Feb. 1, 2024

Calling Creators with The Cre8tive Con Team

Calling Creators with The Cre8tive Con Team

In this episode of Sales Made Easy, we're hanging out with Julie Lokun, the mastermind behind Creative Con, Dominick Domasky and Tom Langan, the creative powerhouses who are all about pursuing dreams.

Dom, Julie, and Tom bring some serious energy and passion to the table as they chat about all things creative, collaborative, and business growth. They dish out the deets on the pillars of Creative Con: publishing, podcasting, promotions, public speaking, and production, firing up all you creative souls to take that first step and keep on keepin' on.

Julie Lokun, the storytelling visionary of Creative Con, knows the power of a good story and emphasizes diving into all aspects of business and storytelling. Want to dive deeper into her world of creativity and entrepreneurship? Connect with her on LinkedIn!

Tom Langan, the relentless dream chaser and Dominick want you to take that first step, keep moving, and to heck with comparing yourself to others. Wanna get in on the action? Connect with them on LinkedIn and hit the road on your own creative entrepreneurship journey.


Calling Creators__ Come Join the Cre8tiveCon Hosts on this Live podcast__

[00:00:00] Harry: We are live, ladies and gentlemen. What a crew! Welcome to the Sales Made Easy podcast special edition. We are going live with some great folks for Creative Con. Hopefully everyone is able to put some comments in the comment section and we're happy to have you. But with me, I have Tom Langan, Dominick Domasky, and last but not least, Julie Lokun.

[00:00:25] Harry: So welcome, guys. I want to ask, what is this story with Creative Con? How did it all begin? Can we start

[00:00:34] Dominick: there? Let's do it. I think Julie, I think, had a vision and started telling people. So, Julie, why don't you go ahead? When I was a little

[00:00:43] Julie: girl, I always wanted to be on stage. So this has been 50 years in the making.

[00:00:47] Julie: I'm just kidding. It really started a few years ago when I recognize the power of getting on stages. I recognize the power of publishing a book, getting on podcasts, and getting [00:01:00] true organic PR and also production, learning the whole production aspect along the way. And I had an event planned right before COVID.

[00:01:09] Julie: I believe it was May 2020. Boom. We all know what happened. And then all of a sudden, these fine gentlemen came into my lives and it made sense why it was, it was scheduled for a different date. So that's basically the onus, the power of the peas.

[00:01:27] Harry: Yeah, so this is really good. But what was the. What made it happen for you, Julie, where you said, I'm now at this point in my life, was there some light bulb that went off?

[00:01:38] Harry: Or were you reading something? Were you watching somebody? They said, I need to do that. Or did it, was it over like years and years? Thinking about it

[00:01:47] Julie: now. Tom and Dom know me fairly well. Now it popped into my head and I said, I'm going to do it. So then I met the right people. An amazing team. Surround yourself with an amazing team like Dom and Tom and Heidi [00:02:00] and make sure that you have those anchors of the same amazingness with guests and speakers.

[00:02:06] Julie: It's going to happen. There's no way out of it. So honestly, there's no huge story behind it, but just that popped in my head one day.

[00:02:13] Harry: Yeah. I I'd say that popping in the head is a huge story, but if you want to disagree with me, that's okay. Because I think that is the way it all works is that we get this incredible thing that happens and then we go from there.

[00:02:26] Harry: And I love how you just said, I decided to do it. So bring us to how. The three of you came together. All right, you want to go with that?

[00:02:36] Dominick: I'll go and I can give Julie a little more credit as well. And so when this, I, she starts talking about this idea and having known Julie for a year or so, she started, we need to get together.

[00:02:48] Dominick: We need to do an event. We need to have more people here. We need to make it exciting. We need to have stages. We need to have presenters. We need to have, uh, Workshops. And so, well, [00:03:00] that's a great idea, Julie. We need a location. And so I, I, I'm, I was all in, I, I never knew this, but I too had an event right before the pandemic that I was scheduling and we were scheduling it out and all of a sudden the pandemic didn't stop coming and we stopped planning because of that pandemic.

