FeedSpot.com Meditation Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024: Meditation Life Skills Podcast is ranked in the top 10!
May 23, 2022

Guided Meditation: Quiet The Mind And Transform Your Stress

Guided Meditation: Quiet The Mind And Transform Your Stress

You may attain the highest level of relaxation by using this guided meditation to calm your mind and relax your body.

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The Meditation Life Skills Podcast

This guided meditation will assist you in quieting your mind and relaxing your body for total relaxation.

Beautiful and calming meditation music can help you breathe more easily, and visualizing your body can help you relax and relieve tense sensations, anxiety attack symptoms, learn how to not worry so much, and grasp how to manage stress on a deeper level.

Learning How To Calm Your Mind

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night thinking about everything you need to get done the next day? Do you often wonder where to begin because you have so much to do and so little time?

Everyone experiences similar emotions from time to time, but you may learn to quiet your thoughts. A peaceful mind is a more alert and proactive mind, and you may learn to love your life far more than you already do by learning to remove worrisome thoughts!

How to Find Inner Peace and Quiet Your Mind

When you have a mind that won't stop, it's difficult to attain inner calm. The faster your mind races, the more nervous and frustrated you may become, leading to unproductive days, weeks, and even months. You don't have to keep living this way. There are numerous methods for quieting the mind, and you can truly learn to live a more tranquil and peaceful existence.

If your mind starts racing at a million miles per hour and you're not sure where to go next, try pausing and repeating a positive statement. You will program your mind to work in a new and different way when you harness the power of positive self-talk.

Affirmations for Inner Peace to Calm and Quiet the Mind:

All of my anxieties and fears are fading, making place in my mind for silence and peace.

Every breath I take brings me relief.

All unnecessary thoughts have fled from my mind, allowing me to enjoy inner peace.

All of my anxieties and fears are fading, and I'm feeling calmer, more at ease, and more confident.

I am calm and relaxed in any situation.

Which thoughts I entertain and which I dismiss are entirely up to me.

My mind is becoming more relaxed, allowing me to get a nice night's sleep.

My thoughts have all disappeared from my mind, and I am drifting off to a peaceful and healthy slumber.

While I meditate, my mind becomes clear of all thoughts.

My mind is at ease when I meditate.

When circumstances appear to be out of control, use an affirmation like, "I trust my ability to relax." "I am at ease and at peace."

Although this may not be the case right now, if you repeat it enough times, you will begin to believe it. This will assist you in quieting your mind and changing your inner dialogue when you are tempted to succumb to the craziness around you.

good affirmations are vital because they allow you to silence the negative dialogue in your head and replace it with good ones. When you replace negative affirmations with peaceful affirmations, you alter your life one positive remark at a time.

If you have doubts that this method will work for you, give it a shot with an open heart and mind. It actually works! You'll feel more at ease and reap the benefits in every aspect of your life in no time.

Many of us believe there is nothing we can do about our hectic lives and deep unhappiness. This is not correct, I assure you! Positive affirmations can retrain your brain such that it only allows for positive thoughts.

You'll be astonished at how quickly a positive affirmation like "I trust that there is a plan for my life, even if it hasn't yet been revealed to me" can work for you.

If you feel like your life has gotten off track and you don't believe it's possible to live a tranquil existence, why not try a peaceful affirmation?

If you repeat affirmations to quiet your mind frequently enough, you'll soon begin to believe them, and a seemingly easy statement will become reality.



MeditationLifeSkillsPodcast.com strives to present meditation concepts that connect east and west, tradition and science in a non-sectarian way, from multiple traditions, without promoting any particular technique or method.

One important principle I try to accomplish is to take complex ideas about meditation and the not-so-well understood meditation principles and help you understand how they can fit into your life.

To your success in meditation!

Don Weyant

Don Weyant/Founder



NOTE: Listen to these meditation episodes as much as you want in a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. For best results, we strongly suggest listening with headphones.

***This work is not meant to replace medical or counseling guidance from a qualified practitioner. Please get professional care if you suffer from a physical or mental disease.