Caloroga Shark Media


Nov. 19, 2020

The Crown: a look at the real Dickie Mountbatten

Spoilers for episode 1 of season 4 of The Crown. Was Dickie Mountbatten a father figure to both Phillip and Charles. And what really happened in Ireland during that thing in the episode?

Episode page
Nov. 18, 2020

Would Diana have gone back to Charles if he wanted her?

With Diana back in the news thanks to The Crown, what about the suggestion that Diana would have returned to Charles had he wanted her back. Tina Brown suggests, "“One thing she had finally done was really understand that Camilla …

Episode page
Nov. 17, 2020

Harry appeared on Strictly Come Dancing

How could Harry appearing on a dancing show be a controversy? What if it's on the BBC who are in the middle of their own controversy involving Harry's mom Diana. Meanwhile, Charles cautions everyone about Brexit.

Episode page
Nov. 16, 2020

The real story behind that (spoiler) scene in the Crown with Queen El…

Is Prince Harry going to try stand-up this week? Would he dare do so in front of Bruce Springsteen and Jon Stewart? If you're watching The Crown, there's one scene where Queen Elizabeth has a visitor - what's the real …

Episode page
Nov. 13, 2020

Did Charles tell Diana that he didn't love her - on the night before …

Prince Charles told Princess Diana he "didn't love her" the night before their royal wedding, according to a new documentary. Meanwhile, we all get ready for The Crown by doing a deep dive on Charles including his architecture snobbery.

Episode page
Nov. 12, 2020

Were Harry and Meghan Markle just doing a publicity stunt on Remembra…

On Remembrance Day, were Harry and Meghan just doing a publicity stunt complete with a photographer? Or, was a military veteran just remembering his comrades. Meanwhile, even the Royals can't jump the queue to get the first Covid vaccines.

Episode page
Nov. 11, 2020

Meghan Markle and Harry: bad for magazines but good for podcasts?

Is it true that putting Meghan Markle and Harry on magazine covers will no longer boost sales? American podcasts are seeing a different result. Meanwhile, reports are Wills just couldn't do it any more when it came to his brother.

Episode page
Nov. 10, 2020

Harry was sent a message for Remembrance Day

The Royal Family took part in Remembrance Day ceremonies, but declined to include a gesture by Harry. Meanwhile, Harry and Meghan Markle had their own ceremony in Los Angeles.

Episode page
Nov. 9, 2020

Why the new season of The Crown will come with a warning

The upcoming season of The Crown comes with a warning for viewers. An actual warning! Meanwhile, Harry and Meghan Markle are expected to remain being politically active.

Episode page
Nov. 6, 2020

Is Her Majesty planning a holiday summit for the family?

Will the Royal Family meet over the holidays to hug it out? Would Meghan Markle and Harry even attend? Meanwhile, what's Prince Philip been up to?

Episode page
Nov. 5, 2020

Why William and Kate might not have custody over their children!

The Royal Family has a lot of archaic rules, including one about who has custody over the royal heirs.

Episode page
Nov. 4, 2020

Did William not want us to ponder a future where Harry was the Regent?

One water cooler theory why William didn't reveal his COVID could have been to make sure we didn't play out scary scenarios where we lose Her Majesty, Charles and William...and with Wills' children to young...we could have had Harry as …

Episode page
Nov. 2, 2020

Could the Queen step down when she turns 95?

There is speculation that the Queen could step down when she turns 95. Meanwhile, could the Fab 4 get back together at a wedding?

Episode page
Oct. 30, 2020

Will the Queen cancel Christmas?

There are reports that Her Majesty may cancel Christmas...or at least stay home and not do the traditional public appearances. Buckingham Palace says it is too early to tell. A trial balloon perhaps? Meanwhile, George Clooney may not know Harry …

Episode page
Oct. 29, 2020

Would Harry have left the family anyway?

A theory that Meghan Markle or not....Harry was always destined to head off on his own. Meanwhile, as Harry and Meghan were possibly plotting to take over the world, those nice Cambridges were making cupcakes.

Episode page
Oct. 28, 2020

Kate Middleton Controversy: Protocol breaking Pantsuits!

Kate Middleton has been breaking protocol by wearing pantsuits! The Queen is not pleased! Meanwhile, William is peering into the window of a KFC!

Episode page
Oct. 27, 2020

Is Prince Harry becoming Americanized?

Royal Watchers are noticing some Americanisms creeping into Harry's language choices. Meanwhile, Royals have to cope with a ban on PDAs.

Episode page
Oct. 26, 2020

Is Prince Phillip done with Prince Harry?

Is 99 year old Prince Phillip just kind of done with The Big H? Meanwhile, Meghan Markle is in the middle of a makeover.

Episode page
Oct. 23, 2020

How would The Big H even know how diverse London is?

Prince Harry caught some guff about his opinions on how diverse London is. Which parts of London did Harry visit when he lived in the UK? Also some detective work on that story that Harry was going to visit Grandmother …

Episode page
Oct. 22, 2020

Queen: Meghan Markle cannot have whatever she wants

One of the more eye-catching quotes from Battle of Brothers is: "Meghan cannot have whatever she wants. She gets the tiara that she's given by me.” which is attributed to The Queen. Meanwhile, a look back to the early days …

Episode page
Oct. 21, 2020

Inside Club H: the party room of the brothers

A deeper dive into the Battle of Brothers suggests that this may all go back to teenage partying at Club H.

Episode page
Oct. 20, 2020

Did Meghan Markle borrow from The Social Dilemma?

Some feel that part of a recent speech by Meghan Markle seemed a little familiar. Meanwhile, Meghan and The Big H will host today's Time 100.

Episode page
Oct. 19, 2020

The Queen: Unmasked!

Her Majesty made an appearance and is catching guff for not wearing a mask. Meanwhile...all sorts of Meghan/Harry stuff as usual, and more from Battle of Brothers.

Episode page
Oct. 16, 2020

The plan to strip The Big H of his royal title!

Harry has a new nickname, and podcast copywriters love it! Meanwhile, an American lawmaker wants The Big H and Meghan Markle stripped of their royal titles!

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