[00:03:20] Dominick: So I said, yeah, Julie, we need a location. We need a location. But Julie's in, uh. Publishing and production and publicist world. And I'm a publisher of books and me and Tom do a show together called Not the Smartest Guys in the Room. And we've been friends. So, and Tom's in production, Emmy nominated Tom over there.

[00:03:42] Dominick: We like to say that anytime we can, but. Now it's three of us start talking and we got connected through Clubhouse and, and we come from different, uh, what would you call that, uh, genres or something. And then all of a sudden we're like, well, if we did this all together, because we each [00:04:00] believe like we believe in video, we believe in publishing.

[00:04:04] Dominick: We believe, well, I. Although I'm a publisher of books, I believe, well, you got to get your story out there. And each of the three of us do something different. So I guess that takes us to Tom, Harry. And it does.

[00:04:16] Harry: And we'll leave Richard out of this. So Emmy nominated Tom, what's your thought on all of this?

[00:04:22] Tom: Yeah, I mean, I just, uh, I'm super excited for the event and I'm really happy to be teamed up with Julie and Dom and our other partner, Heidi, to put this event together, uh, to really help support creative entrepreneurs, right? Because I think at our core, that's what all of us are, right? Uh, Julie, Dom, myself and Heidi, we're all creative entrepreneurs.

[00:04:44] Tom: We're all, you know, Um, you know, sort of bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, um, and, uh, want to further creative work. Um, and we live in, in a, in a culture that consistently devalues creative work. Um, it's [00:05:00] something I come across all the time, uh, in, in my work. I'm sure it's, you know, I know it's something that Dom has come across in his work and, and I'm, and, and same for Julie.

[00:05:08] Tom: I mean, everybody in the field kind of battles against the fact that Creative work is consistently looked at as a hobby and not a profession. Um, and I think it's time that we change that. I think creative kind of a good, uh, first step in that direction to help give people who share that creative entrepreneurial spirit with us opportunities to not only be inspired, but then also to take action through learning, um, Um, practicable tips that they can use.

[00:05:37] Tom: Um, in, in as soon as they leave creative con, uh, in their, in their businesses, uh, to further their pursuits. Right. So that's, that's why I'm excited because I really do think it's a step in the right direction towards shifting the way people think about creative work from, oh, that's a nice hobby to. Oh, that's a profession.

[00:05:57] Tom: That's a craft. That's a skill set. That's something [00:06:00] we should respect, uh, and and hold dear because, um, you kind of, you can't, you can't have it both ways, right? Culture, like our society kind of wants to have it both ways. We love the arts. We consume the arts at a, at a faster rate than any other sort of consumable in our culture.

[00:06:16] Tom: Right? Um, but, We also tend to devalue them and you kind of can't have it both ways if you're going to consume them at the rate that we consume them, you have to value them equally as high. And that's what I think Creative Con is going to help start changing.

[00:06:30] Harry: Oh, so good. So when you guys got together, did you did it all just come together or did you say let's have a meeting?

[00:06:37] Harry: I've got an idea. Curious as to how the collaboration began. Well,

[00:06:42] Julie: Harry, this is a very good question. We came together, we meet every single week for hours upon hours, just going over all the details, making sure everything is streamlined. So our guests, the participants are going to feel like it is so immersive.

[00:06:57] Julie: And I don't think there's any other conference [00:07:00] out there like this, which gives you the experts. It gives you the hands on experience with workshops, and it also gives you an incredible chance to network and grow your brand and business. I just have never seen anything like this out there and this is only the first iteration.

[00:07:14] Julie: It is the activation event. So I can't, I mean, I'm already thinking to 2025.

[00:07:20] Harry: Yeah, beautiful. Dom, thoughts?

[00:07:22] Dominick: Well, I just want to get across to everybody how important it is to let, let's say whatever your, whatever business in, whatever storytelling you're in, how important it is to be part of each of these pillars.

