Aug. 29, 2020

Life Is Fleeting

Life Is Fleeting

Death is a part of life, there's no escaping the grave.  Make the most out of your life while you're here, we don't know how much time will be afford to us.  Khalia Wright the CEO/Founder of MessInABottle posted something earlier in the week about, keep sharing, someone will hear you-(I'm paraphrasing).  I received that message, but I didn't take a screenshot or repost it on my timeline.  A few days later, Amanda the Digital Marketing Manager for Marathon Sports and SoundRunner hit me up to write a piece on Increasing Diversity & Inclusion in Running I was happy to share a few thoughts on the matter.  I don't see many people of color running in CT and I'd like to change the complexion of running in the State.  It is in the best interest of running shoe manufactures and brands within the running/endurance community to see an increase in the color of the sport.   

You are making a difference, your life matters keep on showing up in the world, if someone you knows inspires you let them know, drop them a quick note.

If you're tired of a station that doesn't speak to your needs and you're interested in learning more about the BTW Podcast visit RUNUTAINMENT .  Oh yeah I haven't mentioned my Ko-fi page.  The launching of my Ko-fi page is me embracing my talents, this is me walking in my purpose, this is me taking the leap, acknowledging that what I'm doing is providing a valuable service for the audience, the guest and the sponsors.  BTW Podcast is a business.

I took the leap 4years ago to drive for Uber/Lyft Full-time, so I could have the flexibility to devote to building BTW Podcast.  Ko-fi is platform that will allow entrepreneurs/business owners to sponsor an episode PRE, MID or POST roll, it also allows you to buy me a cup of coffee.

Thanks for accompanying my on this ride.  Leave a voicemail to let us know how we’re doing and receive a shout out in a future episode.

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