April 15, 2024

RESPOND - Step Four of the Interface Response System - Episode 10

RESPOND - Step Four of the Interface Response System - Episode 10

Observe the three words. Interface - Response - System? Steps one through three have been acknowledging the Interface between you and the things you come across in life.  Now armed and aware of your unconscious and automatic response system we...

Observe the three words. Interface - Response - System? Steps one through three have been acknowledging the Interface between you and the things you come across in life.  Now armed and aware of your unconscious and automatic response system we are ready to receive an upgrade to your new, improved one that better suits your goals and dreams. Your old system had its perks and got you to this place. However, it was often inefficient and glitchy in terms of forward progress towards bigger and better things. Now, let's look at creating a more efficient and rational response. Enjoy


Thank you to our sponsors
Makes Sense Academyhttps://www.riseupwithdragon.com/makes-sense-academy 


Connect With Dr. JC Doornick-  https://zez.am/makessense
- Website: https://www.riseupwithdragon


(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:01:25) Response - ABILITY - Steven Covey
(00:2:45) Who decides what a Healthy Response is?
(00:3:58) If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there.
(00:6:02) Collective Illusion - Todd Rose
(00:8:48) The Madella Affect
(00:11:16) The Reality Threshold
(00:15:57) The Makes Sense Academy.
(00:18:25) More or Less
(00:19:37) Design Thinking - Herbert A Simon
(00:22:00) What does it take to reprogram our response system?
(00:26:31) Habit Formation
(00:25:41) The four stages of conscious transformation
(00:27:50) Emotional Resiliance
(00:29:18) Accountability and Support
(00:34:45) Look Out for Flow Burglars
(00:35:57) The Science of FLOW