[00:07:36] Dominick: So why I'm so passionate about it is I am a publisher of books. I help people publish books. I love the written word. But then I see, uh, billions of people on Facebook, billions of people on TikTok. So if I have an author that can't articulate their message via video or via these other forms of social media, is their [00:08:00] story going to be heard?

[00:08:01] Dominick: If they want to be, uh, guest on a podcast, but they're afraid to, um, they don't like the way their voice sounds. Or if, if they're, they make videos and they, they think, well, I don't need to learn how to write better. Well, how are you going to do your script descriptions? How are you going to explain your, the podcast, your videos?

[00:08:21] Dominick: So I just think it's so important that we really dig into each of these. Pillars so that you that people can really be the most successful they can be and elevate their story their voice and

[00:08:32] Julie: Harry You both you see that dragon. Let's give a big shout out to JC Dornick. He says he wants to join the party He's here watching us live right now.

[00:08:40] Julie: He's the

[00:08:41] Dominick: emcee of our

[00:08:41] Julie: party Yes, he's he is going to be leading the party. You better get ready for the party

[00:08:45] Harry: JC It's going to be amazing All right, so the energy is good. I love what Tom was talking about earlier is about the creative types of people are often viewed as a little bit different. [00:09:00] I used to be very similar.

[00:09:01] Harry: Um, never realizing that I too had creative capability within me. And I think this is a challenge that many have is because they sell themselves short of this whole idea that they can be a creator. Tom, what's your thought on that?

[00:09:18] Tom: I mean, I absolutely agree, Harry. I think there's a lot of people that that never get started pursuing their creative dreams because, um, they're sort of systematically discouraged from it. Right. Um, and and I've always kind of thought of, um, my career path, um, as as in my career. What I do. Um, in production as more of a craft than anything else.

[00:09:43] Tom: And what I mean by that is I, I think of it as a craft or a trade, um, in the same way that I would think of like carpentry as a craft or a trade. Right? Um, and that it's a, it's a skill that takes a long time to develop, but you have to invest a lot of effort into develop. [00:10:00] Um, but over time you get better at it right through sort of consistent application.

[00:10:05] Tom: You get better at it. Right. And you can absolutely, um, earn a living, earn a good living, um, with a trade or a craft, just as well as you can earn a good living with a profession, right? So you can be a tradesman, you can be a craft person and earn a good living and be successful, find success, right?

[00:10:28] Tom: Whatever that is for you, whether that's financial freedom, Or, uh, freedom, you know, time freedom or whatever, whatever it is for you that you consider to be success, satisfaction in a job, right? All of those things are important, but you can find that in a, in a creative field. It's no different than deciding to go to.

[00:10:48] Tom: Um, you know, to become, uh, a carpenter or start your apprenticeship, uh, with a plumber or an electrician than it is to to go into production and and start working, uh, with [00:11:00] a with a producer as an assistant, um, or to go into or to start writing, uh, you know, your 1st, your 1st short story or. Um, any or to get on a stage and speak for the first time, right?

[00:11:11] Tom: It's it all requires consistent effort over time. Um, and that's one of the things that I think, you know, that that we're really pushing to encourage people to do is, is the only way to get started is to take that first step. And I think creative con is a good first step for a lot of folks who are looking to get started.

[00:11:30] Tom: And it could be a good 2nd and 3rd and 4th and 5th step for folks who've Gotten started, but been discouraged, right? So that's what we're trying to do is create a runway for people to continue moving forward, um, so that their entrepreneurial dreams in, in the creative field can take off. Yeah. So

[00:11:49] Harry: good.

[00:11:50] Harry: Julie, why do you think people talk themselves out of this about the idea that they can create and be special and make a difference? It's

[00:11:59] Julie: [00:12:00] scary, Harry. It's

[00:12:01] Harry: scary, Harry. Scary, Harry.

[00:12:03] Julie: It's scary. People have a fear of success. People have a fear of failure. People have a fear of judgment, imposter syndrome.

