July 20, 2020

How do I get Sponsored?

How do I get Sponsored?

#SPONSORSHIPS Want to see a LOSING strategy for getting sponsors?

I get 50 messages a day asking for sponsorships. Don't get me wrong, I WANT to sponsor podcasters. In fact, I will sponsor anyone who buys and uses Pod Decks (poddecks.com/poweredbypoddecks).

The picture below shows what this gentlemen (and most podcasters) send me. Please don't send anyone a message that looks like this.

There are 3 simple components that companies want in their ambassadors:

  1. Actual users/raving fans - How can you really share how cool the product is if you don't use it?
  2. Metrics - Can be as simple as 467 downloads per episode.
  3. Information about your audience - ex Our listeners are 20-44 Men who collect baseball hats.

Here's what he could have written to even get a response:

"Hello __________ (name is important, you did 8 seconds of research),

(RAVE + METRICS) I just wanted to let you know Pod Decks are crazy awesome, I had so much fun using them on my last episode. We usually get 467 downloads per episode but this week we hit 600! Just wanted to let you know they totally work and I want to share your message with everyone I know!

(AUDIENCE + ACTUAL USER) We're growing our audience really good and the next step in the process for us is trying to get sponsorships from products we love and use. Our audience is 20-44 year old men who collect baseball cards and we think that they would love Pod Decks.

(GOOD ASK) Do you currently run a sponsorship program? We'd love to put an ad or live in the beginning of each episode. We'd send you the download numbers for each episode it ran in if you like to see numbers too.

(RAVE) If not, still love your product. Maybe you have an affiliate program we could join? If so, send me a link to sign up because again, we love using Pod Decks.


John Smith

Baseball Hat Podcast

OK, so not only would I have responded, but he gave me a couple options of programs to get him into. He didn't just ask for FREE product (telling me how easy it is) or "Financial Contribution".

He gave me a reason or several to WANT to work with him.

I hope this helps. I know sponsorship is important to podcasters but I don't want my #POSSE members missing out on opportunities because of piss poor messages like this one.

With feeling,


You're only one episode away from your next download!