
Dec. 24, 2019

05. How to identify your gift

In this short episode we talk about how to discover your greatest gift to yourself - your gift or what some call your talent. It’s remarkably easy and easy to do. Enjoy!
Dec. 16, 2019

04. How to improve yourself in three simple steps

The ability to look in the mirror and self reflect is the key to transforming your approach to next year. I explain a simple technique for reflecting and having a clear focus for 2020 which will help you have a success year
Dec. 5, 2019

03. How to be successful| Reflections on a conference with Barack Obama

Q - How is education important? My mother lived a life of purpose to help impoverished women through micro-financing Confidence that if you apply yourself you will succeed Q- You create an environment it was okay to fail Yes…
Nov. 27, 2019

02. How to finally get paid what you deserve

Today I would like to follow up on the previous epsiode where we started talking about expectations. Now remember! Expectations is about letting people know what you intend to give them and agreeing in advance. This allows b…
Nov. 19, 2019

01. Managing Expectations - Avoid failure and get it right 1st time

Many years ago I got a job as a Analyst in a some tech company. Looking back I still dont know how it happened but short of the story I was a bit too click happy with my mouse and just applied for all jobs with the word Anal…