[00:12:12] Julie: There's always excuses, always excuses. And we do not make excuses here. Whatever your brand, whatever you're building, there are so many ways in so many outlets to do things. And it is scary. Everything we fear, Harry, is on the other side of fear. It's scary. Everything we're dreaming of is on the other side of fear.

[00:12:31] Julie: And that's but it's scary. It's scary to be noticed. It's scary to be recognized. It's scary to have other people believe in yourself when you're in the same bubble of being comfortable.

[00:12:42] Harry: It's just scary. Yeah. I mean, I think of myself. I mean, we do compare ourselves. I know we shouldn't compare ourselves, but I still, I mean, I was, I grew up in sports.

[00:12:55] Harry: I mean, we had grades, all kinds of things in life taught us that we need to compare [00:13:00] ourselves to some degree. Yeah. And so we compare ourselves to others. We compare ourselves to people who are really, really, really good at things at times. So, instead of doing that, what's a better thing that, Dom, that you might suggest?

[00:13:13] Harry: Instead of comparing, uh, myself to Zig Ziglar or somebody who is comparing themselves to the Michelangelo or somebody, what would you suggest that they do?

[00:13:24] Dominick: Love the question. And, um, I want everybody to think like, I'm so caught up in this idea that there's 8 billion people on the planet right now. And I think if, if I try to be any of those other 8 billion people, I will fail miserably.

[00:13:40] Dominick: But if I am this Dominic Domaski with this horse voice that roots for the Steelers, that, uh, does that whatever weird things I do, I can do pretty good at it. But if I try to be Harry, if I try to be Tom, if I try to be anybody else, I will fail miserably. So I want people to be uniquely themselves, relentlessly themselves.[00:14:00]

[00:14:00] Dominick: Just don't worry. Don't compare yourself. And I want to jump back to something you were asking. Um, Tom and Julie, that there's this thought you compare and you look at all these other people and you wonder why, why are we doubting ourselves? And the answer I want to give you is anybody that told you that you couldn't do it, you couldn't write a book, you couldn't share your story, your story didn't matter, you couldn't get up on stage, whether it was a boyfriend in high school, ex husband, somebody at some corporate job you had, they were wrong.

[00:14:34] Dominick: They were absolutely wrong. You have what it takes. And so I just like to let everybody know that it is not too late. If you want to take the first step tomorrow or steps one through five, like Tom said, you can do it, take those steps and it is not too late. So that that's what I have for you, Harry. Thank you.

[00:14:50] Dominick: Yeah,

[00:14:51] Harry: great. The thing that comes to mind with what you just said, Tom, is people sometimes will look for this is [00:15:00] not happening fast enough. And I think of all of these musicians that are overnight successes. Um, I can't think of any, so that gives you an idea. A guy like Chris Stapleton, who has this incredible voice.

[00:15:14] Harry: I mean, if it's like 10 or 12 years of this guy singing, you know, writing and you know, then he becomes more popular, like 2015 and he's on fire. No one's talking about the years and years of anguish sometimes people go through to get where they are today. So I think even me, I mean, I don't know if you guys have ever experienced this.

[00:15:41] Harry: This isn't happening fast enough. So Tom, what's your thought on that? It looks like you're in deep thought there.

[00:15:48] Tom: Yeah. I mean, you know, I, I think you're a hundred percent right here. I mean, I talk about that all the time that there is no such thing as an overnight success, right? What you're missing. Are the 10 20 years of work that went in [00:16:00] before that person sort of achieved the high level of success that they're now being recognized for, right?

[00:16:05] Tom: Um, so perfect example in the music industry, right? You know, we think people, these sensations come out of nowhere. And then you find out they've been gigging for 20 years before they happen to be in the right place at the right time for the right opportunity to arise. And they had and they had the courage because of all that time that they put in.

