - Sometimes even the best memories can be bittersweet. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology on Podchaser at https://www.podcha...

Episode page
April 1, 2022

Episode 65: Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity: Upon his recovery from an accident, a criminal is mistaken for someone else. He decides to use this error to his own advantage, but things are not what they seem. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If...

Episode page
March 18, 2022

Episode 64: Meet the Authors of The Untold Tales Podcast!

MEET THE AUTHORS, LIVE! On March 12, 2022 at 9pm London, UK / 4pm Eastern, U.S.A./ 2pm Arizona, U.S.A. / 1pm Pacific U.S.A. we met with Dr. Jeffrey A. Robinson, Don Muchow, Marc Neuffer and Howard Loring to discuss their …

Episode page
March 2, 2022

Episode 63: The Seed of Wisdom

The Seed of Wisdom: A religious pilgrim finds something that can grant virtually any wish he might have. But he is uncertain about what to do and is torn by doubt until many years later when he finally finds an …

Episode page
Jan. 1, 2022

Episode 57: Zero Day Exploit

Zero Day Exploit: Being the first to discover something can sometimes be a great advantage…. But you can’t always predict the outcome. Welcome to Season 3 and our first story of 2022! Stay tuned for new EVENTS in the coming …

Episode page
Dec. 15, 2021

Episode 56: Through Other Eyes

Through Other Eyes: A story transcending time and space. A very personal story about the true nature of love. Our last story of 2021! Stay tuned for new EVENTS in the coming year as well as games and trivia to …

Episode page
Dec. 2, 2021

Episode 55: Applied Science

Applied Science - Science can’t solve every problem, but sometimes it can offer solutions you never suspected. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio antho...

Episode page
Dec. 1, 2021

Episode 54: A Little Knowledge

A Little Knowledge: A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing, far more dangerous that you might realize. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio antholog...

Episode page
Nov. 2, 2021

Episode 53: A Day in the Life Of

A Day in the Life Of : If you look at it from one perspective, we’re all time travelers, headed to the future; just one day at a time. This episode was challenging for a Latina American woman with a …

Episode page
Oct. 1, 2021

Episode 49: Things That Go Bump In The Night

Things That Go Bump In The Night: When times get tough, things can get scary. When things get strange, you often find that you can only count on yourself. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what …

Episode page
Sept. 1, 2021

Episode 47: To Protect and Serve

To Protect and Serve: Solving crimes and enforcing the law is a universal constant across all civilizations, even the most alien ones. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subs...

Episode page
Aug. 1, 2021

Episode 45: Where All Roads End

Where All Roads End: Some people will go to great ends to find answers to difficult questions, especially those question that have no answers. How exciting! A GUEST VOICE ACTOR!! Meet Peter Gourri. Born in London, when he is ...

Episode page
July 2, 2021

Episode 44: Elsewhere

Elsewhere: A man thinks he has found a door to another world. But is it real? Is it new or is it very old? And, most importantly, is it dangerous? We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved …

Episode page
July 1, 2021

Episode 43: Dialogues

Dialogues is a short story demonstrating how human beings learned to talk to stars. This story was submitted to the Tribeca Film Festival in it's newest 2021 Podcast Category. The feedback we received was as follows! "Dear Me...

Episode page
June 1, 2021

Episode 41: Father's Day

Father's Day: A man gives his ailing father a marvelous gift, but finds that he has forgotten something very important. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our au...

Episode page
May 1, 2021

Episode 39: The Philosopher's Stone

The Philosopher's Stone: Miraculous discoveries often occur quite unexpectedly. But sometimes it turns out that they should not have occurred at all. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, pleas...

Episode page
March 31, 2021

Episode 37: Adventures in Virtual Reality

Adventures in Virtual Reality: New technologies often have marvelous benefits, but there can be a downside to new tech as well. Sadly, there always seems to be a way to misuse new inventions. We love our listeners, fans and p...

