Untold Tales

Writer/Reader/Listener Blog

March 3, 2023

When Do You Listen?

One of the main reasons that we created Untold Tales Audio Anthology was because it simply takes too long to listen to full audio books and, while we love quality science fiction, you simply cannot listen to an entire novel in a single sitting. How…

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March 1, 2023

The Harnessing of Energy in Writing

Like a ton of writers, which could be from 6-20 if one wants to be pedantic about it and it seems I chose to be, I struggle with sitting my fundament on a chair and making words appear. I don’t consider myself lazy, for I lead a fairly active …

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Feb. 24, 2023

Reading as a Writer

If you are a writer, or want to be, you must have a steady reading habit. Don’t take my word for it: Stephen King says the same thing (less tactfully), and he’s written enough books to to create a massive Guy Fawkes Day celebration. (Boo…

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Feb. 23, 2023

Three Types of Writers

There are three primary types of writers and they reflect three sets of skills that they must all master. The first kind of writer is one who has mastered description. These are the authors who can describe a scene so thoroughly and so completely t…

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Feb. 15, 2023

Basic Writing Skills

For those beginning writer's there are a LOT of rules you need to learn. You might learn these in a writing class. You might learn them by joining a writer's group.  When you first write stories, you make a lot of these mistakes. Here are some …

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Feb. 6, 2023

We are so grateful to have listeners in 54 countries!

    We love our listeners, fans and patrons! And we know you are listening from far and wide to our podcast, produced in Melissa's home recording studio in sunny Peoria, Arizona... just 45 minutes west of Phoenix. For the data analyst…

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Jan. 31, 2023

Why I love narrating Sci-Fi

As voice actors, we have the choice of performing in many, many genres of narration. Some come easier to us that other based on our personal life experiences, instrument / voice and acting ability. Nonfiction, Science Fiction, Literary Fiction, Memo…

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Jan. 24, 2023

Good SF is Not About Technology

A lot of people think that good science fiction is all about technology. The truth, however, is that it is not. Good science fiction is not really about science, at all.  Sadly, many writers think this is true and focus a great deal of their…

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Jan. 15, 2023

What-if Stories

A lot of science fiction stories are based upon questions that begin with “What if...?” That is the reason why the acronym SF is often used to stand for Speculative Fiction. Perhaps more than any other genre, Science Fiction has always…

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Jan. 8, 2023

SF Genres

For the uninitiated or for followers of different genres, such as Romance, Mystery, or Biographies, Science Fiction seems like its own distinct genre. However, those who read much Science Fiction soon realize that there are several categories of SF …

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