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The Majesty of Calmness

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1:20 What can you do to choose joy and excitement?

3:14 There are times in our life when we have to take a second and breathe. We need to test the wind and make sure we are still going in the direction we want to be. From The Majesty of Calmness: " Calmness is one of the rarest qualities in human life."

3:35 What emotion do you feel most of the time? Stress? annoyed? What things in your life can you change to bring happiness, joy, or enthusiasm? Another quote from the Majesty of Calmness is " We are often the coward slaves to our environment." Sometimes it's simply the choice to be so. Calmness does not mean that you are empty of emotion, it means you have clarity, are the center of your mind, and are ready to meet challenges.

10:04 Are you reacting to what happens or are you deliberately choosing to direct your days? Are you letting the day happen to you? How can you more deliberately direct your days?

12:05 You have to set aside time for yourself. Getting things done that help and are the most important for you for self-growth. You have to be deliberate, time, though may it seem, is not infinite. Have a plan, and go into that time with energy and enthusiasm to get done what you planned.

19:25 Be more strategic about asking others for help! What can you do?

21:10 Do you need to say no more often? Remember to get your most important things done, sometimes things don't fit. Like the pigs at a trough principle. You have a pig pen and all the pigs you have are huddled around the trough. Every pig represents something that is taking time and energy into your life. Are all those pigs supposed to be there? Or are some pigs or activities better than bacon?

25:25 There are always mundane tasks to get done like housework. Help your kids be a part of it, throw on some music or an audiobook that will help you continue to learn or enjoy the work.

27:00 "The calm man is ever ready for the storm." Take a second to realize where you are going. Maybe you didn't get as far as you might have liked that week, but it is a success you are still going in the right direction. Slow progress is still progress. There are no such things as being stagnant, you are either progressing or declining.

29:05 What maybe should you (or are) working on that is leading you towards your dream? Are you making time for it? Another great book recommendation that teaches about this is Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.

37:00 Remember that you are unique and have a skill set, knowledge, and talents that can benefit people around you. ( Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colden). Then improving on what you have already, what is one thing you need to work on relentlessly that will guarantee your future success?

41:52 I think for many it is confidence. Don't wait for permission to become all that you can be. At some point, it's just a choice. Get out and do it!

44:55 "If you let the irritating outside influences get the better of you, you are confessing your inferiority to them by allowing them to dominate you. Study those elements one by one and they will ultimately melt into nothingness." Circumstances ' blow' on everyone, the difference is how you set your sail. ( "Tis the set of the Sail" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox")

46:52 Write down something that bothers you or a few. Then take the time to study them - why do they bother you? Are you really helping the problem by letting yourself get irritated? How would your best self handle the problem?

55:45 Remember to take a second and realize where you want to go. Make sure your sails are secure and heading in the right direction. It is possible to find peace in the storm, just make sure you're always moving progressively forward.