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Getting Things Done

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What do you need and want to get done?

If you spend all of your time doing what you need to do instead of what you want to do, life can become meaningless and not enjoyable
A major cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want in the moment
Prioritize what you want and need to get done
Check in with your big picture to make sure the things you are doing fit in or are leading to it
Do my short term accomplishments fit in with my long term accomplishments?
You have to make time for the things that you really want
You can learn the skills you need to be able to get things done more effectively to free up time, have more peace, rest and recovery and more time for what you want
You have to be able to see your situation clearly so that you know how to address it
Pay attention to what you are feeling and why
You must have some simple personal practices, morning routine, that settles you emotionally and mentally, i.e. meditation, prayer,etc
Address the "low hanging fruit" as you are creating your systems and routines
Simplify and get rid of the things in your life that don't matter
When you simplify your life, you have more control of your life
Say no to things that don't add value to your life
Set reminders, create a schedule and honor your schedule
Keep telling yourself it is worth it!