Jan. 25, 2021

🔴 3 things I learned after getting Covid-19

🔴 3 things I learned after getting Covid-19

Last week, Travis wasn’t feeling very well, so in order to protect his family, he decided to get a COVID test. He was shocked to get a positive result! He’s been incredibly cautious throughout this whole pandemic, barely leaving the house and practicing thorough social distancing and hygiene.

In this episode, Travis talks about what he learned from overcoming this obstacle, such as:

  • The importance of self-care, because without your health you have nothing else (yes, it’s cliche, but true!).
  • That it is probably possible to work yourself sick by over-exerting yourself, and as podcasters, we have a tendency to do this.
  • Asking for help is ok when you need it. Remember, it’s good to be able to delegate things to team members.
  • How it’s ok to take an occasional pause from your phone, email, social media, etc. When you are feeling overwhelmed, step back and let that momentum stop for a minute.

Memorable Quotes

“There's beauty in knowing when you need to ask for help”

“There’s momentum in everything”

“We have what we can do in our hands, alone”

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