Caloroga Shark Media


July 29, 2022

So how DO Prince Harry and Meghan Markle make money?

Hey if you can get Netflix, Spotify and a book publisher to write you big checks, it's a nice living. Then there's the Diana money....and Meghan was on let's take a look at how Meghan and Harry make their …

Episode page
July 28, 2022

Prince Harry might be wrong about his need for security after all

So yeah you need security, but hiring some big burly guys isn't the way to go Harry. You know who has good security - the Royal Family living in the UK. Meanwhile, seems Meghan may have been uppity out at …

Episode page
July 27, 2022

Prince Harry might be right about his need for security after all

It seems there have been a few incidents at Harry and Meghan's home in California. The Queen has reportedly invited the Sussexes to summer at Balmoral. Will they take the chance? There is security there.

Episode page
July 26, 2022

Camila. Is she wonderful now or everything that's wrong with the Roya…

We take a break from Meghan to focus on Camila who recently turned 75. The PR machine was out as part of Project Rehab Her Image She Totally Didn't Have An Affair Being Diana's Back And Stuff.....but some wonder if …

Episode page
July 25, 2022

Wait, why does Prince Harry have a new accent?

Prince Harry has softened his Ts. He hasn't quite gone Valley Girl yet but California may be getting to him. Meanwhile, what are the Royals hiding in these Secret Wills?

Episode page
July 22, 2022

Kate Middleton and Price William are Coming To America! How Meghan Ma…

Kate and Wills will visit us in December. Well not us, but Boston! Meanwhile, Meghan Markle reportedly ticked off the Beckhams!

Episode page
July 21, 2022

Meghan was acting like she was a princess...BEFORE MEETING PRINCE HAR…

Oh what a fun week. We learn of Meghan's diva-ness. We wonder why Harry looks so miserable.... ...all this up against the brave tale of how Meghan handed someone some water because they were coughing.

Episode page
July 20, 2022

Prince Harry’s friends said he was ‘effiing nuts’ for dating Meghan M…

I guess Harry's old chums didn't enjoy Meghan too much. Meghan didn't like being compared to Kate! And Piers Morgan doesn't like comparing Harry to Nelson Mandela. It's a fun week!

Episode page
July 19, 2022

"This is the book Meghan (Markle) will be dreading." PLUS Prince Harr…

Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors is out this week and BOY IS IT JUICY "This is the book Meghan will be dreading." PLUS Harry gave a speech at the United Nations It is going to be …

Episode page
July 18, 2022


Hey you, I know you're listening to this podcast but Her Majesty said NO PHONES AT THE DINNER TABLE!!!! Also, she needs a new gardener.

Episode page
July 15, 2022

Queen Elizabeth's Dog Perfume, Her Majesty's Ketchup and other Royal …

Beer, ketchup, dog perfume...Her Majesty isn't afraid to sell you something to make a few pounds on the side.

Episode page
July 14, 2022

Queen Elizabeth never really Buckingham Palace anyway

Imagine how awful it must be to have to spend time in London in a palace when you'd rather be with your horses.

Episode page
July 13, 2022

Wait, is Prince Harry's book NOT coming out?

Hey you know that Prince Harry memoir everyone is worried about? It's not on the schedule. Maybe he's focused on his podcast.

Episode page
July 12, 2022

Kate Middleton, Prince William and Prince George's big old fun day at…

Kate looked fabulous, Wills may have dropped an F-bomb, George looked hot (in a 90 degrees out way) and whatever you do DON'T DROP THE TROPHY. The Royals hit Wimbledon!

Episode page
July 11, 2022

Do They Think That We Are Stupid? How the Royals use distraction

Wow this Prince Andrew thing is bad and Charles took a bag of cash and WOW LOOK AT WHAT HARRY DID and did you see Charles met Baby Lilibet?

Episode page
July 8, 2022

Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigns! Did Prince Harry blow him off …

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has resigned. What about that time Harry seemed to blow him off? Meanwhile, Harry's security lawsuit is getting interesting...

Episode page
July 7, 2022

Is Meghan Markle a bully who won't let Harry serve coffee?

A look inside Meghan Markle's alleged bullyism and why won't she let Harry serve the troops coffee?

Episode page
July 6, 2022

Is the Queen going batty? The Queen's job description has changed!

Her job criteria now simply “encompasses a range of parliamentary and diplomatic duties", and only requires her to receive visiting heads of state. Plus, the Queen likes bats

Episode page
July 5, 2022

Is Spotify mad at Meghan Markle?

Um, hey Meghan, you know all that juicy stuff you gave to Vogue? That would have made a good podcast....

Episode page
July 4, 2022

Meghan Markle "running for President would be a great episode for The…

Politicians in America are not happy that Meghan Markle has an opinion about abortion laws. Happy Independence Day from being ruled by a TV reality show!

Episode page
July 1, 2022

Is the Queen going out in public to distract you from finances and An…

Hey look it's Her Majesty! Great to see her out and about! Don't worry about how much the palace spent or what islands Andrew hung out on.

Episode page
June 30, 2022

Uh Oh why were Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at Oprah Winfrey's hous…

Harry and Meghan were spotted at Oprah's place. Could another TV special be coming? Some podcasters hope so!

Episode page
June 29, 2022

Did Queen Elizabeth attend Sir Paul McCartney's concert at Glastonbur…

A viral photo has some thinking Her Majesty attended Paul McCartney's concert? Do we really think a 96 year old monarch was soloing at a festival show? Meanwhile, William basically was yelling Get Off My Lawn.

Episode page
June 28, 2022

Prince Harry is Cursed! Cursed with charisma - PLUS why Meghan Markl…

Biographer Andrew Morton told the Pod Save the Queen podcast he believes Prince Harry is "cursed with charisma but hates being a prince"

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