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Clarifying Your Vision For Your Life and Family

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0:45 Mongolian view on mothers!

2:55 Revisiting your family vision. It can be easy for us to drop our vision. Start getting a clear vision!

6:20 Design your life to fit your vision not the other way around!

8:05 What are the elements from your vision? Vision for right now and vision for the future!

11:50 The best way to help your kids pursue THEIR dreams is by pursuing your own! Your kids will not know how to actually accomplish their dreams if you do not model that for them!

19:00 Where is your vision? Is it now or for the next life?

20:30 Get clarity! Are your dreams and visions SPECIFIC?

22:40 The Twelve Week Year! Start acting TODAY! Your goals need to be so close that you work on it everyday!

27:30 Your life is created from dreams! You go from one dream on to the next!

33:10 Creating MORE peace. What do I need to do differently to get a different response?

39:57 Every time you level-up there is going to be some unknown and chaos but that is where you GROW!

44:10 When we don't schedule it it's not likely to happen! When you put it on the calendar you start MAKING it happen!

47:15 Examples of small and specific dreams and how we implement them!

55:50 Taking the fuzzy dream and grounding it! Taking daily steps is necessary!

1:00:10 Spend time thinking about this and get the specifics written down! Is what you're doing now helping you get your vision?