Episode page
March 1, 2021

Episode 35: The Gift of Memory

The Gift of Memory: Forgetting things is natural and can be sometimes be problematic. Not forgetting things, however, has far more serious consequences. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, pl...

Episode page
March 1, 2021

Episode 34: Springtime on Mars

Springtime on Mars: There are always people who are drawn to the edge or things and those who venture ahead to explore the unknown. But that edge is always moving further away. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If …

Episode page
Feb. 1, 2021

Episode 31: The Vetting

The Vetting: The tests required to let you travel to distant alien worlds is harder than one would expect and some of the tests aren't what you think they are. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved …

Episode page
Jan. 5, 2021

Episode 30: Season 2 Kickoff!

Special Thanks to all our listeners and author

Episode page
Jan. 1, 2021

Episode 29: The Edge

The Edge: A story about a man trapped many light years away from home who is found and befriended by an alien far older than the universe itself. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you …

Episode page
Dec. 31, 2020

Episode 28: A Failure To Communicate

A Failure To Communicate: An alien visits the Earth and thinks humans are unintelligent bugs. The humans think the alien is an unintelligent beast. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please ...

Episode page
Dec. 30, 2020

Episode 27: False Dawn

False Dawn: A scientist predicts the dawning of a new age of achievement promising a miraculous world, only to find that his predictions are very, very wrong. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you hea...

Episode page
Dec. 1, 2020

Episode 26: Timely Warning

Timely Warning: Thanks to a miracle of science, they got the warning in time. But their salvation wasn’t what they thought it would be. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and …

Episode page
Dec. 1, 2020

Episode 25: Science Fiction Poetry by Eugene Fitch Ware

Science Fiction Poetry by Eugene Fitch Ware: Eugene F. Ware was a pioneer, a soldier, lawyer and Poet. The follow poems were written just after the Civil War under the pen name of “Ironquill” and are amazing for their subject...

Episode page
Dec. 1, 2020

Episode 24: The End

The End: The end of a story is often both beautiful and bittersweet and perhaps as amazing as the beginning. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio …

Episode page
Nov. 1, 2020

Episode 23: An interview with the narrator of the Untold Tales storie…

More treats! I (Melissa the Narrator) get to sit down with the creator, writer and author of the Untold Tales stories, Dr. Jeff Robinson, and this time HE GRILLS ME on my story, where all of the “voices in my …

Episode page
Nov. 1, 2020

Episode 22: Mindgames

Mindgames: The narrated story in this podcast is a short excerpt from the novel "Mindgames: A Knight Gambit" and relates events at the beginning of the story. It is about discoveries that change the world, the people in it an...

Episode page
Oct. 2, 2020

Episode 21: Deathwish

Deathwish: This is a tale of a soldier who experiences the horror of war and his journey from a place of unimaginable tragedy back to the real world. It is a tale about loss, guilt, and revenge and those things …

Episode page
Oct. 2, 2020

Episode 20: Engines of Time - Part 2 of 2

Engines of Time: In this tale you learn about the adventures of a scientist from a century ago and his timeless journey which spanned generations. It is a story about forbidden knowledge and alien evil that lurks unseen and ...

Episode page
Oct. 1, 2020

Episode 19: Engines of Time - Part 1 of 2

Engines of Time: In this tale you learn about the adventures of a scientist from a century ago and his timeless journey which spanned generations. It is a story about forbidden knowledge and alien evil that lurks unseen and ...

