The Art of Novel Writing: Insights from George Galdorisi. In this episode of the Admiral's Almanac, host Rear Admiral Garry Hall talks with George Galdarisi, a New York Times bestselling author, about the intricacies of f…
Episode 9 Saint Kolbe's Legacy Living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity: Understanding Devotion to Mary and the Inspiring Life of St. Maximilian Kolbe Join Rear Admiral Garry Hall and Fr. James Kelleher, the internationa…
The Essentials of Nonfiction Writing with George Galdarisi. Ever wondered how to turn your writing passion into a published book? 🚀 Join us on the Admiral's Almanac as author George Galdarisi shares secrets of nonfiction and…
🚀 Dive into faith with Episode 8 of "Living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity"! Join Rear Admiral Garry Hall and Father James Kelleher, as they explore spirituality, tackle listener questions, and journey with St. Maximi…
The Path to Sainthood: Exploring St. Maximilian Kolbe's Legacy Discover the inspiring journey of St. Maximilian Kolbe and his mission for a world dedicated to Christ! Tune in to our latest episode on #LivingInTheHeartOfTheTr…
Join Rear Admiral Garry Hall and Fr. James Kelleher in exploring the path to sainthood. Discover the inspiring stories of faith, like the miraculous conversion of Alphonse Radisbon & the life of St. Maximilian Kolbe. Listen …
Saints Among Us: Exploring the Life of St. Maximilian Kolbe. Understanding Original Sin and the Inspiring Life of St. Maximilian Kolbe In this episode of 'Living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity,' join host Father Jame…
Living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity: Episode 4 - John Paul II's Vision In this emotionally charged episode, Father James Kelleher and Rear Admiral Garry Hall honor the late Deacon John Perk by continuing his legacy…
Faith and Miracle: John Paul II and Marian Devotion - Episode 3 Legacy of Faith: Understanding Mary & St. John Paul II In this episode of 'Living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity,' host Fr. James Kelleher and co-host R…
Living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity #2 🚨 New Episode Alert! 🚨 We're honored to bring you the second episode of "Living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity" on The Admiral's Almanac! Join Father James Kelleher, the…
Living in the Heart of the Most Holy Trinity #1. Based on the success of the Admiral's Almanac podcast episodes with Father James Kelleher, we were asked to host a show on the Catholic Radio Network. We air each Friday at 11…
Naval Helicopter Association 2024: Be Ready! In this episode of the Admiral's Almanac, join Rear Admiral Gary Hall as he navigates the lively and inspiring Navy Helicopter Association (NHA) 2024 Convention held in Funner, Ca…
Learn, Write, Publish with NYT's Best Selling Author George Galdorisi, Lesson 2. Leaders need to write. You need to write. Building on Lesson 1 on how to write and get published George goes in to greater depth on the Lesson …
A Message to Garcia reflects on the importance of diligence, loyalty, and the ability to take initiative in the workplace, as well as challenges faced by employers in finding reliable employees.
Move the Ball Forward. Suit Up & Show Up. Jennifer A Garrett, superstar Army JAG Officer, Leadership Coach and Podcaster hosted me on her podcast. It was a powerful and enjoyable conversation so I decided to share it here on…
Learn, Write, Publish with NYT's Best Selling Author George Galdorisi, Lesson 1. George is a NYT's best selling Author of fiction and nonfiction. In this 6 episode series he will teach us his process on writing and getting p…
Navigating Faith and Leadership. The Catholic Military Life podcast hosted by Taylor Henry had me on the show to discuss my new book, Navigating Leadership: Making a PACT with Excellence, and my faith journey. I share with …
The day after Thanksgiving, I had breakfast with Father Jim Kelleher, The Rosary Priest. The time with Father Jim was so powerful that I said we needed to capture his conversation in a Podcast. This is a perfect conversation…
I am kicking off a series of episodes on how to write and get published along with NYTs best selling author George Galdorisi. In this episode we lay the groundwork for the nex 6 episodes on how to write and get published. I …
In this episode The Admiral's Almanac starts off with a new style intro and the announcement of The Admiral's Almanac Writers Series. Sitting down with frequent guest and New York Times best selling author George Galdorisi, …
I sit down with New York Times' best selling author George Galdorisi as we continue to explore how writing fiction novels can be usefull in developing national security intelegence. This process has a long history, but it is…
In this podcast, we interview Sanford Ehrlich, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus and former Qualcomm Director of the Lavin Entrepreneurship Center in the Fowler College of Business at San Diego State University. His research and te…
I had the opportunity to sit down with Devin Johnson, the CEO of a tech company dedicated to people before profits. Devin overcame many challenges in his life to become the leader and successful businessman he i…
Join us on this episode of "The Admiral's Almanac" podcast, as host Rear Admiral Garry Hall sits down with guest Cheryl Seminara, PhD, to discuss how she's changing the culture of leadership one leader at a time. As a mentor…