[00:16:23] Tom: Yeah. They had the courage to kind of step into that opportunity and take advantage of it. Right? Um, so I think, yeah, I agree. It's something that a lot of people miss that you have to. You have to put in the work over time. There is there are no shortcuts. There is no overnight success. Um, there are no five steps to achieving all of your goals and dreams in the world.

[00:16:45] Tom: Um, it takes many more steps than five over a long period of time, consistently moving forward to accomplish just about anything. Right. So, um, I think it's incredibly important that you people are encouraged to continue moving forward [00:17:00] when we compare ourselves to other people, like you mentioned Zig Ziglar, right?

[00:17:04] Tom: Like, you know, anybody who's who's kind of achieved at the highest level in your field, whatever your field is, right? If you compare yourself to them, you're being incredibly unfair to yourself, right? Because you're taking your, your, your position, your experience, right? And comparing it to somebody who's probably miles down the road from where you are right now, right?

[00:17:27] Tom: Somebody who's got years of a head start on you, right? Somebody who may have had opportunities that you've never had in your life. So you're being incredibly unfair to yourself when you make those comparisons, when you draw those lines, so don't compare yourself to somebody who's all, you know, who's miles ahead of you down the road.

[00:17:46] Tom: Look for other people that are that are in a similar position on the path to you if you really want to draw comparisons. But at the end of the day, I think you have to look inward and whether or not you're fulfilled and finding success and what you're doing is really more of a question for [00:18:00] yourself and not so much of a question.

[00:18:02] Tom: Um, For external validation, you know, through comparison to other people, right? So, so I think, you know, be fair to yourself and remember that when you look at somebody who's achieved highly in your field, right? Like, if you're a, if you're a country music musician and you're comparing yourself to Chris Stapleton, and you've only been playing for, you know, gigging for two years, like.

[00:18:24] Tom: Bear that in mind, like grade yourself on a little bit of a curve, right? If you were in, if Chris Stapleton had only been doing it for two years, do you think you guys would be close to each other? Right? Like grade yourself on a curve, give yourself a little bit of grace and time to accomplish your goals.

[00:18:40] Tom: Stop rushing yourself, right? Be fair.

[00:18:43] Harry: So good. It's great stuff, Tom. All right. So let's talk about. Okay. Thank you. Who this big conference, this creative con is for Julie, talk to me. Who is, who is your ideal attendee? If you will.

[00:18:59] Julie: It's someone [00:19:00] who's looking for growth for networking connections, a creative entrepreneur, if you've written a book, if you're thinking about writing a book, if you want to launch a podcast or you have a podcast that you want to grow.

[00:19:11] Julie: This is a place for you if you want to learn production how to look pretty on videos or handsome on videos How to get the lighting right how to get publicity for your brand. It's all about going back to your brand Building a brand through creativity that will get you seen and make lasting impact. So if that's you come meet us, we are going to have so much fun.

[00:19:32] Julie: Introvert extrovert. It's going to be fun. It's going to be a place where you will leave. You'll leave on Sunday night a different person than when you entered and it will be a better way of leaving. And I am just excited about the connections. I think we're going to all leave one big family and we're going to be saying I can't quit you because we're going to, we're.

[00:19:53] Julie: It's about support too, and supporting our visions. And that's really what the four of us are all

[00:19:58] Harry: about. [00:20:00] Yeah. Beautiful. The, the lay, I mean, you, you went over so many things where people can find something that interests them, whether it be podcasting, blogging, the production, making ourselves look beautiful on camera, better lighting, which I need right now.

[00:20:16] Harry: What, how does this look? Right, because that's a lot. Is it like, just 1 person after another speaking or what's happening?

[00:20:24] Tom: Yeah, that's a great question, Harry. Right? So obviously, you know, there's, we've listed out a lot of sort of lofty goals for creative con. Right? Um, so, so I guess we, we have to explain how it works. Right? So here it is in a nutshell. Very, very broken down and simplistic. Um, essentially what we're going to do is, is creative con is sort of broken into sort of Two, uh, two facets during the day with networking in between and an evening.

