FeedSpot.com Meditation Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024: Meditation Life Skills Podcast is ranked in the top 10!
Jan. 10, 2022

Ultimate 528Hz Solfeggio Music For Transformation & Healing

Ultimate 528Hz Solfeggio Music For Transformation & Healing

528Hz Solfeggio Frequency | Reduces Cortisol & Stress | Brings Positive Transformation

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The Meditation Life Skills Podcast

What is so special about the 528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency?

A peer-reviewed double-blind study published by nerve cell researchers found 528 waves in music boosts human immunity 100% by enhancing antioxidant activity. 528 waves also protected the central nervous system of alcoholics by 20%.

Harvard-trained science scholar, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, 528 Hertz is a frequency that is central to the “musical mathematical matrix of creation.” He calls it the "love frequency” and claims that it resonates at the heart of everything and "connects one's heart and spiritual essence to the spiraling reality of heaven and earth".

Bono and U2, Jay-Z and Beyoncé have each returned instruments and voices to 528 to reduce aggression and promote, Everything is Love. The doctor's series of music videos titled Solfeggio Eclectica treats people of all ages in many therapeutic settings.



MeditationLifeSkillsPodcast.com strives to present meditation concepts that connect east and west, tradition and science in a non-sectarian way, from multiple traditions, without promoting any particular technique or method.

One important principle I try to accomplish is to take complex ideas about meditation and the not-so-well understood meditation principles and help you understand how they can fit into your life.

To your success in meditation!

Don Weyant

Don Weyant/Founder



NOTE: Listen to these meditation episodes as much as you want in a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. For best results, we strongly suggest listening with headphones.

***This work is not meant to replace medical or counseling guidance from a qualified practitioner. Please get professional care if you suffer from a physical or mental disease.