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ENERGY: Get Out of Survival Mode and Have X Times More Energy!!!

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4:30 Feeling unmotivated? We are guilty of forgetting what it was like to be the 'old' us. Creating energy and motivation is not saying you need to change your personality! We are guilty of forgetting our old selves! You don't have to be a loud and outgoing person to have the energy and motivated person! Find your inner energy!

12:34 Low energy is directly tied to motivation and to your reactions! Your reactions are going to be more tempered and more deliberate when you have higher energy levels! When you feel good and have good energy levels you do life VERY differently! Have you ever gotten to a place where you 'don't care that you don't care'? You have to try the right things for long enough!

18:20 Full engagement- mentally engaged, physically engaged, emotionally, and socially engaged with life! What would you do differently if you had 5-10 times more energy? When you have low-energy levels it is EXTREMELY difficult to think of the next level of energy.

25:04 It is NOT hard to live at the level of full engagement! It is easier!! You just need to KNOW what it takes! Survival mode is a real thing and is a GOOD thing but we are NOT supposed to live in survival mode! When you are leveling up oftentimes you hit a wall and fall back down to the lower energy level. Your brain memorizes your feelings!

31:35 Your body literally memorizes your feelings! You end up producing more of the same experiences in your life. Emotional stacking is when you just let everything pile up without actually addressing any of it! "You can't change destinations overnight but you can change direction overnight!" You can make that change RIGHT NOW!! You have to learn to think GREATER than you feel! We condemn ourselves to our current level.

41:48 Obsess about the things you want!! Too many of us don't think about what we want because we are afraid we will be disappointed! You have to make success your ONLY option! Success is your future BEST self! The way you think can be generational! What will you NOT pass on to your kids? This change is in your power, no matter where you came from! It is not willpower it is VISION and STRATEGIES! Where are you directing your energy? What we focus on we feel.

54:54 What are things you can do with MORE energy? Your beliefs and feelings are your boundaries! You can become more consistent with more energy! When you have more energy it doesn't take away the challenges of life, you just gain the tools to handle them efficiently. How bad do you really want it?? Marcus Aurelius - "Sometimes we believe the impediment IS IN the way but really the impediment IS the way."

1:09:40 Seeing the glimpses of an energetic life curse or blessing? You have to be able to feel and think past your current thinking! We are afraid that we will be disappointed but the reality is that what you end up achieving will be better, but there WILL be disappointments along the way! Where are you feeling your pain? It is a choice, are you letting it crush you or drive you?

1:17:40 Remind yourself how GOOD it feels to have energy! Do you have limiting beliefs? How can you reiterate the way you phrase things to take your power back? Where do you have energy leaks? You can prepare for the reoccurring energy drainers before it happens! Reframe it in your own mind and then help reframe it in your children's! Just make 1% difference to get to where you want to be!

1:27:30 You have to move your body to move your mind! Set alarms and when it goes off DO IT! How do you separate your feelings from what you RAS is filtering your perspective? You NEED to expose yourself to new truths. You might not see the truth around you at first! Vision boards train your brain to think and feel outside of your current reality. You CAN NOT draw from an empty well! You have to find yourself to bless the world!

1:43:15 The importance of a consistent morning routine! You can do a 'morning routine' at ANY point of the day! You need to drink water in the morning to flush the toxins out of your body! We live in a world that has toxins in it. So we NEED to be intentional about detoxing our bodies! Food is fuel! Your body is a vehicle and it is a luxury vehicle!! What fuel are you putting into your body? Sugar is inflammatory in your body! Decrease your sugar and increase your fat!