[00:20:51] Tom: So sort of in the in the morning, the plan is that we will have speakers on stage. That's where we'll deliver the inspiration that we're promising. Right? So we'll have speakers from a [00:21:00] variety of fields. delivering inspiration, whether it be, uh, podcasting, publishing, production, promotions, public speaking, right?

[00:21:09] Tom: So we'll have folks up on stage delivering inspiration. And then in the afternoon, um, we'll break down into workshops that people can register for in advance. We'll break into workshops and give you, um, I'm going to use Julian Dom's favorite word, uh, that I like to throw out. We're going to give you practicable tips in those workshops.

[00:21:28] Tom: We're going to give you tools.

[00:21:30] Julie: That's the second time

[00:21:30] Tom: you've used that today. I know. I know. I know. I saw your face the first time. That's why I had to use it again. So this is a made up word. It's not really a word, right? Not a made up word. It's practically a dictionary. It's in the dictionary. Look it up.

[00:21:42] Tom: It's not a made up word. It's a real word. Um, but, but the goal is that you're going to come in the morning and get inspired to take action. And then in the afternoon, we're going to give you the tools you need to follow through on that inspiration, right? And in an intermixed among [00:22:00] those two kind of, uh, those, those two buckets.

[00:22:03] Tom: that we're going to fill for you are opportunities to connect with and network with other creative entrepreneurs. Um, because your strength really as an entrepreneur is in your network, right? Um, is in the relationships that you build. Those will ultimately determine the success of your business there. I think they even play a bigger role in.

[00:22:26] Tom: Uh, the success of your business, um, or your, or your pursuit or your passion, um, then the idea or the concept itself, right? You can have an amazing idea, but if you don't have the network to support it and the ability to bring it to life. It just founders on the vine, right? So, so that's what we want to do is we want to serve up inspiration in the morning and then give you the tools you need in the afternoon to put that inspiration to work.

[00:22:51] Tom: So when you leave creative con after, after we finished the day on Sunday, starting Monday morning, you'll be able to take further steps in pursuing [00:23:00] your dreams as a creative entrepreneur. I see

[00:23:02] Julie: a lot of clubhouse people on Facebook. What's

[00:23:09] Harry: up clubhouse people. Hey, this is what Julie looks like. This is what Julie looks like.

[00:23:15] Harry: Oh, geez. Not just a microphone. No. All right. So I've got to throw out the, uh, the skeptic question. Sometimes these conferences, not that I've ever been to any, bring me in, promise the world. I get tiny little pieces of stuff that say, I need to spend a whole lot more money with these same people. Um. And it's just, uh, it catches me off guard where I walk away with like, did I really get anything out of that?

[00:23:44] Harry: So is this, it sounds like this is a lot different. Like it sounds like

[00:23:49] Dominick: a real value. I got to answer this first. There will be, there will be no pitches, no pitches or anything like that. So you're not going to get funneled [00:24:00] into a room and then another room. And then another room where like, what do they call that?

[00:24:03] Dominick: When you buy one of those, uh, uh, like. Vacation places that you can never get out of it is not like timeshare. Yeah No offense to the timeshare owners. Yeah, sorry. Sorry. We're not we're not doing that here So really we brought in is about 30 some speakers that we believed in People that we're friends with people that have the same kind of energy people that want to help other people So we all we joke around sometimes that we're going to be behind a velvet rope when we're there But it is not going to be that the speakers And the people keynote and people on the panels people hosting workshops.

[00:24:40] Dominick: They're going to be In the crowd with you, they're going to be sitting beside you. So when you're, when we talk about networking, sure, you're going to have the opportunity to network with the person sitting beside you, but you're also going to have the chance to network with the people on the stages too.

[00:24:54] Dominick: And there isn't a catch when you go up to them and ask them a question, rather than the kind of people [00:25:00] that want to answer those questions and are like, they are energized by helping other people. So how's that Harry?

