
Put your podcast's glowing reviews on display and build social proof

Automatically import and display your best reviews from Apple Podcasts and Podchaser on your website. Feature your favorite testimonials on your homepage and share them on social media to attract new listeners.

On-Site Reviews

Make it simple for listeners to leave you a review directly on your website.

Encourage listeners to leave reviews directly on your website as an alternative to using podcast players.

Easy Review Submission
Make it easy for your audience to leave reviews directly on your website, increasing engagement.
Centralized Feedback
Gather all your reviews in one place, providing a comprehensive view of listener feedback.
Build Trust
Showcase positive reviews on your site to build trust and attract new listeners.
Reviews from 175+ Countries

Import reviews from over 175 different countries

Automatically import and display reviews from Apple Podcasts listeners worldwide. Highlight your podcast's international appeal and build trust with a diverse audience.

Automatic imports
Reviews come in from over 175 countries on autopilot.
Show your global reach
Impress your listeners by showcasing reviews from across the world.
Rating URL

Boost your podcast ratings with a simple, memorable URL

Make it effortless for listeners to rate your show by sharing a single, easy-to-remember URL. Automatically direct them to the right platform or let them choose where to leave a review.

Memorable URL
Because no one can remember a 300 character link.
Automatic redirects
Push your audience to the right platforms to review automatically.
More reviews and ratings
Get higher credibility, podcast rankings, and community loyalty.