Feb. 15, 2023

From Sneakerhead to Kennected CEO- Devin Johnson

From Sneakerhead to Kennected CEO- Devin Johnson

Thank you for checking out the Sales Made Easy podcast brought to you by Selling With Dignity.

In this episode, we speak with Devin Johnson, the CEO of Kennected. Devin tells his story about his youth and finding purpose in life despite some incredible challenges as a teenager. His father spent time in prison while his mother had to leave her job to care for her cancer-stricken daughter. That left Devin with the "opportunity" to learn how to earn an income, first with sneakers and then creating websites.

Devin shares some of his battles with the scarcity mindset and how he still works at the mindset of "abundance". He is a fan of Napoleon Hill and Gary Vaynerchuk and is setting the bar pretty high today with his successes mounting up.

We appreciate any 5-star reviews no matter where you listen in. Feel free to subscribe and share the podcast with all of your friends, family members and complete strangers. (We're trying to grow!!)

I'm your host Harry Spaight (sp8) and bring to you some 25+ years of sales and sales leadership experience in the hyper-competitive arena of office technology sales. I will be chatting with business owners and sales leaders that share their insights about growing their businesses and topics that will be of value. I will sprinkle in a little humor where we can fit it in because life is too short not to have a few laughs along the way.

Look for me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/harryspaight/ and you can download a few chapters of Selling With Dignity here: https://sellingwithdignity.com/the-book/