[00:25:08] Harry: Yeah, it's great. I mean, what you said right off the bat that there is no pitching. I mean, it's not just this a huge advertisement.

[00:25:14] Harry: You're flying out. We're going to Chicago and it's just one big advertisement to what's behind door number three. No. So yeah, so we don't

[00:25:22] Julie: even have a door number three. We barely have a door number two,

[00:25:25] Harry: but when we have a door, Nick,

[00:25:27] Julie: we have a door in it. Wow. That was good. We have a J. C. Dornick. It's

[00:25:31] Harry: just working on my humor here a little bit.

[00:25:34] Harry: All right. So what does, What does post creative con look like for attendees? You guys have touched on it, but is there, what, what's the vision for people who come out? They're all juiced up. It's like, yeah, you're on your own. Go have fun. Do what we said. So what's your thought, Julie?

[00:25:54] Julie: My thought is that we won't quit each other.

[00:25:57] Julie: We're building not only a place to learn and [00:26:00] grow, but a community and we're going to have. I haven't talked to the guys yet, but it's okay. They always say yes to me. Um, we're going to have a reunion a month after, and we're all going to just check in with each other. It is going to be a community where we support each other.

[00:26:15] Julie: And let's say we all want to support Tom on his book launch. Like let's all help him. Let's all follow him. Let's support the podcast, or we're going to all listen. We're going to all rate and review. We're going to support each other in building our brands as creative entrepreneurs. It doesn't end here.

[00:26:29] Julie: We're going to have another Live Creative Con 2025. We're not sure where the venue will be. This is where, you know, we'll have to take a step back and think about it, but it's going to be amazing. And you'll be, you won't get enough of us. You're going to leave and you're going to say, I wish this was a week long.

[00:26:46] Julie: I wish this was a week long.

[00:26:48] Harry: Yeah, I can totally attest to this. Just hanging out with you three. I know my game has been sharpened. The saw has been sharpened just by joining up in the [00:27:00] meetups, periodically seeing you on Clubhouse, podcasting together, having conversations. It's like you are making people's lives better by helping, you know, share what you know, and there's just tons and tons of love that's coming from you guys.

[00:27:17] Harry: So people who want to be around good people, I highly suggest you get around these people and the rest that are in the creative con family. It's great stuff. And can you see final? Yeah. Talk to me. Oh, so. Okay. We are going to

[00:27:29] Julie: repeat that. I just want to make sure we shout out Phil Hill because he's been here the whole time.

[00:27:33] Julie: He said that the virtual event, Creative Con event was amazing and he cannot wait to meet Harry in person and the Chicago event will be amazing. So he's coming to us. And he's just so supportive and wonderful. Shout out to Phil Hill.

[00:27:47] Harry: Awesome. Thank you, Phil. Any final thoughts there, uh, Don? I have

[00:27:52] Dominick: one that needs to be addressed.

[00:27:54] Dominick: Sure. Very important. One, we thank you, Harry. But I don't think we said that Harry [00:28:00] Spate is going to be taking the stage. At CreativeCon. He's going to be closing us out, actually. for everybody that our dear friend, Harry, that always brings the energy and brings the passion. He's going to be closing the show and he's going to be all over the place.

[00:28:13] Dominick: So we really appreciate you, Harry. And, uh, I know you're going to bring it right. You're going to bring your,

[00:28:20] Harry: I will be all over the place. You said it, man. That's, that's me. I'm the

[00:28:24] Julie: only one that has had the pleasure of meeting Harry in person. I don't think Tom's met him, but Harry is like the most genuine.

[00:28:32] Julie: Dynamic, like, boisterous, fun guy and he loves paper cups. Cheers.

[00:28:37] Harry: Yes, I do love paper cups. Yeah. So thank you for that, Tom. I'm really looking, uh, Dom, I'm really looking forward to, uh, sharing what I know and, uh, providing value for the people in attendance. And I will put my heart and soul into that for sure.

