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Fun interviews!
Julie‘s podcast style is fun and energetic. She also has a way of interviewing that brings out the best in people, even in live on-the-go recordings. Thank you Julie for bringing it with great content that’s engaging and informative!

Julie inspires and teaches in each episode. Be sure to take a listen as she helps us all to Stay on Course!

What an entertaining series!
Listening to Julie is a joy! She’s inspiring, funny, intelligent and a talented speaker. Give yourself a gift and listen to Mama Jules!

All episodes
This is now my new favorite podcast. I will definitely be listening everyday. Consistency is key like Julie says. If you don’t change anything nothing changes. I’m going to start by changing up my routine and making this a part of it. I look forward to hearing what’s next!!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Julie Riga-Shining Light
Julie’s approach in this podcast is remarkable. This is not your average day podcast. She’s a coach, a best-selling author, and just seems to serve others and provides a depth of knowledge for all along with her guests. Highly recommend this to everyone!

Recipes for a successful life
Julie taps into the wisdom of many to equip her listeners with recipes for a life of success and fulfillment. She asks each of her guests for their success ingredients - easy take aways for listeners to remember and apply immediately.

A girl, her love for her father, and great tips for success
It's so endearing when we find a show that is so focused on purpose and passion. The trailer episode alone had me near tears, relating to one girl's love for her father, the lessons she learned from him, and the purpose with which she's leading her life. Julie Riga has a soothing voice, has a great perspective, and shows in her trailer, and her first episode that she truly cares about the audience, and the quality of her content. I will definitely listen to future shows.

Lovin it, Excited for more!
Her voice is like butter!! I look forward to following this podcast as it grows with each new episode.

This is how we Stay On Course
Fantastic host, riveting information and great stories. Julie Riga is keeping me on course! Must listen.

FANTASTIC! I can't wait for more.
Julie Riga is such an incredible communicator. I love her voice, her mission, and that she is bringing the story of her father into the mainframe. Awesome!