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Understanding Mom Anger, Irritation, Outbursts of Emotion & What You Can Do

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Join Greg's Be the Family Man 7-Day Challenge

0:25 Do you still get giddy about the opportunity to grow and learn?

3:05 How do you teach your children to push through the 'failures' they come across?

8:12 Fill your life with inspiration and REMOVE inspiration killers! Make it difficult to be discouraged!

11:23 Schedule motivation time into your daily life! Be strategic with being motivated!

12:20 Understanding mom anger and learning how to prevent emotional outbursts!

18:30 Why we call it 'the ocean' - emotion stacking and our underlying worries

23:30 It's not the milk it's the ocean! Sometimes the smallest things set us off but it's because there are so many other worries or angers that we have not yet processed!

25:55 On average in a month how often do you cry? What are the things that effect that?

28:18 Is stuffing the outbursts the best way to handle it? When you do that how does it effect your happy emotions?

29:55 You NEED to become AWARE and learn how to articulate what is going on to yourself!

33:39 Learn to articulate it to those around you and when something needs to be addressed start processing it!

36:58 Techniques to process your emotions! Take it out on paper not on people! Physical activities to release the anger!

41:57 When you are going through really difficult times start trying new ways to process if you feel like your usual ways are not working!

44:50 If you haven't processed your emotions for a long time it WILL bring up some old past stuff! Keep going until you get it ALL out!

47:00 Go ALL in! You will make faster progress when you go all in! When something is good for you it NEEDS to become your priority!

51:25 How do you go all in when your spouse doesn't have the same approach?

57:17 You need to KNOW that what you want is what you actually want/need! Then you will be able to help others understand and get onboard!

1:01:58 Get on the same page literally with your spouse! Start reading, watching, and listening to the same things as your spouse and have conversations about it!

1:04:40 When your husband understands 'the ocean' he can become a participant and part of the solution rather than part of the problem!

1:07:55 Start today! Take action and process it and start leveling up on all areas of your life!

1:10:55 The morning pages and forgiveness! Forgiveness is not for the other people! It is for you!