[00:28:51] Dominick: And can I just, for any, I mentioned that the, the group, the 30 speakers are energetic. They are people like Harry [00:29:00] Spade. So if you want to know the kind of people we're bringing in the calendar, yeah, they're, they're just good people. How's that?

[00:29:08] Harry: Yeah, and you need to, I mean, so you need to go to the Creative Con website and you'll get a nice, you know, preview of what's going to be happening there.

[00:29:19] Harry: Is that a good spot to send people, Julie? Sure. She says that's, that's the obvious one, Harry. Dom, uh, Tom. I have a statement, uh, a special place for saying the obvious at times. Tom, what's your final thoughts here?

[00:29:33] Tom: Yeah, you know, I think we have sort of some pillars that we talk about on the website. You mentioned creative con dot com just so everyone knows it's C.

[00:29:42] Tom: R. E. The number eight T. I. B. E. C. O. N. Dot com, right? Creative con dot com. You can learn more about the event there You can go ahead and click the link and get your tickets there Um so that we can all see you in february at the metropolis performing arts center outside of chicago Um, but you know, we talk [00:30:00] about the pillars we that we're focusing on for creative comm we talk about publishing.

[00:30:04] Tom: We talk about podcasting Um, we talk about promotions and public speaking. We talk about production Um, but I think there's kind of an unwritten uh Pillar that that we don't talk about enough in in the creative world, and that's collaboration, right? And I think what we're doing here today is a great example of that, right?

[00:30:25] Tom: You know Harry's invited it to come to creative con as a speaker. He believes in the event so much That he then turned around and said, Hey, I want to do a live with you guys, and I want to bring this to my community and make sure they know what's going on so that they can also benefit from this event that I believe in.

[00:30:45] Tom: Um, it's that kind of collaboration that makes creative entrepreneurship possible. And that's the sort of the under the unwritten thing that we're really trying to foster at creative con is this idea that collaboration [00:31:00] beats competition. All day every day. Um, and so when when Julie talks about how we're going to support each other as a community, that's 100 percent true because of that spirit of collaboration, um, that's fostered by by folks like you, Harry and the other folks that are going to be a part of this event.

[00:31:19] Tom: So please, please, if you want to be a part of that community, if you want to be supported buy and collaborate with other like minded creative professionals, then go to creativecom. com and get yourself a ticket today. Come to Chicago and I promise you, you will leave with inspiration and tools to further your creative dreams and the network in the community you need to take those dreams and bring them to life.

[00:31:49] Tom: So, uh, so yeah, that's, that's my final thought. Go to creative con got creative con. com. Get yourself the tickets and we'll see you in Chicago.

[00:31:57] Harry: Great. Great. You know, [00:32:00] every year I kind of look ahead into the year and say, what amazing people am I going to meet this year? Have you guys ever do that? But it's like you look back and over the past several years and say, wow, I didn't know that person.

[00:32:14] Harry: I know they're a big part of my life. Some of my best friends I have never met. So I am really looking forward because you guys came in my life relatively recently and I know I'm going to meet more amazing people there and I'm going to say somewhere in the year. I'm like, yeah, I never even knew this person, like one of my best friends now.

[00:32:36] Harry: So, uh, either that says a lot that I have no friends or it says, but you get the idea, so I really, really am looking forward to this and seeing you guys and seeing the love of the people and just the inspiration you're inspiring to me, and I know I'm just going to do my best to spread it to other people.

[00:32:55] Harry: And, uh, people who are thinking about going. These are [00:33:00] going to be some of the people you have not met before that can change your life. So that's my final two cents on that. It's been a blast. Looking forward to seeing you guys. And, uh, thanks for joining me on the sales made easy special edition,

[00:33:15] thank you for listening to Sales Made Easy. If you found value in our conversations, please subscribe and leave a review. Our goal is to provide practical strategies for growing your business while staying true to your values. Remember, six. Success in sales is about serving your clients. Serve first and the selling will follow.

[00:33:38] We'll be back soon with more insights and inspiration. Until then, keep serving and providing value to others. Good things will happen.