I was WRONG about the best Podcast Host

More podcasts means more podcast hosting sites, each with different price points, services, terms and conditions. Instead of letting all the options overwhelm you, listen in as Travis explains what podcast hosting platforms provide and why Sounder.fm is a solid solution!

In this episode, Travis shares…
1. What a podcast hosting site is and why you’ll need one for your show
2. Different costs associated with podcast hosting and why free doesn’t always mean free.
3. Why you should consider switching to Sounder.fm

Memorable Quotes:
“Sounder.fm is a really easy host to use and it doesn’t hurt your eyes looking at a site that looks like it was built in 1995.”

Links to resources:
Sounder.fm - https://sounder.fm/
Anchor.fm - https://anchor.fm/
Spotify - https://www.spotify.com/us/
Apple Podcasts - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apple-podcasts/id525463029
PodcastBuddy - https://www.podcastbuddy.co/
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