Episode page
Oct. 1, 2020

Episode 18: Those Who Watch - Part 2 of 2

Those Who Watch: This is a story about things that scare you the most; hidden, insidious evil that is powerful and life threatening and as close to you as your next breath. It is a tale about the terror of …

Episode page
Oct. 1, 2020

Episode 17: Those Who Watch - Part 1 of 2

Those Who Watch: This is a story about things that scare you the most; hidden, insidious evil that is powerful and life threatening and as close to you as your next breath. It is a tale about the terror of …

Episode page
Sept. 1, 2020

Episode 16: The Waystation - Part 2 of 2

The Waystation: A boy, Billy, befriends a creature from a sideshow circus only to find that the being is a traveller from another world. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and …

Episode page
Sept. 1, 2020

Episode 15: The Waystation - Part 1 of 2

The Waystation: A boy, Billy, befriends a creature from a sideshow circus only to find that the being is a traveller from another world. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and …

Episode page
Sept. 1, 2020

Episode 14: One Last Time

One Last Time: Sherlock Holmes and his nemesis, Dr. Moriarty, meet and it is discovered that a stolen artifact from India can unravel time. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and...

Episode page
Sept. 1, 2020

Episode 13: The Matriarch

The Matriarch: A local doctor helps a woman give birth only to find that in order to be immortal all she has to do is die. This short story is the precursor to the longer novel, The Matriarchs, which is …

Episode page
Aug. 1, 2020

Episode 12: Saving Grace

Saving Grace: A tongue in cheek first contact story where aliens meet two monks during the middle ages We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our audio anthology and...

Episode page
Aug. 1, 2020

Episode 11: Lucid Dreams

Lucid Dreams: A man experiences two dreams, perhaps two realities; one where he can fly and the other where he cannot. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, please like and subscribe to our …

Episode page
Aug. 1, 2020

Episode 10: An interview with the creator, writer and author of the U…

What a treat! I (Melissa the Narrator) get to sit down with the creator, writer and author of the Untold Tales stories, Dr. Jeff Robinson, and grill him on some of the most provocative and interesting morsels and factoids re...

Episode page
July 1, 2020

Episode 9: The Prize Beyond the Gate

The Prize Beyond the Gate: Teams of scientists strive to solve puzzles that will lead to an invaluable trove of knowledge, but they discover that the prize is not what they think it is. We love our listeners, fans and …

Episode page
July 1, 2020

Episode 8: The Final Lesson

The Final Lesson: A new computer program is designed to help rehabilitate prisoners, but the solution may not be allowed because it is the right idea. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what you heard, plea...

Episode page
July 1, 2020

Episode 7: Dreamtime - Part 2 of 2

Dreamtime - Part 2 of 2: A doctor visits his dying brother in Australia only to hear an unbelievable story about ancients civilizations, lost secrets and time travel. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what...

Episode page
July 1, 2020

Episode 6: Dreamtime - Part 1 of 2

Dreamtime - Part 1 of 2: A doctor visits his dying brother in Australia only to hear an unbelievable story about ancients civilizations, lost secrets and time travel. We love our listeners, fans and patrons! If you loved what...

Episode page
May 25, 2020

Episode 5: A Turn in the Road - Part 3 of 3

A TURN IN THE ROAD - Part 3 of 3: A story of a man in the 1880’s who falls and strikes his head and gains the ability to see what the consequences of alternative actions might have been. A …

Episode page
May 25, 2020

Episode 4: A Turn in the Road - Part 2 of 3

A TURN IN THE ROAD - Part 2 of 3: A story of a man in the 1880’s who falls and strikes his head and gains the ability to see what the consequences of alternative actions might have been. A …

Episode page
May 25, 2020

Episode 3: A Turn in the Road - Part 1 of 3

A TURN IN THE ROAD - Part 1 of 3: A story of a man in the 1880’s who falls and strikes his head and gains the ability to see what the consequences of alternative actions might have been. A …

Episode page
May 25, 2020

Episode 2: The Timepiece

THE TIMEPIECE: A woman finds a mysterious stopwatch in the belongings of her husband who recently died, and she discovers that the watch allows her to step backwards in time so that she can relive recent moments and change th...

Episode page
May 25, 2020

Episode 1: Ripples in Time

RIPPLES IN TIME : A man visits his father in Kansas and finds that the old man may be losing his mind after never recovering from his wife’s death, as he talks about mirages being ripples in time that allow …

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