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Training. It's All About Training

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There is a "formula", patterns, habits, things that we're doing that make all the difference in our life
If you get caught in patterns that don'e serve you, you get stuck
Are you consistently enjoying life and having fun?
We get caught up in the grind and forget to enjoy life
We have to show that we are happy so that our children know that we enjoy life
It is critical that we let our kids know how we are feeling so that they know that we enjoy life
We need to be more emotive and expressive of positive emotions
Be more aware of things that are fun and that you enjoy doing and intentionally include more of those things in your life
Celebrate wins, successes, failures, life
Find a way to make the daily grind and the challenging things fun, which brings more fulfillment to life
You are going to be more successful if you're having fun doing it
"We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training"
"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation"
The level of our training will enable it for us to serve or make it so that we have to be served
You have to push your limits, that's how you create new levels
Every area of our lives can become better through quality training
What can you do everyday to train?
Focus on one of the these 5 areas: physical, spiritual, social, emotional/mental, financial
look at the pain points in your life
focus on something that will make the most difference in your life
study what successful people are doing to get those results
read a little from a great book everyday
The quality of your life will be determined by the condition of your health