Untold Tales

Writer/Reader/Listener Blog

Dec. 26, 2023

FORMAL REVIEW: Prolific Audio Reviewer weighs in on The Untold Tales Podcast:

We are so excited to have been reviewed by Michael Bergonzi over at Audio Drama Reviews - Reviews for an Audible Art Form!!! <<insert audible applause!!>> Michael's blog is an authority in the Audio Drama Review business. He is the Fo…

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Dec. 15, 2023

Science Fiction Books That Became Movies

Not all science fiction movies were books first, but some were. Some stories were so unique and inspirational that they just begged to become movies. Many of these adaptations (from the written word to the big screen) are wonderful, landmark films t…

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Dec. 8, 2023

The Writer’s Notebook(sssss)

I love the idea of notebooks. And pens. And combining the right notebook with the right pen. But… I have a problem. While I subscribe 92.46% to the notion that writers should carry a notebook to jot down ideas and observations as part of the …

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Nov. 21, 2023

The Burden of Omniscience

One of the biggest problems that a writer faces is omniscience. The author, by definition, knows everything about the story. Unfortunately, many of the details that the writer has in his head are simply not essential to the story that they are telli…

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Nov. 14, 2023


Literature has jargon, the specialized language of any Discipline. Therefore Literature, as a Discipline, holds its own terminology: A Fable is a simple story with a moral, or a moral lesson. An …

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Nov. 7, 2023

Why I Love Narrating Stories

My mother used to tell me fantastical stories about how when I was 4 years old, I’d rush home from Kindergarten with WILD stories about my day. Breathless, I could barely get out a syllable, as my mother tried to coach me and talk me down from…

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Oct. 31, 2023

Story Tone & Words

What makes some stories easy to slip into and others more like homework? Good writing is the obvious answer, but even the experts pearl-clutch when someone treads on their pet structures or rules. In this post, let’s consider good writing as …

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Oct. 24, 2023

The Sports of Writing

The best sports writing, in terms of depth and lyricism, focuses on baseball and golf. Neither sport is known for its non-stop action, which is exactly why they are so suited to writing. They allow time to explore, to ponder, to sift through alterna…

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Oct. 17, 2023

What is your Favorite Episode?

Well, UNTOLD TALES has been airing audio science fiction short stories from almost 5 years now and we recently broadcast our 100th episode Here is a question for all our listeners. Which episode is your favorite? Do you have a favorite type of sto…

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Oct. 10, 2023

Rewriting: Why and How?

Rewriting. That word is a bit vague until you approach it from a writer’s perspective. From there it gets even foggier. It can be a wipe-the-slate-start-over command, a reorganization, or focus-honing of the draft as it exists. To be clear, Re…

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